Page 64 - 《广西植物》2020年第4期
P. 64

5 0 2                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       Abstract: Amino acids ̄derived cyanogenic glucosides catalyzing by plant cytochrome P450 enzymes are plant secondary
       metabolismꎬ which is related to plant defense and anti ̄stress. A gene of cytochrome P450(namely MoCYP71ꎬ GenBank
       ID is MK172858) from Malania oleifera was isolated and cloned through analyzing the transcriptome of M. oleiferaꎬ then
       its function was analyzed by bioinformatics analysisꎬ and the expression of MoCYP71 in different developmental periods
       of fruit was detected. The results were as follows: MoCYP71 gene has 1 572 bpꎬ encodes 523 amid acidsꎬ and its se ̄
       quence of cDNA has 88% identity with the CYP71 cDNA of Coffea eugenioides(XM_027319282) and Coffea arabica
       (XM_027213456)ꎻ The relative molecular weight of MoCYP71 protein was 58 976.54ꎬ the theoretical pI was 8.10ꎬ the
       molecular formula was C  H  N O S ꎬ the instability index(Ⅱ) was 40.84ꎬ and the protein belonged to an instable
                         2675  4184  704  744  27
       proteinꎻ There had no siginal peptide in this protein sequenceꎬ and the protein exists in the secretion pathway and con ̄
       tained two transmembrane structureꎬ located in the protein sequences of 20-37 and 311-333ꎬ and the transmembrane
       sites anchored in the organelle membraneꎻ MoCYP71 had all the conserved domain of CYP familyꎬ containing proline ̄
       rich region (PPSPPRLP)ꎬ K helix region(KETFR)ꎬ I helix region(GGIDTS)ꎬ PERF domain(PERF) and the main
       identified feature heme ̄binding region (FGAGRRICPG)ꎬ and the protein MoCYP71 and the CYP71E protein in Theo ̄
       broma cacaoꎬ Durio zibethinusꎬ Sorghum bicolor(GenBank ID is EOX92908.1ꎬ XP_022773875.1and AAC39318.1ꎬ re ̄
       spectively) clustered into one clanꎻ The expression level of MoCYP71 gene reduced gradually in the first three months
       after blossom fadingꎬ particularlyꎬ 1st month the fruit after blossom fading> 2nd month> 3rd monthꎬ howeverꎬ its ex ̄
       pression level increased sharply in 4th month. The present study had a important significance to defense to insect pestsꎬ
       tissue ripening and secondary metabolism digging in Malania oleifera.
       Key words: Malania oleiferaꎬ CYP71 geneꎬ cyanogenic glucosidesꎬ bioinformatics analysisꎬ gene expression

       蒜 头 果 ( Malania oleifera) 隶 属 于 铁 青 树 科       (UGT85B1 ) ( Halkier et al.ꎬ 1995ꎻ Bak et al.ꎬ
   (Olacaceae)ꎬ为我国特有的单种属濒危植物ꎬ仅分                      1998ꎻ Jones et al.ꎬ 1999)ꎮ 其中 CYP79A1 负责催

   布于云南东南部和广西西部 ( 刘雄民等ꎬ 2007)ꎮ                       化酪氨酸转化成 p ̄羟基苯乙醛肟( p ̄hydroxypheny ̄
   在蒜头果果实的成熟期ꎬ其果实和枝叶中会含有                             lacetaldoxime)ꎻCYP71E1 负责将 p ̄羟基苯乙醛肟

   少量苯 乙 腈、 氰 苯 基 苯 甲 酸 类 等 氰 苷 类 化 合 物              转化成 p ̄羟基苯乙醇腈ꎬCYP71E1 又名 4 ̄羟基苯
   (Tang et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎻ这是因为植物成熟过程中需                  乙 醛 肟 单 加 氧 酶 ( 4 ̄hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde
   要合 成 乙 烯ꎬ 同 时 会 产 生 少 量 氰 苷 类 化 合 物               oxime monooxygenase ) ( Xie   et  al.ꎬ  2017 )ꎻ
   (Gleadow & Mollerꎬ 2014)ꎬ而通常情况下植物中                UGT85B1 负责在 p ̄羟基苯乙醇腈( p ̄hydroxyman ̄
   的氰苷能稳定地存在于细胞的区室中( Morant et                       delonitrile)上添加葡萄糖基生成蜀黍苷( dhurrin)ꎮ
   al.ꎬ 2008)ꎬ但当植物受到昆虫等侵袭时ꎬ氰苷就                       高粱中 的 CYP71E1 酶 属 于 CYP71 家 族 ( Xie et

   会被 降 解 成 酮 和 氰 化 物 以 抵 御 其 侵 害 ( Anne             al.ꎬ 2017)ꎬ但 CYP71 家族中的基因存在大量新功
   Vinther et al.ꎬ 2008ꎻ Jorgensen et al.ꎬ 2011)ꎮ    能化或亚功能化的多重复制与重组ꎬ如双子叶植
       氰化物是一类对人类具剧毒作用的化合物ꎬ                           物拟南芥( Arabidopsis thaliana) CYP71 家族中的
   急性氰化物中毒会抑制线粒体中的细胞色素 aa3                           52 个成员仅覆盖了 CYP71A 和 CYP71B 两个亚家
   氧化酶的活性并阻断细胞呼吸ꎬ严重时甚至危及                             族 ( Paquette et al.ꎬ 2000ꎻ Nelson et al.ꎬ 2004)ꎬ
   生命(Nelsonꎬ 2006a)ꎮ 氰苷的生物合成途径首次                    CYP71 家 族 同 源 基 因 的 多 样 性 极 为 丰 富
   在高 粱 ( Sorghum bicolor) 中 阐 明 ( Jones et al.ꎬ     (Jorgensen et al.ꎬ 2011)ꎬ因此对 CYP71 家族基因
   1999ꎻGleadow & Mollerꎬ 2014)ꎬ高粱中氰苷类的              的具体功能鉴定存在一定的困难ꎮ 目前ꎬ研究人
   生物合成途径中仅包含 3 个结构基因ꎬ包括两种                           员从拟南芥(Bak et al.ꎬ 2001)、大豆(Guttikonda et
   生物膜锚定的多功能细胞色素 P450( CYP79A1 和                     al.ꎬ 2010)等多种植物分离得到多种 CYP71 家族
   CYP71E1)和一个可溶的 UDPG ̄葡萄糖基转移酶                       基因ꎬ但 尚 未 有 关 蒜 头 果 ( Malania oleifera) 方 面
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