引用本文: | 努尔曼·阿不拉, 阿依古丽·铁木儿, 比丽克孜·托合提,
米日班·热依木, 热夏提·喀迪尔.不同品种授粉对西梅‘法兰西'坐果及果实品质的影响[J].广西植物,2016,36(12):1453-1459.[点击复制] |
ABULA Nuerman, TIEMUER Ayiguli, TUOHETI Bilikezi,
REYIMU Miriban, KADIER Rexiati.Effects of different varieties pollinating on fruit setting and fruit quality of Prunus domestica ‘France'[J].Guihaia,2016,36(12):1453-1459.[点击复制] |
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不同品种授粉对西梅‘法兰西'坐果及果实品质的影响 |
努尔曼·阿不拉1, 阿依古丽·铁木儿1, 比丽克孜·托合提2,
米日班·热依木2, 热夏提·喀迪尔2
1. 新疆林业科学院, 乌鲁木齐 830000;2. 伽师县林业局, 新疆 伽师 844300
摘要: |
为选择西梅(‘法兰西')适宜授粉品种,该研究以‘法兰西'西梅品种为母本,‘斯泰勒'和‘女神'等2个授粉品种为父本进行人工授粉,研究不同品种授粉对‘法兰西'西梅坐果率和果实品质的影响,并利用主成分分析对不同授粉品种进行了综合评价。结果表明:不同授粉品种对‘法兰西'坐果率具有一定的提高作用,其中‘女神'授粉‘法兰西'品种的坐果率最高; 果实的果仁纵径、果核纵径、单核重、单果重、果实纵径、果实横径、含水量、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C含量,不同授粉品种之间差异较大,果仁横径、单仁重、单核重、果柄、离核、果皮颜色、风味、可溶性固形物、硬度、总酸差异较小。通过主成分分析提取出了5个主成分,其累计方差贡献率达到90.694%,可以解释绝大部的原始信息。主成分分析得出不同授粉品种果实品质评价方法表达式为F=6.088F1+3.964F2+2.406F3+1.666F4+1.294F5。通过该模型计算出不同授粉品种综合得分,并排序。不同授粉品种综合得分为-1.263~1.260之间,综合得分排序为‘女神'>‘斯泰勒'>自然授粉。综合比较发现在实际生产中,推广‘女神'来作授粉树效果较好。该研究结果为西梅(‘法兰西')授粉树优化配置果实品质提升提供了依据。 |
关键词: ‘法兰西', 果实品质, 授粉, 坐果率, 主成分分析, 综合评价 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201606005 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2016)12-1453-07 |
基金项目:中央财政林业科技推广示范项目 [Supported by the Central Government Forestry Science and Technology Promotion Fund Demonstration Projects]。 |
Effects of different varieties pollinating on fruit setting and fruit quality of Prunus domestica ‘France' |
ABULA Nuerman1, TIEMUER Ayiguli1, TUOHETI Bilikezi2,
REYIMU Miriban2, KADIER Rexiati2
1. Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences, Urumqi 830000, China;2. Jiashi County Forestry Bureau, Jiashi 844300, Xinjiang, China
1. Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences, Urumqi 830000, China; 2. Jiashi County Forestry Bureau, Jiashi 844300, Xinjiang, China
Abstract: |
We studied the effects of different varieties pollinating on fruit setting and fruit quality of Prunus domestica cv. France, using P. domestica ‘France' as female parent, ‘Stanley' and ‘Empress' as maleparents, and made an overall evaluation according to principle components. Among them, ‘France' has a brittle fruit, sweet flavor characteristics welcomed by consumers. But because the ‘France' varieties of fruit smaller, would produce a certain gap between the yield and fruit quality aspects of the current market demand, restricting the rapid development of industry prunes. Therefore, a clear prunes pollination characteristics, production rational selection and configuration prunes pollinated varieties is an important measure to improve the yield and quality. The results showed that different varieties pollinating had a certain role in improving fruit setting rate of P. domestica ‘France', in which, fruit setting rate of Empress was higher than that of others. There were significant differences on main economic characters of fruit such as vertical wrap of nuts, vertical wrap of stone, stone weight, vertical wrap of fruit, diameter of fruit, water content, soluble sugar, soluble protein, Vitamin C. However, there was no obvious difference on the diameter of nuts, nuts weight, stone weight, stalk of fruit, separation stone, skin color, flavor, soluble solids, hardness, total acid. Five principal components whose total cumulative contribution reached 90.694% were extracted by principal component analysis, and the formula of quality evaluation of pollination varieties was as follow: F=6.088F1 + 3.964F2 + 2.406F3 + 1.666F4 + 1.294F5. Comprehensive scores of different pollinated varieties could be caculated and sorted with this model. They were between -1.263 to 1.260, from high to low, the arranging order of the comprehensive scores of the different pollination varieties were assessed by the comprehensive evaluation function: ‘Empress' > ‘Stanley' > ‘Natural' pollination. Empress pollination is better through comprehensive comparison. This experiment provides a reference for quality improvement optimize the allocation of pollination tree of P. domestica ‘France'. |
Key words: P. domestica ‘France', fruit quality, pollination, fruit setting rate, principal component analysis, comprehensive evaluation |