引用本文: | 曾永跃, 唐国荣, 韦杰权, 韦承坤, 韦善清,
黄 敏, 宋 红, 阮春芳, 江立庚.机插秧水稻物质生产与养分积累特性研究[J].广西植物,2018,38(4):521-528.[点击复制] |
ZENG Yongyue, TANG Guorong, WEI Jiequan, WEI Chengkun, WEI Shanqing,
HUANG Min, SONG Hong, RUAN Chunfang, JIANG Ligeng.Dry matter and nutrient accumulation characteristics of machine-transplanting rice[J].Guihaia,2018,38(4):521-528.[点击复制] |
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机插秧水稻物质生产与养分积累特性研究 |
曾永跃1, 唐国荣2,5, 韦杰权3, 韦承坤3, 韦善清2,
黄 敏4, 宋 红1, 阮春芳3, 江立庚2*
1. 南宁市农机化技术推广服务站, 南宁 530004;2. 广西大学 作物栽培学与耕作学重点实验室, 南宁 530004;3. 武鸣区农机化技术
推广服务站, 广西 武鸣 530100;4. 湖南农业大学 南方粮油作物协同创新中心, 长沙 410128;5. 玉林市农业科学院, 广西 玉林 537000
摘要: |
为明确机插水稻的物质生产与养分积累特性,该研究以早季和晚季水稻常规品种(珍桂矮和新香粘)为材料进行大田试验,设置机插秧(行距30 cm × 株距12 cm)、手插秧(行距30 cm × 株距12 cm)、手抛秧(27.75万蔸·hm-2)三种栽培方式。在水稻抽穗期测定各处理叶面积指数,在分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期分别测定各处理干物质积累量,氮、磷、钾养分积累量及成熟期稻谷产量。结果表明:在同一单位面积栽植密度条件下,早晚两季、机插秧水稻在抽穗期的叶面积指数与手插秧水稻、手抛秧水稻间并无显著差异,机插秧水稻成熟期干物质,氮、磷、钾养分积累量等方面与手插秧、手抛秧水稻无显著差异,但其前期积累的干物质及养分积累量较少,后期积累量较大。早晚两季机插秧水稻、手插秧水稻和手抛秧水稻的产量分别是7.73、7.62、6.70 t·hm-2和5.91、5.97、5.90 t·hm-2,都未表现出显著差异。这表明机插秧水稻的产量潜力、干物质和养分积累潜力与手插秧、手抛秧水稻的差异较小,但其物质积累过程与手插秧、手抛秧水稻存在明显差异。 |
关键词: 水稻, 机插秧, 物质积累, 养分积累, 产量 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201704032 |
分类号:Q945, S511 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2018)04-0521-08 |
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系广西创新团队(水稻)项目(NYCYTXGXXTD-01); 南宁市农业机械化技术推广服务站资助项目 [Supported by the National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System of China, Guangxi Innovation Team(Rice)(NYCYTXGXXTD-01); Nanning Agricultural Mechanization Technology Extension Service Station Funds]。 |
Dry matter and nutrient accumulation characteristics of machine-transplanting rice |
ZENG Yongyue1, TANG Guorong2,5, WEI Jiequan3, WEI Chengkun3, WEI Shanqing2,
HUANG Min4, SONG Hong1, RUAN Chunfang3, JIANG Ligeng2*
1. Agricultural Machinery Extending Stations of Nanning, Nanning 530004, China;2. Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Farming, Guangxi
University, Nanning 530004, China;3. Agricultural Machinery Extending Stations of Wuming, Wuming 530004, Guangxi, China;4. Collaborative Innovation Center of Grain and Oil Crops in South China, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128,
China;5. Academy of Agricutural Sciences of Yulin, Yulin 537000, Guangxi, China
1. Agricultural Machinery Extending Stations of Nanning, Nanning 530004, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Farming, Guangxi
University, Nanning 530004, China; 3. Agricultural Machinery Extending Stations of Wuming, Wuming 530004, Guangxi, China;
4. Collaborative Innovation Center of Grain and Oil Crops in South China, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128,
China; 5. Academy of Agricutural Sciences of Yulin, Yulin 537000, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
Field experiments about conventional rice varieties(Zhenguiai and Xinxiangzhan)in Wuming District of Nanning City were conducted in early and late seasons of 2014 to find out the dry matter and nutrient accumulation characteristics of machine-transplanting rice. Three different cultivation modes, i.e. machine-transplanting and hand-planting rice with spacing 30 cm × 12 cm, and hand-throwing rice with 277 500 per hectare, three replicates. Each hole controls 3-4 seedlings. We measured leaf area index at heading stage, the dry matter, nutrient accumulation of tillering, elongation, heading, maturation stages and grain yield maturation stage. The results were as follows: Under the same unit area planting density condition, the leaf area index at heading stage and dry matter, N, P and K nutrient accumulations and grain yields at maturation stages of machine-transplanting rice in both two seasons had no significant differences with hand-planting rice and hand-throwing rice. However, machine-transplanting rice indicated less dry matter and nutrient accumulation during earlier period, but greater during later period. Yeild of machine-transplanting rice, hand-planting rice, hand-throwing rice were 7.73, 7.62, 6.70 t·hm-2 in early season and 5.91, 5.97, 5.90 t·hm-2 in late season, but all showed no significant difference. The conclusions showed that machine-transplanting rice indicated no obvious differences on dry matter, nutrient accumulation, and yield potential with hand-planting rice and hand-throwing rice, but obvious differences on dry matter and nutrient accumulation process. |
Key words: rice, machine-transplanting, dry matter accumulation, nutrient accumulation, yield |