引用本文: | 张周颖, 郭 雯, 杨石建.植物根压研究进展[J].广西植物,2022,42(4):714-727.[点击复制] |
ZHANG Zhouying, GUO Wen, YANG Shijian.Recent advances in research on root pressure of plants[J].Guihaia,2022,42(4):714-727.[点击复制] |
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植物根压研究进展 |
张周颖1,2,3, 郭 雯2,3, 杨石建1,2*
1. 云南大学 生态与环境学院, 昆明 650500;2. 云南省植物繁殖适应与进化生态学重点实验室,
昆明 650500;3. 云南大学生态学与进化生物学实验室, 昆明 650500
摘要: |
根压是植物根部产生的一种静水压力,广泛存在于多种植物中。在蒸腾作用很弱的情况下,根压不但可驱动水分从根部流向冠层叶片,缓解因白天强烈蒸腾而导致的水分亏缺,而且在木质部导管栓塞修复方面具有重要作用。虽然国内外学者对根压的产生已有一些解释,普遍接受的观点有渗透理论、代谢理论和水分向上共同运输假说等,但根压产生的机制至今仍是科学家争议的焦点之一。根压的测定方法虽有直接和间接测定、损伤和无损伤测定之分,但较为先进的根压测定技术仍需进一步改善和提升。受水通道蛋白、遗传因素、生境等因素的影响,根压的大小存在差异,即使是较低的根压也会影响农作物生长。在促进转运蛋白质、酶、氨基酸、激素及钙元素等在农作物木质部和韧皮部之间流通方面,适当大小的根压发挥重要作用,且有助于提高农作物产量。因此,加深对植物根压的认识和理解具有重要的生物学意义。该文从根压的定义和产生机制、具有根压的植物类群、根压的测定方法和大小、影响根压的主要因素及根压在植物科学研究领域的意义和影响等多个方面分别进行了归纳总结,并结合当前研究热点和研究成果,针对植物根压研究过程中遇到的问题和后续研究趋势及方向进行了展望。 |
关键词: 根压, 静水压力, 木质部栓塞, 水分运输, 影响因素 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202004047 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2022)04-0714-14 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31760114,31800334); 云南省科技厅基础研究计划青年项目(2019FD132); 云南大学“东陆中青年骨干教师”培养计划项目(2018YDDLQN69); 云南大学“双一流”建设项目中省优秀青年培育项目(2018YDJQ024); 云南大学第十届研究生科研创新项目(2018-204)[Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31760114, 31800334); Basic Research Project from Science and Technology Department of Yunnan Province(2019FD132); Foundation for the Excellent Youth Scholars of Yunnan University(2018YDDLQN69); “Double First-class” Construction Project of Yunnan University(2018YDJQ024); Research Innovation Fund for the Graduate Students from Yunnan University(2018-204)]。 |
Recent advances in research on root pressure of plants |
ZHANG Zhouying1,2,3, GUO Wen2,3, YANG Shijian1,2*
1. College of Ecology &2.Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China;3.2. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Plant
Reproductive Adaption and Evolutionary Ecology, Kunming 650500, China;4.3. Laboratory of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
1. College of Ecology & Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China; 2. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Plant
Reproductive Adaption and Evolutionary Ecology, Kunming 650500, China; 3. Laboratory of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
Abstract: |
Root pressure is a positive hydraulic pressure that generated by plant roots. As a common physiological phenomenon in many plants, root pressure can drive the sap flow from roots to canopy leaves, which alleviates plant water deficits caused by strong transpiration during the day. It also plays an important role in xylem embolism refilling. At present, there are many explanations for the generation of root pressure. The generally accepted views include the osmotic theory, the metabolic theory, and the uphill water co-transport hypothesis, but the mechanism of root pressure is still the focus of controversy among the plant scientists. There are direct and indirect methods for measuring root pressure, but the more advanced techniques of measuring root pressure still need to be improved. Under the influence of many factors such as aquaporin, genetic factors and habitats, there are differences in the magnitude of root pressure, and moderate root pressure has important significance for crops growth. Therefore, it is of great biological significance to deepen our understanding of root pressure. Here we discussed root pressure from the following perspectives: the definition and mechanism of root pressure generation; plant groups with root pressure; the methods for measuring root pressure; the main factors about influencing root pressure; the significance and implications of root pressure in various fields of plant science studies. Lastly, based on current research topics and some new results on root pressure, we discussed future perspectives on root pressure of plants. |
Key words: root pressure, hydraulic pressure, xylem embolism, water transport, influence factors |