引用本文: | 路晓平, 程 卓, 龙春林.独龙族传统代粮植物食用观音座莲的研究[J].广西植物,2023,43(1):1-11.[点击复制] |
LU Xiaoping, CHENG Zhuo, LONG Chunlin.Angiopteris esculenta, a traditional edible plant consumed by Dulong people[J].Guihaia,2023,43(1):1-11.[点击复制] |
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独龙族传统代粮植物食用观音座莲的研究 |
路晓平1,2, 程 卓1,2, 龙春林1,2,3*
1. 民族地区生态环境国家民委重点实验室(中央民族大学), 北京 100081;2. 中央民族大学 生命与环境科学学院,
北京 100081;3. 民族医药教育部重点实验室(中央民族大学), 北京 100081
摘要: |
食用观音座莲(Angiopteris esculenta)是独龙族(中国云南人口最少的少数民族)重要的野生代粮植物,其地下部分可用于加工蕨粉以制作食物。为深入调查和记录独龙族利用食用观音座莲的传统知识,该文采用民族植物学的方法对食用观音座莲相关的传统知识进行调查和记录,并运用食品科学的方法对蕨粉的基本成分、形态、理化性质及糊化特性进行了深入探究。结果表明:(1)食用观音座莲在独龙族的传统生计中有多种用途,定量分析表明其食用用途的相对引用频率(RFC)远大于其他用途,说明食用是独龙族利用该植物最主要的方式。(2)独龙族使用传统方法采集食用观音座莲膨大叶柄基部和根茎加工并食用蕨粉主要原因是蕨粉中富含淀粉,其总淀粉含量为86.2%,并含有多种人体必需的矿物元素。(3)蕨粉具有较好理化性质,其中冻融稳定性和凝沉稳定性较强,可用于冷冻食品和淀粉产品的生产、加工; 回生值和衰减值远低于常见淀粉,说明其具有良好的热糊稳定性和冷糊稳定性且不易回生。综上表明,食用观音座莲蕨粉具有较大的开发利用潜能,通过人工栽培提高产量,有利于提高当地居民收入和促进偏远地区乡村振兴。该研究为食用观音座莲后续的加工利用提供了理论依据。 |
关键词: 食用观音座莲, 民族植物学, 独龙族, 代粮植物, 传统知识, 理化性质 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202106024 |
分类号:Q949.9 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)01-0001-11 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31761143001,31870316); 生态环境部生物多样性调查评估项目(2019HJ2096001006); 中央民族大学交叉学科研究专项(2020MDJC03)。 |
Angiopteris esculenta, a traditional edible plant consumed by Dulong people |
LU Xiaoping1,2, CHENG Zhuo1,2, LONG Chunlin1,2,3*
1. Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environment in Minority Areas(Minzu University of China), National Ethnic Affairs Commission,
Beijing 100081, China;2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China;3. Key Laboratory of Ethnomedicine(Minzu University of China), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100081, China
1. Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environment in Minority Areas(Minzu University of China) , National Ethnic Affairs Commission,
Beijing 100081, China; 2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Ethnomedicine(Minzu University of China) , Ministry of Education, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract: |
Angiopteris esculenta is one of the most important wild substitute plant for staple food in Dulong's communities(the least populated ethnic group in Yunnan Province, China)for centuries. The Dulong people collect the underground parts of A. esculenta to extract flour and make it into food. In order to study and record the traditional knowledge of Angiopteris esculenta, ethnobotanical methods were employed to investigate and document the traditional knowledge about A. esculenta, and approaches of food science were used to reveal the basic components, morphology, physicochemical properties, and gelatinization characteristics of A. esculenta flour in the present paper. The results were as follows:(1) A. esculenta was a multipurpose plant in the traditional livelihood of Dulong people. Local people employed this plant for edible, medicinal, ornamental purpose and woody purposes. Quantitative analysis showed that the relative frequency of citation(RFC)of the edibleness was much higher than that of other uses, indicating that it was mainly used as staple food.(2)The traditional uses of fern flour extracted from the underground part of A. esculenta imply rationality. There was high starch content in the flour, and the total starch content was 86.2%, and A. esculenta flour contained various mineral elements necessary for human body.(3)The flour had good physicochemical properties, among which the retrogradation and freeze-thaw stability were strong, which could be used in the production and process of frozen food and starch products. The regeneration value and attenuation value of starch were much lower than that of common starch, which indicated that it had good stability of hot paste and cold paste, and not easy to regenerate, thus imply the good processability in food industry. In conclusion, A. esculenta flour has a good potential for utilization and further development. It is expected to play a positive role for increasing local residents' income and for rural revitalization in remote areas, through the approaches of artificial cultivation. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent processing and utilization of A. esculenta. |
Key words: Angiopteris esculenta, ethnobotany, Dulong people, substitute plant of staple food, traditional knowledge, physicochemical properties |