引用本文: | 王雨芊, 刘 强, 吴训锋, 李金龙, 王博轶, 潘 博.孟连苞叶兰(兰科)的重新发现与形态特征增补[J].广西植物,2020,40(11):1623-1627.[点击复制] |
WANG Yuqian, LIU Qiang, WU Xunfeng, LI Jinlong, WANG Boyi, PAN Bo.Rediscovery of Brachycorythis menglianensis (Orchidaceae)with additional descriptive notes[J].Guihaia,2020,40(11):1623-1627.[点击复制] |
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孟连苞叶兰(兰科)的重新发现与形态特征增补 |
王雨芊1, 刘 强1,2*, 吴训锋1, 李金龙1, 王博轶1, 潘 博2
1. 云南林业职业技术学院, 昆明 660224;2. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 云南 勐腊 666303
摘要: |
孟连苞叶兰(Brachycorythis menglianensis)自2001年发表以来,再也没有被发现和记录过。由于能够用于分类学参考的仅为模式标本和依据标本绘制的素描图,加之原始文献的描述不够细致,以致于Henrik Æ Pedersen将其作为长叶苞叶兰(B. henryi)的异名处理。时隔十五年后,我们在该种的模式产地进行野外兰科植物考察时,有幸重新发现了该种。通过对其新鲜带花植株的详细比对之后,发现孟连苞叶兰与长叶苞叶兰在形态上具有明显的差异,如孟连苞叶兰叶片卵圆形,叶片大小(2.5- 4.7 × 1.7-2.3 cm)、唇瓣密被疣状突起且先端缺刻或2裂等特征,明显有别于长叶苞叶兰。因此,在该研究中支持孟连苞叶兰的分类学地位,同时对该种的形态特征、生境以及生存现状等信息进行了增补。 |
关键词: 孟连苞叶兰, 兰科, 重新发现, 形态特征增补, 濒危状况评估 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201906049 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2020)11-1612-05 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31500164); 中国科学院“一三五”战略规划专项项目(2017XTBG-F03)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China(31500164); CAS “135” Program(2017XTBG-F03)]。 |
Rediscovery of Brachycorythis menglianensis (Orchidaceae)with additional descriptive notes |
WANG Yuqian1, LIU Qiang1, 2*, WU Xunfeng1, LI Jinlong1, WANG Boyi1, PAN Bo2
1. Yunnan Forestry Technological College, Kunming 650224, China;2. Xishuangbanna Tropical
Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla 666303, Yunnan, China
1. Yunnan Forestry Technological College, Kunming 650224, China; 2. Xishuangbanna Tropical
Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla 666303, Yunnan, China
Abstract: |
Brachycorythis menglianensis has not been discovered again since it has been firstly published in 2001. Until now, it has been only known from the illustration and type specimen. However, characteristics of plants and flowers were described not enough in the original description because of shrunk specimen, which led to be treated as the synonym of B. henryi by Henrik Æ Pedersen. During our field investigation in the Menglian County, South Yunnan, China, we fortunately found one population of B. menglianensis. After comprehensive observation for plant and flower characters using the fresh materials, the results showed that B. menglianensis significantly differed from B. henryi by having ovate and smaller size(2.5-4.7 × 1.7-2.3 cm)leaf, labellum densely papillate adaxially and apex emarginated or 2-lobe. Therefore, we believe that these morphological features represent significant differences for species delimitation and hence reinstate B. menglianensis as a distinct species. Meanwhile, we present more detailed information of morphological characteristics, habitat and survival situation of this species in this paper. |
Key words: Brachycorythis menglianensis, Orchidaceae, rediscovery, morphological characteristics addition, endangered situation status |