引用本文: | 谭珊珊, 胡 广, 邵德钰, 胡仁勇, 徐高福, 于明坚.千岛湖库区种子植物区系研究[J].广西植物,2010,(6):770-775.[点击复制] |
TAN Shan-Shan, HU Guang, SHAO De-Yu,
HU Ren-Yong, XU Gao-Fu, YU Ming-Jian.Floristic analysis of seed plants in the Thousand Island Lake region[J].Guihaia,2010,(6):770-775.[点击复制] |
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千岛湖库区种子植物区系研究 |
谭珊珊1, 胡 广1, 邵德钰2, 胡仁勇3, 徐高福4, 于明坚1*
1.浙江大学 生命科学学院 濒危动植物保护生物学教育部重点实验室, 杭州 310058;2.浙江省淳安县
新安江开发公司界首林场, 浙江 淳安 311700;3.温州大学 生命与环境学院, 浙江
温州 325035;4.浙江省淳安县新安江开发总公司, 浙江 淳安 311700
摘要: |
分析论述了浙江省淳安县千岛湖库区的种子植物区系。该区共有野生种子植物114科、401属、666种,其中裸子植物有4科6属6种,被子植物中单子叶植物11科66属95种,双子叶植物99科329属565种。科的分布区类型以世界广布、泛热带分布和北温带分布居多,热带分布的科多于温带分布的科(48/28)。属的数量统计显示该区单种属和寡种属共有393属,占总属数的71.51%,说明本地区植物组成较为分散。属的分布区类型以泛热带分布最多、共94属,占总属数的23.44%; 其次是北温带分布及其变型、有56属,占总属数的13.97%。热带分布与温带分布的属数相当(180/171)。通过大陆和岛屿种子植物区系的分析比较得出,生境片段化可能已经影响了千岛湖库区植物区系的分布。 |
关键词: 千岛湖库区 植物区系 生境片段化 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948 |
基金项目: |
Floristic analysis of seed plants in the Thousand Island Lake region |
TAN Shan-Shan1, HU Guang1, SHAO De-Yu2,
HU Ren-Yong3, XU Gao-Fu4, YU Ming-Jian1*
1.The Key Laboratory of Conservation Biology for Endangered Wildlife of the Ministry of Education, College of Life
Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;2.Jieshou Forestry Farm, Xin'an River Development
Corporation, Chun'an 311700, China;3.College of Life &4.Environmental Sciences, Wenzhou University,
Wenzhou 325035, China;5.4.Xin'an River Development Corporation, Chun'an 311700, China
1.The Key Laboratory of Conservation Biology for Endangered Wildlife of the Ministry of Education, College of Life
Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 2.Jieshou Forestry Farm, Xin'an River Development
Corporation, Chun'an 311700, China; 3.College of Life & Environmental Sciences, Wenzhou University,
Wenzhou 325035, China; 4.Xin'an River Development Corporation, Chun'an 311700, China
Abstract: |
The flora of seed plants in the Thousand Island Lake was analyzed in this paper. There were 666 seed plant species belonging to 401 genera and 114 families. Among them,there were about 4 families,6 genera,6 species in Gymnospermeae; 11 families,66 genera,95 species in Monocotyledoneae,and 99 families,329 genera,565 species in Dicotyledoneae. At family level,the pantropic,cosmopolitan and N.temp areal types were the most abundant types,and the tropic elements were more than temperate ones(48/28). At genus level,the total number of monotypic and oligotypic genera was 393 occupying 71.51% of the total genera,suggesting a dispersive pattern of genus composition in this region. The most abundant areal type was pantropic type with 94 genera and the second was N. temp type with 56 genera,which occupied 23.44% and 13.97% of the entire types respectively. It was almost equivalent between the tropic elements and the temperate ones(180/171). It's also found that habitat fragmentation might have influenced the plant composition on the islands by comparison of the analysis of flora of the continent and islands indicating there were more particular genera on the continent than the land-bridge islands. |
Key words: Thousand Island Lake flora habitat fragmentation |