引用本文: | 肖祖飞, 张北红, 张 琴, 马一丹, 金志农, 张海燕, 李 凤, 吕雄伟.不同种源樟树叶片形态特征及生长差异分析[J].广西植物,2021,41(2):233-242.[点击复制] |
XIAO Zufei, ZHANG Beihong, ZHANG Qin, MA Yidan,
JIN Zhinong, ZHANG Haiyan, LI Feng, LV Xiongwei.Variation analysis of leaf morphology and growth characteristics of Cinnamomum camphora with different provenances[J].Guihaia,2021,41(2):233-242.[点击复制] |
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不同种源樟树叶片形态特征及生长差异分析 |
肖祖飞1,2, 张北红1, 张 琴1, 马一丹1, 金志农1*, 张海燕1, 李 凤1, 吕雄伟1
1. 南昌工程学院 江西省樟树繁育与开发利用工程研究中心, 南昌 330099;2. 江西省科学院生物资源研究所, 南昌 330096
摘要: |
为了解不同种源樟树叶片形态特征和生长差异,该文以30个种源樟树为研究对象,对其叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、周长、叶面积、长宽比、形态因子、株高、地径等指标进行测定和差异性分析。结果表明:(1)30个种源间叶片性状的变异系数为3.88%~16.14%,显示不同种源樟树叶片形态特征存在显著差异; 叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、周长、面积、叶厚度重复力超过75%,叶长宽比和形态因子重复力超过60%,显示樟树叶片形态差异在一定程度上受遗传控制; 种源内个体间叶片形态特征存在差异,叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶柄长和长宽比变异系数较大,叶周长、叶厚度和形态因子变异系数较小。(2)主成分分析结果显示,选出的3个主成分方差累积贡献率达到86.18%,叶长、周长、面积、叶宽和叶厚度是这3个主成分的主导因子,这些参数对叶片形态划分起主要作用。(3)不同种源间的株高、地径存在极显著差异,来自中国湖南的种源生长表现最好,其次为中国福建、江苏以及日本大阪,中国江西本地种源不存在优势,生长表现较差; 种源内个体间株高和地径存在一定差异,中国湖北黄冈种源株高和地径变异系数较小,个体间均匀度较好,而中国湖北宜昌和江西安福种源变异系数较大,个体间差异较大,为优株的选择创造了条件。樟树种源间和种源内存在丰富的遗传变异,为樟树的优质种源以及良种的选育和改良提供了基本材料。 |
关键词: 樟树, 叶片形态, 种源, 生长差异 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201907023 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2021)02-0233-10 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31600497); 江西省教育厅科技项目(GJJ151114); 江西省科技厅重点研发计划项目(20171ACH80016,20192BBFL60012)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31600497); Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Education, China(GJJ151114); Key Research and Development Program of Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, China(20171ACH80016, 20192BBFL60012)]。 |
Variation analysis of leaf morphology and growth characteristics of Cinnamomum camphora with different provenances |
XIAO Zufei1,2, ZHANG Beihong1, ZHANG Qin1, MA Yidan1,
JIN Zhinong1*, ZHANG Haiyan1, LI Feng1, LV Xiongwei1
1. Nanchang Institute of Technology, Jiangxi Porvincial Engineering Reseach Center of Seed-Breeding and Utilization of Camphor Trees,
Nanchang 330099, China;2. Institute of Biology and Resources, Jiangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanchang 330096, China
1. Nanchang Institute of Technology, Jiangxi Porvincial Engineering Reseach Center of Seed-Breeding and Utilization of Camphor Trees,
Nanchang 330099, China; 2. Institute of Biology and Resources, Jiangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanchang 330096, China
Abstract: |
In order to understand the leaf morphological characteristics and growth differences of Cinnamomum camphora from different provenances, we measured and analyzed the leaf morphological characteristics and growth indexes of C. camphora from 30 provenances, including leaf length, width, petiole lenghth, perimeter, leaf area, length to width ratio, morphous factor, plant height and ground diameter. The results were as follows:(1)The coefficient of variance of leaf morphological characteristics were 3.88%-16.14% among the 30 provenances, which indicated that the most significant difference among provenances. There existed high heritability in leaf length, leaf width, leaf petiole lenghth, leaf thickness, leaf area, leaf perimeter,reached more than 75%,and the leaf length to width ratio and morphous factor reached more than 60%.There were significant differences in leaf morphological characteristics and growth of C. camphora from different provenances, and the difference of C. camphora leaf traits was controlled by genetic control to a certain degree. The leaf morphological characteristics were different in all of the individuals within provenances. The variation coefficients of leaf length, width, area, petiole lenghth and length to width ratio were larger, while the variation coefficients of perimeter, leaf thickness and morphological factors were smaller.(2)Principal component analysis was performed to select three principal components and their cumulative contributions of variance accouted for 86.18%. Leaf length, area, perimeter, width and thickness were dominating elements, and these parameters played an important role in the division of leaf morphology.(3)There were significant differences in plant height and ground diameter among provenances. The provenances from Hunan of China had the best growth performance, followed by Fujian, Jiangsu, China and Osaka, Japan. The native provenances from Jiangxi, China was no advantage, and the growth performance was poor. The plant height and ground diameter were differences in all of the individuals within provenances. The variation coefficient of plant height and ground diameter from Huanggang of Hubei, China provenances was smaller and the uniformity among individuals was better. The variation coefficient from Yichang of Hubei and Anfu of Jiangxi, China provenances was larger and the difference among individuals was larger, which creates conditions for the selection of superior plants. It is suggested that there are rich genetic variations in C. camphora provenances and within provenances, which provide basic materials for the breeding and improvement of C. camphora with high quality provenances and improved varieties. |
Key words: Cinnamomum camphora, leaf morphological, provenances, growth differences |