引用本文: | 何 柳, 龙春林.稀有稻种长毛谷的民族植物学及营养成分研究[J].广西植物,2023,43(1):12-20.[点击复制] |
HE Liu, LONG Chunlin.Ethnobotany and nutritional components of Changmaogu, a rare and endangered rice landrace[J].Guihaia,2023,43(1):12-20.[点击复制] |
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稀有稻种长毛谷的民族植物学及营养成分研究 |
何 柳1,2, 龙春林1,2,3*
1. 民族地区生态环境国家民委重点实验室(中央民族大学), 北京 100081;2. 中央民族大学 生命与环境
科学学院, 北京 100081;3. 民族医药教育部重点实验室(中央民族大学), 北京 100081
摘要: |
长毛谷(Changmaogu/Oryza sativa)是云南省兰坪白族普米族自治县白族支系拉玛人传统栽植的一个特有的有色稻种,是我国农家品种的典型代表,处于稀有濒危状态,但对该品种的研究较少。为促进长毛谷保护及可持续利用,该研究利用民族植物学及营养学的方法,对兰坪当地有关长毛谷品质特征、传统知识与文化、开发利用现状及存在的问题进行了调查和分析,并测定稀有农家品种长毛谷的营养成分,与普通常见稻种的营养成分进行对比,探究长毛谷的营养价值。结果表明:(1)长毛谷产地的白族支系拉玛人积累了丰富的关于长毛谷的传统知识和文化,包括传统耕作知识、相关历史典故、传统食用知识和种子的交换及保存文化。(2)长毛谷具有高含量的可利用碳水化合物、水分、灰分、总膳食纤维和花青素且含有一定量的原花青素,表明长毛谷具有较高的营养保健价值。综上认为,长毛谷的原生境保护模式可为其他农家品种的保护提供科学参考,有利于长毛谷等农家品种的可持续利用。 |
关键词: 长毛谷, 农家品种, 民族植物学,营养成分, 花青素, 可持续利用 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202110057 |
分类号:Q949.9 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)01-0012-09 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31761143001); 中国生态环境部生物多样性调查与评估项目(2019HJ2096001006)。 |
Ethnobotany and nutritional components of Changmaogu, a rare and endangered rice landrace |
HE Liu1,2, LONG Chunlin1,2,3*
1. Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environment in Minority Areas(Minzu University of China), National Ethnic Affairs Commission, Beijing
100081, China;2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China;3. Key
Laboratory of Ethnomedicine(Minzu University of China), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100081, China
1. Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environment in Minority Areas(Minzu University of China) , National Ethnic Affairs Commission, Beijing
100081, China; 2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China; 3. Key
Laboratory of Ethnomedicine(Minzu University of China) , Ministry of Education, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract: |
Agrobiodiversity including landraces of crops is extreme significant for global food security and sustainable rural development but it is losing at alarming speed. Only in the remote areas, some of landraces are remained in local agroecosystem. Landraces refer to the traditional resources domesticated by people living in a certain area. They are bred or evolved in the local environments, which can adapt to the local natural and cultural environments. Changmaogu is a unique colored rice landrace planted by Lama people, a branch of Bai, in Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province. Changmaogu is a typical representative landrace in China. Due to its lower yield, the cultivation of Changmaogu was controlled in a very limited area in the past few years, which was a very dangerous signal for a major crop. Despite its rare and endangered status, there has been a lack of research on Changmaogu. In order to promote the conservation and sustainable development of this landrace, we investigated and analyzed the quality traits, traditional knowledge and culture, development and utilization status and existing problems of Changmaogu in Lanping, and determined the nutritional components of Changmaogu comparing with those of common rice varieties to explore the nutritional value of Changmaogu, using the methods of ethnobotany and nutrition. The results are as follows:(1)The Lama people, have developed rich traditional knowledge about Changmaogu, including traditional farming knowledge, relevant historical allusions, traditional eating knowledge, seed exchange and conservation culture. They never use chemicals but collect green manures as fertilizer for this landrace. Under the backgrownd of understanding the good characteristics of Changmaogu, the local people continue to grow Changmaogu in the original habitat in a larger scale according to their traditional knowledge and culture.(2)Changmaogu has a high content of available carbohydrates, water, ash, total dietary fiber and anthocyanin, and contains a certain content of procyanidins, indicating that it has excellent nutritional and health care values. This study indicates that the mode of in-situ or on-farm conservation of Changmaogu provides a great reference for the conservation of other landraces, and reveals the fact that the outstanding properties like high nutritional value of Changmaogu will contribute to the sustainable uses of Changmaogu and other landraces. |
Key words: Changmaogu(Oryza sativa), landrace, ethnobotany, nutrient composition, anthocyanin, sustainable use |