引用本文: | 李 琪, 杨必坤, 张晓喻, 张 宏, 黄春萍, 于树华.枇杷花主要有效成分的含量[J].广西植物,2009,(5):698-702.[点击复制] |
LI Qi, YANG Bi-Kun, ZHANG Xiao-Yu, ZHANG Hong,
HUANG Chun-Ping,YU Shu-Hua.Contents of effective components in flowers of Eriobotrya japonica[J].Guihaia,2009,(5):698-702.[点击复制] |
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枇杷花主要有效成分的含量 |
李 琪1, 杨必坤1, 张晓喻1,2, 张 宏1,2*, 黄春萍1,2, 于树华1
1.四川师范大学 生命科学学院, 成都 610068;2.四川师范大学 植物资源应用与开发研究所, 成都 610068
摘要: |
采用紫外分光光度法及高效液相色谱法,研究不同产地不同年份的枇杷花总黄酮和三萜化合物的差异,以确定其含量较高的产地及年际变化情况。结果表明:同一年份不同产地枇杷花中总黄酮和三萜化合物含量有显著差异,龙泉、仁寿、攀枝花及莆田总黄酮含量显著高于其它产地(P<0.01),齐墩果酸以龙泉、仁寿、浦江和莆田四地较高,并显著高于遂宁和内江等地(P<0.05或P≤0.01),熊果酸含量最高的产地为浙江余杭,其含量显著高于遂宁、攀枝花、壁山等地(P<0.01)。同一产地不同年份样品中总黄酮和三萜化合物含量变化较小。与地理、气候因子进行相关性分析,表明齐墩果酸与纬度、经度有一定相关性,而其它成分的相关性不大。 |
关键词: 枇杷花 熊果酸 齐墩果酸 总黄酮 紫外分光光度法 反相高效液相色谱法 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q946 |
基金项目: |
Contents of effective components in flowers of Eriobotrya japonica |
LI Qi1, YANG Bi-Kun1, ZHANG Xiao-Yu1,2, ZHANG Hong1,2*,
HUANG Chun-Ping1,2,YU Shu-Hua1,2
1.College of Life Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China;2.Institute of Phytochemistry, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China
1.College of Life Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China;
2.Institute of Phytochemistry, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China
Abstract: |
With the ultraviolet spectrophotometry and HPLC, the contents of total flavonoids and triterpenoid in loquat flowers from different localities and growth years were studied for determining the optimum localities and the changes of effective component contents in different growth years. The results showed that the differences of total flavonoid and triterpenoid contents among the samples of different localities were significant. The total flavonoids contents of samples from Longquan,Renshou,Panzhihua and Putian were higher than that from other localities(P<0.01). The oleanolic acid content of samples from Longquan,Renshou,Pujiang and Putian were higher than that from Suining and Neijiang(P<0.05 or P≤0.01). The ursolic acid content of samples from Yuhang was the highest,which was higher than that from Suining,Panzhihua,Bishan and others(P<0.01). In different growth years the contents of effective components had slight changes in same localities. The oleanolic acid had certain correlativity with latitude and longitude but other components had no correlativity. |
Key words: flowers of Eriobotrya japonica ursolic acid oleanolic acid total flavonoids ultraviolet spectrophotometry RP-HPLC |