引用本文: | 贵新丽, 叶储民, 陈玉凯, 张 凯, 吴庭天.濒危植物油丹种群结构与动态特征[J].广西植物,2025,45(1):161-171.[点击复制] |
GUI Xinli, YE Chumin, CHEN Yukai, ZHANG Kai, WU Tingtian.Population structure and dynamic characteristics of endangered plant Alseodaphnopsis hainanensis[J].Guihaia,2025,45(1):161-171.[点击复制] |
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濒危植物油丹种群结构与动态特征 |
贵新丽1, 叶储民1, 陈玉凯1*, 张 凯1, 吴庭天2
1. 海南师范大学 生命科学学院, 热带岛屿生态学教育部重点实验室, 海口 571158;2. 海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院), 海口 571199
摘要: |
油丹(Alseodaphnopsis hainanensis)是国家二级重点保护野生植物。为了探讨油丹种群的生存状况,该文根据样地调查数据,利用径级代替龄级,编制种群静态生命表,分析种群数量特征,同时应用种群动态变化指数及时间序列模型来分析预测该种群的动态及未来发展趋势。结果表明:(1)无论是原生林还是次生林,油丹的种群龄级结构均呈现倒“J”型,各龄级均有个体分布; 与原生林相比,次生林的幼苗数量更多。(2)在原生林和次生林中,油丹种群的动态指数在相邻的龄级间有一定的波动,原生林和次生林的动态指数Vpi和V'pi都大于0,这表明该种群目前是增长型,但种群对外界干扰比较敏感,抗干扰能力较差; 次生林的抗干扰概率相对较小,表明次生林油丹种群的抗干扰能力强于原生林。(3)静态生命表显示,原生林和次生林的油丹种群存活数和个体生命期望值都随着龄级的增加逐渐下降; 种群存活曲线趋近于Deevey-Ⅱ型。(4)时间序列分析预测,在经历未来2~3个龄级时间后,原生林Ⅲ龄级的个体数出现下滑; 在经历未来2个龄级时间后,次生林Ⅲ龄级的个体数出现下滑; 在经历未来5个龄级时间后,原生林和次生林中所有龄级个体数均呈稳定增长。综上认为,不管是原生林还是次生林,油丹种群均为增长型,种群处于波动状态,对外界干扰敏感; 种群幼龄个体能补充各龄级个体死亡造成的损失,维持种群稳定性。为促进油丹种群自然更新,应加强就地保护措施,深入开展幼苗更新、繁育和遗传多样性研究等工作,同时可以采取适度的人为措施,提高幼苗到幼树的转化率,促进油丹种群数量增长。 |
关键词: 油丹, 濒危植物, 种群结构, 存活曲线, 生存分析, 动态指数 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202404055 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2025)01-0161-11 |
基金项目:海南省重点研发计划项目(ZDYF2023RDYL01); 海南国家公园研究院资助项目(KY-24ZK02); 海南省自然科学基金项目(320MS038)。 |
Population structure and dynamic characteristics of endangered plant Alseodaphnopsis hainanensis |
GUI Xinli1, YE Chumin1, CHEN Yukai1*, ZHANG Kai1, WU Tingtian2
1. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Ecology of Tropical Islands, College of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University,
Haikou 571158, China;2. Hainan Academy of Forestry(Hainan Academy of Mangrove), Haikou 571199, China
1. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Ecology of Tropical Islands, College of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University,
Haikou 571158, China; 2. Hainan Academy of Forestry(Hainan Academy of Mangrove) , Haikou 571199, China
Abstract: |
Alseodaphnopsis hainanensis is a national second-class key protected plant in China. In order to explore the survival status of its populations in Hainan Province, a field quadrat survey was conducted. Based on the sample site survey data, population dynamics and future development trend were predicted by replacing the age class with the diameter class, compiling the static life table of the population, analyzing the quantitative characteristics of the population, using the population dynamic index and the time series model. The results were as follows:(1)The age-class structure of A. hainanensis populations exhibited an inverted J-shape in primary and secondary forests, and the studied trees covered all age classes; compared to primary forests, secondary forests had more seedlings.(2)The dynamic indices of A. hainanensis populations in primary and secondary forests fluctuated between neighboring age classes, and the values of Vpi and V'pi were greater than 0, which indicated that the populations were the growth type, but it were more sensitive to external disturbances, and had poorer anti-disturbance ability; the anti-interference probability of secondary forest was relatively small, which showed that secondary forest population was more resistant to disturbances than primary forest.(3)The static life table showed that number of surviving A. hainanensis populations and individual life expectancies decreased gradually with increasing age classes in both primary and secondary forests; the population survival curve tended to be Deevey-Ⅱ type.(4)The time series prediction showed after experiencing the time of next 2-3 age classes, there was a decline in number of individuals in the age class Ⅲ of primary forest; while after experiencing the time of next 2 age classes, there was a decline in number of individuals in the age class Ⅲ of secondary forest; number of individuals at all age classes in both primary and secondary forests showed a steady increase after the the time of next 5 age classes. In summary, populations of A. hainanensis are growth-oriented, and the populations are in a fluctuating state and sensitive to external disturbances; young individuals of the population can replenish the losses caused by the death of individuals of all age classes and maintain population stability. Measures should be taken to promote the natural regeneration of A. hainanensis populations, such as strengthening in-situ conservation, strengthening research on seedling renewal and breeding, carrying out research on genetic diversity, and meanwhile, conducting moderate anthropogenic measures to increase the conversion rate of seedlings to saplings, and to promote population growth of A. hainanensis. |
Key words: Alseodaphnopsis hainanensis, endangered plants, population structure, survival curves, survival analysis, dynamic indices |