引用本文: | 潘介春, 龙蔷宇, 丁 峰, 徐石兰, 黄 幸,
黄思婕, 杨亚涵, 李 峰, 张树伟.台湾早熟蜜桃优良芽变新种质‘五月红'的鉴定[J].广西植物,2019,39(10):1334-1341.[点击复制] |
PAN Jiechun, LONG Qiangyu, DING Feng, XU Shilan, HUANG Xing,
HUANG Sijie, YANG Yahan, LI Feng, ZHANG Shuwei.Identification of a new bud sport germplasm ‘May Red' from Taiwan precocious peach[J].Guihaia,2019,39(10):1334-1341.[点击复制] |
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台湾早熟蜜桃优良芽变新种质‘五月红'的鉴定 |
潘介春1, 龙蔷宇1, 丁 峰2*, 徐石兰1, 黄 幸1,
黄思婕1, 杨亚涵1, 李 峰1, 张树伟2
1. 广西大学 农学院, 南宁 530004;2. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院 园艺研究所, 南宁 530007
摘要: |
桃是我国重要的果树种类,分布十分广泛,在水果生产中排第四位,但适合南方栽培的品种却稀少。该研究通过资源调查在广西大学标本园内的一棵台湾早熟蜜桃大枝上发现一个芽变新种质,命名为‘五月红',并进一步对其主要生物学特性、植物学性状以及果实经济性状等进行观测分析,同时还通过SRAP分子标记检测与母株台湾早熟蜜桃的差异性。结果表明:‘五月红'芽变新种质成熟期比台湾早熟蜜桃提前20 d左右,5月上中旬成熟,果变大,核变小,可食率提高,且颜色均匀,可溶性固形物含量显著提高,保持了台湾早熟蜜桃需冷量低、品质优良和风味极佳的优点,属于特早熟优质种质资源; 通过琼脂糖电泳检测SRAP扩增组合引物me9/em5在‘五月红'DNA样品中能够扩增到1 200 bp大小的特异性条带,表明‘五月红'在DNA遗传水平上与母株台湾早熟蜜桃发生了变异,属于新的特早熟种质资源。‘五月红'芽变新种质的发现将为选育适合南方栽培的特早熟桃品种提供重要材料,有助于优化不同熟期品种的栽培结构,进而促进南方桃种植产业经济效益的提高。 |
关键词: 桃, 芽变, 早熟, 种质资源, 育种 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201808034 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2019)10-1334-08 |
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项资金项目(AA17204026)[Supported by Guangxi Major Program of Science and Technology(Guike AA17204026)] 。 |
Identification of a new bud sport germplasm ‘May Red' from Taiwan precocious peach |
PAN Jiechun1, LONG Qiangyu1, DING Feng2*, XU Shilan1, HUANG Xing1,
HUANG Sijie1, YANG Yahan1, LI Feng1, ZHANG Shuwei2
1. College of Agriculture Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;2. Horticultural Research Institute,
Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China
1. College of Agriculture Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China; 2. Horticultural Research Institute,
Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China
Abstract: |
Peach is an important fruit tree species in China, which is widely distributed and ranks the fourth in fruit production. However, there are few varieties suitable for southern cultivation. Through resource surveys in specimen garden of Guangxi University, a new bud sport germplasm was found on a branch of Taiwan precocious peach tree, named ‘May Red'. Its main biological characteristics, botanical traits, fruit economic traits and so on were observed and analyzed. At the same time, SRAP molecular markers were used to detect the differences between ‘May Red' and Taiwan precocious peach. The results showed that the maturity of ‘May Red' was about 20 d earlier than that of Taiwan precocious peach, matured in mid-May with large fruit, smaller nucleus and higher edible rate. Moreover, the color was uniform, the soluble solids content was significantly increased, and it maintained the advantages of low cold requirement, excellent qua-lity and excellent flavor of Taiwan precocious peach. It belonged to especially early maturing and high quality germplasm resources. The specific bands of 1 200 bp in ‘May Red' DNA samples were amplified by SRAP primers me9/em5 by agarose electrophoresis, which indicates that ‘May Red' are mutated at the DNA genetic level and belongs to a new especially early maturing germplasm resource. The discovery of ‘May red' will provide important materials for the breeding of especially early maturing peach varieties. It will help to optimize the cultivation structure of different mature varieties and promote the economic benefit of southern peach planting industry. |
Key words: peach, bud sport, early maturity, germplasm resources, breeding |