引用本文: | 侯文娟, 罗文姬, 韦 洁, 胡厚臻, 王凌晖, 滕维超.尾巨桉DH3229幼苗对硝普钠-酸铝互作的响应[J].广西植物,2019,39(4):437-445.[点击复制] |
HOU Wenjuan, LUO Wenji, WEI Jie, HU Houzhen, WANG Linghui, TENG Weichao.Response of Eucalyptus DH3229 seedlings to SNP-acid aluminum nitrate interactions[J].Guihaia,2019,39(4):437-445.[点击复制] |
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尾巨桉DH3229幼苗对硝普钠-酸铝互作的响应 |
侯文娟1,2, 罗文姬1, 韦 洁3, 胡厚臻1,4, 王凌晖1, 滕维超1*
1. 广西大学 林学院, 南宁 530004;2. 河南省卫辉市自然资源局, 河南 卫辉 453100;3. 广西南宁市
大王滩水库管理处, 南宁 530218;4. 南宁职业技术学院, 南宁530008
摘要: |
该研究以广西林业科学研究院提供的尾巨桉DH3229幼苗为材料,以分析纯AlCl3·6H2O为铝(Al)的供体,以硝普钠(SNP)为一氧化氮(NO)的供体,设置3个SNP浓度(0、10、500 μmol·L-1)和2个Al水平(0、5 mmol·L-1),每5 d浇一次含不同浓度Al和SNP的营养液,持续20周,分析Al胁迫对幼苗生长生理特性的影响,并探讨不同浓度外源SNP施加对植物Al毒害有无缓解作用及其缓解机理。结果表明:Al施加能显著降低尾巨桉DH3229幼苗的生物量、叶片叶绿素a、总叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b值和可溶性糖含量; Al胁迫显著增加幼苗相对电导率、MDA、SOD、游离脯氨酸含量。外源施加适量(10 μmol·L-1)的SNP能使Al胁迫下桉树幼苗根和叶等生物量、叶片叶绿素含量以及Chl a/b显著提高,同时降低其相对电导率、MDA含量和游离脯氨酸含量。可见,SNP具有双重性,适量SNP施加可有效缓解Al对桉树生长的胁迫,高浓度(500 μmol·L-1)SNP则产生硝化胁迫从而抑制桉树的生长 |
关键词: 速生桉, 铝毒害, 一氧化氮, 缓解, 氧化胁迫 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201802016 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2019)04-0437-09 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31800530); 广西自然科学基金(2018GXNSFBA281009); 广西壮族自治区林业厅科技项目(桂林科研(2015)第25 号)[Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(31800530); Guangxi Natural Science Foundation(2018GXNSFBA281009); Guangxi Forestry Department Science and Technology Program([2015]25)]。 |
Response of Eucalyptus DH3229 seedlings to SNP-acid aluminum nitrate interactions |
HOU Wenjuan1,2, LUO Wenji1, WEI Jie3, HU Houzhen1,4, WANG Linghui1, TENG Weichao1*
1. College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;2. Henan Weihui Natural Resources Bureau,
Weihui 453100, Henan, China;3. Dawangtan Beach Reservoir Management, Nanning 530218, China;4. Nanning College for Vocational Technology, Nanning 530008, China
1. College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China; 2. Henan Weihui Natural Resources Bureau,
Weihui 453100, Henan, China; 3. Dawangtan Beach Reservoir Management, Nanning 530218, China;
4. Nanning College for Vocational Technology, Nanning 530008, China
Abstract: |
With Eucalyptus urophylla 215; E. grandis DH3229 seedlings as test material, a experiment was conducted to study nitric oxide(NO)alleviate the toxic effects of Aluminum(Al). In this experiment, E. urophylla 215; E. grandis DH3229 were subjected to six treatments [two levels of Al stress and three levels of sodium nitroprusside(SNP)]. In this paper, we measured four plant growth indexs(root biomass, stem biomass, leaf biomass, and root stem ratio)and nine plant physiologic indexs(chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a+b, chlorophyll a/b, MDA content, relative electrical conductivity, free proline content, soluble sugar content, and SOD content)among different treatments. We used one-way ANOVAs and Duncan multiple-range test to exam the differences between four plant growth indexs and nine plant physiologic indexs in six treatments. And then, we used principle conponent analysis(PCA)to reduce the number of dimensions without much loss of information based on similarities and differences, and we defined a limited number of “principal components” that describe independent variation structures in the data. At last, we chose an appropriate SNP content to alleviate the toxic effects of Al. The results showed that Al stress significantly inhibited root, stem, leaf biomass of seedlings, and the content of leaf chlorophyll a, chlorophyll a+b. Meanwhile, Al stress significantly increased the relative electrical conductivity, MDA, SOD and proline content. The application of 10 μmol·L-1 SNP increased siginificantly root and leaf biomass, the content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a/b under Al stress; and decreased siginificantly the relative electrical conductivity, MDA and proline content. Apply an appropriate amount of SNP could effectively alleviate the toxic effects of Al on Eucalyptus seedling growth. However, high concentration of SNP could inhibit the growth of Eucalyptus seedling. |
Key words: Eucalyptus, aluminum toxicity, nitric oxide, relieve, oxidative stress |