Page 45 - 《广西植物》2020年第4期
P. 45

4 期            周洋等: 湿地松雄性不育和可育系小孢子叶球形态和细胞发育动态变化                                            4 8 3

       Abstract: In order to understand whether there are differences in morphology of microstrobilus of Pinus elliottii ‘Song ̄
       tai’ during developmentꎬ to clarify its abortion processꎬ abortion mode and influencing factorsꎬ and to provide scientific
       basis for utilization and later research of male sterile varieties of Pinus elliottiiꎬ the morphological changes of microstrobi ̄
       lus were observed by using ‘Songtai’ s10 abortive line and s9 fertile line as materialsꎬ and the microstrobilus was sliced
       in paraffin and the development of microspore was observed under optical microscope. The results were as follows: There
       was no significant differences between s10 abortion line and s9 fertile line before meiotic phase of microsporocy decelera ̄
       tion and divisionꎬ and the growth trend of microstrobilus was the same. In the period of tetradꎬ s10 microspore cell
       development and microstrobilus morphological development were abnormal. The time from tetrad to monocyte microspore
       development of fertile lines is about 5 d. Howeverꎬ the abortion line continued to develop for about 20 dꎬ and the dura ̄
       tion was four times that of the fertile line. In the meantimeꎬ the development of tapetum cells was abnormalꎬ the degrada ̄
       tion was slowꎬ the tissue arrangement of microsporangium wall was disorderedꎬ and the degradation was delayed. Finallyꎬ
       s10 forms abnormal dinuclear pollen and no pollen dispersion. So it can be reasoned that the abnormal development of
       microsporangium wall cellsꎬ and the abnormal morphology of microstrobilus.The tapetum develops abnormally in the tet ̄
       rad periodꎬ and the callose enzyme can not be secreted at appropriate time to degrade the callosum wall surrounding the
       tetradꎬ nor can it synthesize and transport the energy substances needed for pollen formation in a timely manner. At the
       same timeꎬ the cystic wall cells showed delayed degradation and lamination. This series of abnormal changes leaded to
       the normal tetrad could not be formedꎬ which made the pollen abortion.
       Key words: Pinus elliottiiꎬ microstrobilusꎬ male sterileꎬ cell developmentꎬ morphological changes
       湿地松(Pinus elliottii)原产于美国东南部温湿                观测较难等原因ꎬ致使其研究较为复杂和困难ꎬ可

   多雨的低海拔地区ꎬ海拔 600 m 以上ꎬ常绿大乔木                        查及的文献相对较少ꎬ研究深度也较浅ꎬ而松科类
   (郑万钧等ꎬ1978ꎻ朱志淞ꎬ1993)ꎮ 我国最早在 20                    等裸子植物的雄性不育研究报道更为少见ꎮ ‘ 松
   世纪 30 年代开始引种湿地松ꎬ并于 1964 年在广东                      泰’来源于美国佛罗里达州湿地松种源ꎬ于 20 世
   省台山县建立了第一个湿地松初级种子园( 唐国                            纪 80 年代ꎬ全国国外松协作组开展了湿地松引种
   强ꎬ2015)ꎮ 从 20 世纪 70 年代开始大面积推广湿地                   种源试验ꎬ利用广西点种源试验的结果ꎬ1992 年—

   松以来ꎬ从海南岛屯昌县(110°26′ E、19°22′ Nꎬ年平                 1993 年在南宁市林科所营建湿地松改良 1 代无性
                                                     系种子园ꎮ 团队经过连续 5 年以上的物候观测ꎬ
   均温度 23.16 ℃) 到山东半岛的青岛(120°25′ E、
                                                     ‘松泰’均无花粉散出ꎬ表现出雄性败育特征( 唐国
   36°09′ Nꎬ年均温 11.9 ℃)ꎬ再到烟台(122° E、37°
                                                     强ꎬ2015)ꎮ 本次研究采用南宁市林科所湿地松改
   25′ Nꎬ年均温 12 ℃)ꎬ西至云南均有湿地松分布(潘
                                                     良 1 代种子园内‘松泰’s10 败育系和可育系 s9 为
   志刚和游应天ꎬ1994)ꎮ 目前湿地松在我国的人工
   林种植面积已超过 300 万公顷ꎬ成为了人工乔木林
                                                     踪和了解‘ 松泰’ 小孢子叶球的败育过程、败育方
       雄性不育(male sterilityꎬ MS)在高等植物中普
                                                     机制及今后湿地松败育相关研究提供基础ꎮ 同
   花药或雄配子的遗传现象(范彦君等ꎬ2016)ꎮ “ 植
   物雄性不育”的概念最早在 1876 年由 Coleman 提
   出ꎬ迄今为止己在 43 个科、162 个属、320 个种中

   发现雄 性 不 育 现 象 ( Kaulꎬ 1988ꎻ Wise & Pringꎬ         1  材料与方法
   2002)ꎮ 当前雄性不育的研究主要以经济农作物
   为主ꎬ研究也较为全面和深入ꎬ而林木由于育种时                            1.1 材料
   间长、不育材料发现少、生长周期长以及后期生长                                材料均采自广西南宁市林业科学研究所湿地
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