引用本文: | 谭长强, 申文辉, 刘 秀, 曹艳云, 黄志玲, 郝海坤.基于生理生化指标选择红锥二代优良家系[J].广西植物,2019,39(10):1342-1349.[点击复制] |
TAN Zhangqiang, SHEN Wenhui, LIU Xiu, CAO Yanyun, HUANG Zhiling, HAO Haikun.Seedling selection of the second superior families of Castanopsis hystrix based on the analysis of physiological indices[J].Guihaia,2019,39(10):1342-1349.[点击复制] |
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基于生理生化指标选择红锥二代优良家系 |
谭长强, 申文辉*, 刘 秀, 曹艳云, 黄志玲, 郝海坤
广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院, 南宁 530002
摘要: |
通过对29个红锥优树二代家系苗光合碳氮同化过程关键物(叶绿素、硝酸还原酶活性、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、总ATP酶含量、PEP羧化酶含量和RUBP羧化酶含量)进行测定,运用主成分分析及隶属函数法进行优良家系的筛选和评价。结果表明:9个生理指标29个家系间均存在显著差异。叶绿素a含量为0.13~0.72 mg·g-1FW,叶绿素b含量为0.01~0.27 mg·g-1FW,叶绿素a+b含量为0.18~0.98 mg·g-1FW,类胡萝卜素含量为0.03~0.32 mg·g-1FW,硝酸还原酶活性为1.16~10.26 μg·g-1·h-1,谷氨酰胺合成酶活性为0.30~1.24 A·mg-1protein·h-1,总ATP酶含量为0.37~3.55 U·mg-1 prot,PEP羧化酶含量为8.42~21.24 IU·L-1,RUBP羧化酶含量为2.09~9.12 ng·mL-1。其中,总ATP酶含量变异最大,其次为硝酸还原酶活性,变异最小的为RUBP羧化酶含量。采用主成分分析及隶属函数法分别筛选出10个红锥优树二代优良家系,重复率达到90%,分别为B2、B5、P5、A6、P3、P6、R3、D2、R4家系。这说明主成分分析法和隶属函数法均可用于评价红锥二代优良家系。 |
关键词: 转化酶, 隶属函数法, 苗期变异, 主成分分析法, 苗期选择 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201807037 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2019)10-1342-08 |
基金项目:广西科技攻关计划项目(桂科攻1598006-3-8); 广西林业科技项目(桂林科研[2015]1号); 中央财政林业科技推广示范项目 [2015]TG17号 [Supported by Guangxi Key Program of Science and Technology(1598006-3-8); Forestry Science and Techno-logy Program of Guangxi( [2015]1); Forestry Science and Technology Promotion Demonstration Program of China( [2015]TG17)]。 |
Seedling selection of the second superior families of Castanopsis hystrix based on the analysis of physiological indices |
TAN Zhangqiang, SHEN Wenhui*, LIU Xiu, CAO Yanyun, HUANG Zhiling, HAO Haikun
Guangxi Academy of Forestry, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530002, China
Guangxi Academy of Forestry, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530002, China
Abstract: |
By using 29 families of Castanopsis hystrix seedlings as experimental material, we measured key substances in the process of photosynthetic carbon and nitrogen assimilation of Chlorophyll, nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activity, total contents of ATP enzyme, PEP carboxylase and RUBP carboxylase content, and their superiorities were evaluated with principal component analysis and membership function method. The results were as follows: There were significant differences of all indexes among the 29 families. Chlorophyll a content varied from 0.13 to 0.72 mg·g-1FW, chlorophyll b content varied from 0.01 to 0.27 mg·g-1FW, chlorophyll(a+b)content varied from 0.18 to 0.98 mg·g-1FW, carotenoid content varied from 0.03 to 0.32 mg·g-1FW, nitrate reductase(NR)activity varied from 1.16 to 10.26 μg·g-1·h-1, glutamine synthetase(GS)activity varied from 0.30 to 1.24 A·mg-1protein·h-1, total contents of ATPase varied from 0.37 to 3.55 U·mg-1 prot, PEP Case content varied from 8.42 to 21.24 IU·L-1 and RUBP case content varied from 2.09 to 9.12 ng·mL-1. Among indexes, the total contents of ATP enzyme varied most, followed by the nitrate reductase activity, and the RUBP carboxylase content varied minimum. The ten families was selected respectively by principal component analysis and the method of subordinate function respectively and repetition rate reached 90%. Repeat the families were B2, B5, P5, A6, P3, P6, R3, D2 and R4 families. This instructed that principal component analysis and subordinate function method are good for the evaluation of the second generation family of Castanopsis hystrix. |
Key words: invertase, membership function method, seedling stage variation, principal component analysis, seedling selection |