引用本文: | 钟 坤, 张 丹, 刘许辉, 莫皓蓝, 何雪丹,
李家文, 蒋明健, 陈 伟, 孙玉勇.九个甘蔗新品种在桂林地区的适应性观察和评价[J].广西植物,2018,38(8):1050-1055.[点击复制] |
ZHONG Kun, ZHANG Dan, LIU Xuhui, MO Haolan, HE Xuedan,
LI Jiawen, JIANG Mingjian, CHEN Wei, SUN Yuyong.Adaptability observation and evaluation of nine new sugarcane cultivars in Guilin[J].Guihaia,2018,38(8):1050-1055.[点击复制] |
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九个甘蔗新品种在桂林地区的适应性观察和评价 |
钟 坤, 张 丹, 刘许辉, 莫皓蓝, 何雪丹,
李家文, 蒋明健, 陈 伟, 孙玉勇*
广西农业科学院 桂北分院/桂林市农业科学院, 广西 桂林 541006
摘要: |
为探讨甘蔗新品种在桂林地区的适应性表现,该研究以ROC22为对照,采用大区互比法,对国家甘蔗产业技术体系的9个甘蔗品种进行1年新植2年宿根的区域试验,观察记录出苗率、分蘖率、株高、产量和糖分等14个性状表现,并利用DTOPSIS法进行综合评价。结果表明:桂糖29号、桂糖31号、云蔗03-194、粤糖60号、福农38号和粤糖55号的综合性状表现优于对照ROC22,其中桂糖29号宿根性好、蔗茎产量和产糖量较高,但病虫害有不同程度的发生,田间栽培需加强病虫害防控; 桂糖31号有效茎多、蔗糖分高,建议加强肥水管理,提高产量; 云蔗03-194出苗率较高,出苗整齐,有效茎数较多,宿根性好,但枯心苗和黑穗病发病程度较其他品种严重,建议加强苗期病虫管理,保障成茎率; 粤糖60号蔗糖产量较高、抗倒伏能力强,但新植出苗率较低,建议加大下种量; 福农38号蔗糖分较高、抗病性较好,是优异的抗病材料; 粤糖55号宿根性较好。上述筛选出的6个甘蔗品种宿根性好、抗逆性强、高产高糖,适宜在桂林地区进行扩大种植,用于指导当地的甘蔗示范推广。 |
关键词: 甘蔗, 评价, 蔗糖产量 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201707019 |
分类号:Q949.9 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2018)08-1050-06 |
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项项目(CARS-20-6-9); 广西农业科学院科技发展基金(2015YH22); 桂林市科学研究与技术开发计划项目(20150111-1)[Supported by the Earmarked Fund for China Agriculture Research System(CARS-20-6-9); Scientific and Technological Development Fund from Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Science(2015YH22); Guilin Scientific Research and Technological Development Plan(20150111-1)]。 |
Adaptability observation and evaluation of nine new sugarcane cultivars in Guilin |
ZHONG Kun, ZHANG Dan, LIU Xuhui, MO Haolan, HE Xuedan,
LI Jiawen, JIANG Mingjian, CHEN Wei, SUN Yuyong*
Northern Guangxi Branch of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Guilin Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Northern Guangxi Branch of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Guilin Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
To explore the adaptability of new sugarcane, those cultivars with better adaptability and performance were screened for further demonstration in Guilin. Nine new sugarcane varieties of demonstration experimental station were evaluated for 1-year plant crop and 2-year ratoon crop, test materials and controls adjacent to each other with ROC22 as control. The germination rate, tillering rate, plant height, yield and sugar content of fourteen traits were observed and recorded, and comprehensively evaluated by DTOPSIS method. The results showed that Guitang 29, Guitang 31, Yunzhe 03-194, Yuntang 60, Funong 38 and Yuetang 55 were superior to ROC22 in aspect of comprehensive agronomic traits and yield traits, Guitang 29 had higher shooting cane, sugar yield and yield rate, except for pests occur, suggestions on strengthening pest control in the field; Guitang 31 had more effective stalks and high sucrose content, suggestions on strengthening the management of fat and water to increase yield rate; Yunzhe 03-194 had high germination rate, tidy seedling, more effective stalks, higher shooting cane, but its dead heart seedlings and smut incidence were rarely serious than those of other cultivars, suggestions on strengthening the management of disease and insect pests in the field; Yuntang 60 had higher sugar yield and strong lodging resistance, except for lower new plant rate, suggestion on increasing seedling quantity; Funong 38 had high sucrose content and good disease resistance, and could be used as an excellent disease resistant material; Yuntang 55 had higher shooting cane. Therefore, the six sugarcane cultivars above should be further extented and demonstrated in Guilin. |
Key words: sugarcane, evaluation, sugar yield |