引用本文: | 牟凤娟, 胡 秀, 马士祝, 李一果.大叶九里香,芸香科新等级组合及生物学特征补述(英文)[J].广西植物,2020,40(2):272-276.[点击复制] |
MOU Fengjuan, HU Xiu, MA Shizhu, LI Yiguo.Murraya macrophylla, a name at new rank and new combination of Rutaceae and its supplements of biological characteristics[J].Guihaia,2020,40(2):272-276.[点击复制] |
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大叶九里香,芸香科新等级组合及生物学特征补述(英文) |
牟凤娟1, 胡 秀2, 马士祝3 , 李一果4,5*
1. 西南林业大学 林学院, 昆明 650224;2. 仲恺农业工程学院 园艺园林学院, 广州 510225;3. 云南省大理州林业科学研究所,
云南 下关 67100;4. 昆明理工大学 生命科学与技术学院, 昆明 650500;5. 昆明市生物资源开发创新办公室, 昆明 650500
摘要: |
为理清芸香科(Rutaceae)九里香属(Murraya)中大叶九里香[M. kwangsiensis (C. C. Huang)C. C. Huang var. macrophylla C. C. Huang]与其原变种广西九里香[M. kwangsiensis(C. C. Huang)C. C. Huang var. kwangsiensis]间的系统关系及其分类学地位,采用综合文献查阅、标本鉴定、野外实地调查、栽培观察及显微解剖等多种方法对九里香属植物数个种类进行分类学相关研究。结果发现:大叶九里香在叶片、花、果实等形态特征方面与广西九里香间的差异极大,故将其处理为一个独立的种,并提出新等级组合Murraya macrophylla (C. C. Huang)F. J. Mou; 首次对大叶九里香的形态特征及分布进行详尽描述; 该物种的羽状复叶及小叶均为九里香属中最大者,更接近仅分布于越南的光叶九里香[M. glabra (Guillaumin)Swingle],但其较大的小叶、叶面叶脉下凹且叶片皱缩等特征使其明显不同于九里香属其他种类。大叶九里香是一个独立种而非广西九里香的变种,此关于大叶九里香分类地位的新观点有助于整个九里香属的系统发育关系重建及种间系统关系的深入探索。 |
关键词: 广西九里香, 大叶九里香, 生物学特征, 新等级, 新组合, 芸香科 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201811001 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2020)02-0272-05 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31400181)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31400181)]。 |
Murraya macrophylla, a name at new rank and new combination of Rutaceae and its supplements of biological characteristics |
MOU Fengjuan1, HU Xiu2, MA Shizhu3, LI Yiguo4,5*
1. Faculty of Forestry, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China;2. Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape, Zhongkai University
of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China;3. Dali Institute of Forestry Science, Xiaguan 671000, Yunnan, China;4. Faculty
of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;5. Biological
Resources Development Innovation Office of Kunming, Kunming 650500, China
1. Faculty of Forestry, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China; 2. Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape, Zhongkai University
of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; 3. Dali Institute of Forestry Science, Xiaguan 671000, Yunnan, China; 4. Faculty
of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China; 5. Biological
Resources Development Innovation Office of Kunming, Kunming 650500, China
Abstract: |
To clarify the systematic relationship between Murraya kwangsiensis (C. C. Huang)C. C. Huang var. macrophylla C. C. Huang and M. kwangsiensis(C. C. Huang)C. C. Huang var. kwangsiensis(Rutaceae, Murraya)as well as its taxonomic status, several species of Murraya were studied on taxonomy, by the comprehensive research means, such as literature access, specimen identification, field surveys, cultivation observations and microanatomy experiments. The results indicate that M. kwangsiensis var. macrophylla is obviously different from M. kwangsiensis var. kwangsiensis on many morphological characteristics, such as leaves, flowers and fruits, therefore, this taxon should be an independent species, and a new combination and rank Murraya macrophylla (C. C. Huang)F. J. Mou is proposed here; the morphological characteristics and the distribution of M. macrophylla are first described comprehensively; the pinnate leaves and leaflets of this species are the biggest in the genus Murraya, and it is more close to M. glabra (Guillaumin)Swingle endemic to Vietnam; many morphological characteristics, such as the largest leaflets, veins adaxially sunken and wrinkled leaflets, all make this species obviously different from other Murraya species. The taxon M. macrophylla is a independent species rather than a variety of M. kwangsiensis, and this new opinion about the systematic status of M. macrophylla is helpful to reconstruct the phylogenic relationship of the genus Murraya and to probe into the systematic relationship among species. |
Key words: Murraya kwangsiensis, M. macrophylla, biological characteristics, new rank, new combination, Rutaceae |