Page 79 - 《广西植物》2020年第3期
P. 79
3 期 杨珊等: 外来红树植物拉关木对乡土种桐花树和正红树的化感作用研究 3 5 9
表 1 拉关木水浸提液对受体植物胚轴、种子萌发的影响
Table 1 Effects of aqueous extract of Laguncularia racemosa on the hypocotyls and seeds germination of recipient plants
处理 萌发率 萌发指数 芽长 根长 生物量
Treatment Germination Germination Bud length Root length Biomass
(gmL ) percentage (%) index (cm) (cm) (g)
桐花树 对照 CK 0 45.83±11.79a 0.15±0.04a 9.63±2.05a 11.27±3.23a 0.59±0.27a
Aegiceras 根水浸提液
corniculatum 0.1 25.00±0.00a 0.07±0.01b 9.39±2.11a 7.57±2.66bc 1.14±0.89a
Root aqueous extract
0.3 41.67±11.79a 0.10±0.03ab 9.57±2.47a 5.73±2.17c 0.60±0.31a
0.5 45.83±11.79a 0.12±0.03ab 9.98±3.25a 5.80±2.83c 0.64±0.47a
叶水浸提液 0.1 29.17±11.79a 0.08±0.03b 8.61±1.21a 8.58±2.85b 0.89±0.48a
Leaf aqueous extract
0.3 33.33±5.89a 0.08±0.02b 8.81±1.34a 6.12±2.26c 0.63±0.37a
0.5 45.83±11.79a 0.12±0.04ab 8.82±1.77a 6.42±2.17c 0.46±0.01a
正红树 对照 CK 0 87.50±10.21a 0.15±0.02a 7.87±2.95b 6.33±1.57b 1.02±0.32c
Rhizophora 根水浸提液
apiculata 0.1 95.83±5.89a 0.16±0.02a 12.18±4.56a 7.23±1.59b 1.34±0.42b
Root aqueous extract
0.3 100.00±0.00a 0.20±0.01a 12.43±3.98a 8.76±0.92a 1.58±0.47a
0.5 91.67±5.89a 0.17±0.01a 9.48±3.41b 9.37±1.81a 1.24±0.42bc
叶水浸提液 0.1 100.00±0.00a 0.19±0.01a 10.63±3.23ab 6.54±1.43b 1.45±0.34ab
Leaf aqueous extract
0.3 100.00±0.00a 0.20±0.01a 10.36±4.07ab 7.51±1.36b 1.51±0.47ab
0.5 91.67±5.89a 0.16±0.04a 8.21±5.66b 7.48±1.21b 1.08±0.39c
注: 表中数值为平均值±标准差ꎬ同一列中不同字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)ꎮ
Note: The values in the table are x±sꎬ and the different letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P<
表 2 拉关木水浸提液对桐花树种子和正红树胚轴萌发的化感效应指数(RI)比较
Table 2 Comparison of allelopathic effect index (RI) of Laguncularia racemosa aqueous extract on germination of
Aegiceras corniculatum seeds and Rhizophora apiculata hypocotyls
芽长 根长
处理 萌发率 萌发指数 生物量
树种 Bud Root
Treatment Germination Germination Biomass SE1 SE2
Species length length
(gmL ) percentage(%) index (g)
(cm) (cm)
桐花树 根水浸提液 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.099
Aegiceras Root aqueous extract
corniculatum 0.1 -0.455 -0.556 -0.026 -0.329 0.929 -0.087
0.3 -0.091 -0.356 -0.006 -0.492 0.017 -0.186
0.5 0.000 -0.240 0.035 -0.485 0.074 -0.123
叶水浸提液 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.146
Leaf aqueous extract
0.1 -0.364 -0.487 -0.106 -0.239 0.499 -0.139
0.3 -0.273 -0.484 -0.086 -0.457 0.061 -0.248
0.5 0.000 -0.246 -0.085 -0.430 -0.229 -0.198
正红树 根水浸提液 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.210
Rhizophora Root aqueous extract
apiculata 0.1 0.095 0.078 0.548 0.141 0.311 0.235
0.3 0.143 0.310 0.579 0.383 0.544 0.392
0.5 0.048 0.113 0.205 0.480 0.216 0.212
叶水浸提液 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.152
Leaf aqueous extract
0.1 0.143 0.283 0.351 0.032 0.417 0.245
0.3 0.143 0.307 0.317 0.186 0.472 0.285
0.5 0.048 0.065 0.044 0.182 0.044 0.077
注: SE1 为同一器官同一浓度 RI 的算数平均值ꎬ SE2 为同一器官不同浓度的 SE1 算数平均值ꎮ
Note: SE1 is the average value of the same concentration of RI in the same organꎬ and SE2 is the average value of SE1 in different concen ̄
trations of the same organ.