引用本文: | 巨天珍, 康丽丹, 王立峰, 赵继超, 李沛祺, 张宋智.甘肃小陇山华山松群落灌木层优势种种间关联性分析[J].广西植物,2010,(6):829-83.[点击复制] |
JU Tian-Zhen, KANG Li-Dan, WANG Li-Feng,
ZHAO Ji-Chao, LI Pei-Qi, ZHANG Song-Zhi.Interspecific association analysis of dominant species in shrub layer of Armandii community in Xiaolongshan Mountain of Gansu Province[J].Guihaia,2010,(6):829-83.[点击复制] |
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甘肃小陇山华山松群落灌木层优势种种间关联性分析 |
巨天珍1, 康丽丹1*, 王立峰1, 赵继超1, 李沛祺1, 张宋智2
1.西北师范大学 地理与环境科学学院, 兰州 730070;2.天水小陇山林科所, 甘肃 天水 741022
摘要: |
通过野外大量调查,选取小陇山华山松林55个样方中的20个常见物种,运用多物种复合关联VR,χ2检验,Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数和关联测度等测算和综合分析群落的种间联接关系,结果表明:(1)多物种关联性(VR)的分析表明华山松林主要组成成员间的关系以正关联为主,说明华山松群落主要种群对生存环境的需求是一致的;(2)20个常见种种对中以华山松-锐齿栎、华山松-栓皮栎、华山松-辽东栎等种对之间呈正关联; 锐齿栎-栓皮栎、锐齿栎-盐肤木等呈现负关联; 黑刺菝葜、多毛樱桃等为独立关系等,是群落内环境的体现,是群落内环境异质性的表征;(3)依据华山松林种间关系的不同性质把组成群落的20个常见种归纳为3个生态种组,即正关联组、负关联组和独立组;(4)种间关联的研究结果对华山松群落的生境监测、营林管理、林区道路景观再造中的树种选择和配置有一定的实际指导意义。 |
关键词: 种间关联 华山松群落 小陇山自然保护区 秦岭 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948 |
基金项目: |
Interspecific association analysis of dominant species in shrub layer of Armandii community in Xiaolongshan Mountain of Gansu Province |
JU Tian-Zhen1, KANG Li-Dan1*, WANG Li-Feng1,
ZHAO Ji-Chao1, LI Pei-Qi1, ZHANG Song-Zhi2
1.College of Geography and Environment Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.Tianshui Forestry Research Institute in Xiaolongshan, Tianshui 741022, China
1.College of Geography and Environment Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China;
2.Tianshui Forestry Research Institute in Xiaolongshan, Tianshui 741022, China
Abstract: |
Through lots of field investigations in Xiaolongshan Mountain of Gansu Province,researchers selected 20 common species in 55 quadrates by important value in Armandi communities. In order to analyze the 20 common species interspecific association,researchers took some analysis methods,including multi-species complex associated index(VR),χ2-test; Relevance measure,the Pearson correlation coefficient,as well as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The results were as follows:(1)Multi-species relevance(VR)analysis showed that the association between the main components members in Armandii communities was positively correlated,this demonstrated the natures of Armandii communities and the characteristics of their living environment were adaptable;(2)In pairs of the 20 common species,the pairs of Armandii-Quercus alioena,Armandii-Quercus variabilis,Armandii-Quercus liaotungensis etc.were positively correlated; Quercus alioena-Quercus variabilis,Quercus alioena-Rhus chinensis etc.were negatively correlated; but the independence of Smilax scobinicaulis,Cerasus polytricha etc.demonstrated the different nature of communities,that was a performance of the difference of environment within community,and was cased by environmental heterogeneity within Armandii communities.(3)Armandii communities based on the different nature of the relationship between the compositions of communities in 20 common species were grouped into three ecological species groups,they are positively correlated group,the negative association group and independent group.(4)The results of the study on interspecific association had a certain practical guide of Armandii community habitat monitoring,forest management,and recycling of forest roads in the landscape species selection and configuration. |
Key words: interspecific correlated Armandii community Nature Reserve of Xiaolongshan Mountain Qinling |