引用本文: | 胡仁传, 胡琦敏, 农 友, 罗斌圣.我国白裤瑶饲料植物的民族植物学研究[J].广西植物,2023,43(1):21-31.[点击复制] |
HU Renchuan, HU Qimin, NONG You, LUO Binsheng.Ethnobotanical study on forage plants of Baiku Yao in China[J].Guihaia,2023,43(1):21-31.[点击复制] |
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我国白裤瑶饲料植物的民族植物学研究 |
胡仁传1, 胡琦敏1, 农 友1, 罗斌圣2*
1. 广西壮族自治区中医药研究院, 广西中药质量标准研究重点实验室, 南宁 530022;2. 中国科学院庐山植物园, 江西 庐山 332900
摘要: |
白裤瑶非常喜欢饲养和食用当地黑猪,对饲料植物的采集和管理具有独特而丰富的经验和知识。该研究旨在对白裤瑶地区饲料植物及其有关的本土知识进行民族植物学编目,在2019—2021年期间,该文作者多次前往当地进行饲料植物的民族植物学调查,利用了关键人物访谈、半结构式访谈和小组讨论,同时该研究还通过打分排序和统计植物利用频度来筛选出综合利用价值高的饲料植物。结果表明:(1)白裤瑶传统饲料植物共104种,隶属于42科85属; 被引用植物种数最多的科是菊科(16种,占总种数的15.38%),其次为荨麻科(13种,占总种数的12.5%)。(2)枝叶(56.73%)、全草(26.92%)和叶(8.65%)为当地饲料植物的主要利用部位,大多数饲料植物是草本植物(88.46%),多数饲料植物(占总数的64.42%)一年四季都可以采集,保障了家猪食物来源充足。(3)饲料植物的主要加工方法是将其切碎或打碎后煮熟饲喂。(4)当地被受访者引用最多的物种是玉蜀黍、构树、番薯、桑、金荞麦、稻。(5)根据综合打分排序,在当地具有较高综合评价的饲料植物分别为构树、番薯、桑、金荞麦、南瓜。白裤瑶对饲料植物用于养猪的传统知识非常丰富且保存较为完善,对其采集利用和管理十分科学,相关的饲料植物资源值得进一步开发和推广。该研究结果为白裤瑶传统知识的保存提供了数据支撑,并为现代新型饲料的开发提供了思路。 |
关键词: 瑶族, 白裤瑶, 饲料植物, 民族植物学, 传统知识, 畜牧业 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202111076 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)01-0021-11 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(32000264); 广西自然科学基金(2018GXNSFBA281162); 广西中医药重点学科建设项目(GZXK-Z-20-69); 中国科学院庐山植物园专项(2021ZWZX12)。 |
Ethnobotanical study on forage plants of Baiku Yao in China |
HU Renchuan1, HU Qimin1, NONG You1, LUO Binsheng2*
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Standards, Guangxi Institute of Chinese Medicine &2.Pharmaceutical Science, Nanning 530022, China;3.2. Lushan Botanical Garden, Jiangxi Province and
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lushan 332900, Jiangxi, China
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Standards, Guangxi Institute of Chinese Medicine &
Pharmaceutical Science, Nanning 530022, China; 2. Lushan Botanical Garden, Jiangxi Province and
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lushan 332900, Jiangxi, China
Abstract: |
Baiku Yao like to raise and eat local black pigs, and they are very good at collecting and managing forage plants. This study aimed to make an ethnobotanical inventory of forage plants and their related native knowledge in the Baiku Yao area, provide data support for the preservation of their traditional knowledge, and provide ideas for the development of modern new types of forage. From 2019 to 2021, we went to the local area for ethnobotanical investigation of forage plants, using key formant interviews, semi-structured interviews, and group discussions. Additionally, we had screened out the forage plants with high comprehensive utilization value according to scoring and ranking and their usage frequency. The results were as follows:(1)A total of 104 forage plant species were recorded, belonging to 42 families and 85 genera. The family with the most cited species was Asteraceae(16 species, accounting for 15.38% of the total species), followed by Urticaceae(13 species, accounting for 12.5% of the total species).(2)Branches and leaves(56.73%), whole plant(26.92%)and leaves(8.65%)were the main used parts of local forage plants, accounting for 92.30% of the recorded plants. Most forage plants were herbaceous plants(88.46%). There were adequate forage plants(accounting for 64.42% of the total)that could be collected to feed pigs in almost all seasons.(3)Chopping, crushing, and cooking feed plants were the main preparation methods of pig forage.(4)The most frequently cited local species were Zea mays, Broussonetia papyrifera, Ipomoea batatas, Morus alba, Fagopyrum dibotrys and Oryza sativa.(5)The local forage plants with high comprehensive evaluation were Broussonetia papyrifera, Ipomoea batatas, Morus alba, Fagopyrum dibotrys and Cucurbita moschata. The local people have rich traditional knowledge about the use and management of forage plants for pigs, which are very scientific and well preserved, and the related forage plant resources are also worthy of further development and promotion. |
Key words: Yao, Baiku Yao, forage plant, ethnobotany, traditional knowledge, animal husbandry |