Page 4 - 《广西植物》2020年第4期
P. 4

GUIHAIA                      Apr. 2020                                    Vol 40 No 4



   System and Evolution

   Palynology of Polypodiaceae from Shandong and its significance in classification    LI Xiaojuanꎬ LI Jianxiu(443)
   Morphological variation pattern and supplementary description of Epimedium epsteinii 
      HE Yimingꎬ HUANG Huaꎬ JIANG Yongꎬ LI Renqingꎬ XU Yanqin(452)
   SRAP marker analysis of genetic diversity in Pinus armandii clones from seed orchard in Zixi Mountain   LIU Chengꎬ
     XU Jianꎬ LUO Zhengpingꎬ DONG Yunxiangꎬ DONG Zhanghongꎬ QU Shaohongꎬ LI Xianhuangꎬ XIN Peiyao(462)
   Occurrenceꎬ distribution and essential oil accumulation process of secretory canals in root of Angelica dahurica var. formosana
        LI Boyuanꎬ WANG Juanꎬ GAO Jingꎬ CHEN Xuanmengꎬ CHEN Ying(471)
   Dynamic changes of microstrobilus morphology and cell development in male sterile and fertile lines of Pinus elliottii 
      ZHOU Yangꎬ YANG Zhangqiꎬ HUANG Yongli(482)
   Cloning and bioinformatics analysis of nucleoside diphosphate kinase gene from Rehmannia glutinosa  
       LI Bingyiꎬ LI Qianqianꎬ GONG Shimengꎬ LI Jiaojiaoꎬ ZHENG Xueꎬ DUAN Hongying(492)
   Cloning of CYP71 gene in Malania oleifera and expression analysis in different developmental periods 
      YUAN Xiaolongꎬ CHEN Zhonghuaꎬ LI Yunqinꎬ WANG Yi(501)
   Cloning and expression pattern analysis of PeERG gene from Passiflora edulis 
       FAN Hangꎬ RAN Naꎬ LI Andingꎬ ZHANG Hongliangꎬ XU Meng(509)
   Expression comparison of CygoSTK gene in Cymbidium goeringii and abnormal flower variety ‘Tian Peng Mu Dan’
        XIA Shengyingꎬ LIU Zhixiong(518)
   Physiology and Ecology

   Effects of exogenous ascorbic acid on alleviating aluminum stress in rice seedlings 
       ZHOU Xiaohuaꎬ ZHOU Zeyiꎬ LI Kunzhi(526)
   Global transcriptome analysis of Botrychium ternatum and screening of its plant hormone signal transduction related genes
      ZHAND Linsuꎬ HAN Zhongyaoꎬ WANG Chuanmingꎬ DENG Xiankuo(536)
   A comparative study on diversity and composition of greening tree species in parks of different ages in Chongqing 
       WANG Yueꎬ ZHAO Liang(546)
   Effects of culture conditions on induction of Panax quinquefolium adventitious roots 
       LI Runtianꎬ LIU Zhikunꎬ ZOU Danꎬ ZHANG Zongshen(557)
   Geographic variation of seed and seedling traits of Dalbergia odorifera from different places 
       GE Yuzhenꎬ LIANG Huilingꎬ JIANG Guoxiuꎬ WEI Yujingꎬ HUANG Shixun(567)

   Application of plant protoplasts in molecular and cell biology research 
       XIAO Zhengꎬ XU Yanqinꎬ LUO Nianꎬ ZHOU Yin(576)
   Research progress on mechanism of nitrogen metabolism involved in plant stress resistance  
        WANG Xinleiꎬ LÜ Xinfang(583)
   Knowledge mapping analysis of Camellia nitidissima research based on CiteSpace 
       CAO Mengꎬ GOU Yuxuanꎬ HUANG Yuanfang(592)

     Cover images: Selective presentation of Epimedium plants. 1. E. franchetiiꎻ 2. E. flavumꎻ 3. E. pauciflorumꎻ  1  2
     4. E. pubescensꎻ 5. E. wushanenseꎻ 6. E. qingchengshanenseꎻ 7. E. leptorrhizum. Cover images are provided by  5
                                                                                          6     7
     Xu Yanqin. (For detailꎬ please see the text by He Yiming et al. on page 452-461).
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