Page 59 - 《广西植物》2020年第7期
P. 59

7 期                  李鹏等: 甜荞果皮开裂类型及其对籽粒早期萌发性状的影响                                           9 5 5

       Abstract: Common buckwheatꎬ a traditional edible and medical plantꎬ which grain is an important storage organ. How ̄
       everꎬ types of husk ̄cracking of commom buckwheat and it’s germination effects is a scientific and technological problem
       to be solved. In the present studyꎬ five samples of common buckwheat were used as materials. The grain model of com ̄
       mon buckwheat was established and the types of pericarp cracking were classifiedꎻ at the same timeꎬ through the paper
       bed germination methodꎬ testing the seed germination rateꎬ the radicle and hypocotyl length. The results were as follows:
       (1)There are five kinds of cracking types in the grain of common buckwheatꎬ which are longitudinal complete dehis ̄
       cence type ( LCD)ꎬ semi ̄dehiscent micropyle ( SDM)ꎬ semi ̄dehiscent mid ̄ridge ( SDMR)ꎬ semi ̄dehiscent hilum
       (SDH) and transverse cracking type (TC)ꎻ (2)Five test common buckwheat pericarp cracked type germinates about 12
       hours earlier than the pericarp intact typeꎻ (3)The early germination rate of common buckwheat varieties with pericarp
       cracking was higher than that of the corresponding pericarp intact typeꎬ howeverꎬ 48 h laterꎬ the germination rate of
       seeds with intact pericarp continued to increaseꎬ and exceeded that of all pericarp cracked typesꎻ (4)On the extension
       characteristics of radicle and hypocotylꎬ although the growth rate of radicle and hypocotyl of pericarp cracking type were
       faster than that of intact type of pericarpꎬ the ratio of radicle to hypocotyl of intact pericarp type was higher than that of
       pericarp cracking typeꎻ (5)Different type of pericarp cracking had different effects on seed germinationꎬ from big to
       smallꎬ which is SDMꎬ SDHꎬ LCDꎬ SDMR and TCꎬ respectively. Different type of pericarp cracking had different mildew
       rateꎬ from big to smallꎬ which is SDHꎬ LCDꎬ SDMRꎬ SDM and TC. There are five common cracking types in common
       buckwheat grain pericarpꎻ although pericarp cracking can improve the early germination rate of common buckwheat seeds
       and promote the early extension rate of radicle and hypocotylꎬ it can reduce the germination rate and the ratio of radicle
       to hypocotyl growth of common buckwheat as a wholeꎬ it may not be conducive to the formation of strong seedlings and
       whole seedlings in the field.
       Key words: common buckwheatꎬ grainꎬ husk crackingꎬ germination traits

       荞麦起源于中国西南地区ꎬ为蓼科荞麦属一年                          (尚旭岚等ꎬ2011)ꎻ小麦种皮主要通过限制胚部的
   生草本植物ꎬ生育期短ꎬ一般 60 ~ 80 d 就能成熟ꎬ主                    氧气供应ꎬ对胚起物理阻碍作用而诱导休眠(刘晓

   要包括甜荞( Fagopyrum esculentum) 和苦荞( F. ta ̄          冰和张秋英ꎬ1990)ꎮ 除了对种子内含物的物理束
   taricum)两个栽培种ꎮ 甜荞因与苦荞相比种子及其                       缚作用外ꎬ果( 种) 皮中还含有抑制胚萌发的物质

   制品不苦而得名ꎬ是分布广泛的荞麦栽培种类ꎬ在                            (Agrawal & Dadlaniꎬ1995ꎻ许晓岗等ꎬ2012)ꎬ如栎属
   山区杂粮和饲料生产中占有重要地位(严伟和张本                            (Quercus)植物种皮和野芥(Sinapis arvensis) 的种皮
   能ꎬ1995ꎻ何嵋等ꎬ2011ꎻ陈庆富ꎬ2012)ꎮ 甜荞果皮革                  中均含有抑制萌发的物质( Hillman et al.ꎬ1969ꎻ李
   质ꎬ坚硬厚实ꎬ表面与边缘光滑(林汝法ꎬ1994)ꎮ 果                       庆梅等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 种皮开裂种子容易受到害虫蛀蚀
   皮对种子的胚、胚乳等内含物的阻碍作用可能是由                            且不利于水分的保持(Gaur et al.ꎬ2012)ꎬ水稻裂颖
   于果(种)皮致密的物理或化学特性引起ꎬ从而影响                           种子不耐储藏ꎬ随储藏时间的延长ꎬ裂颖种子的生
   种子对水、气体或溶质的透性( 杨期和等ꎬ2003ꎻ闫                        活力迅速衰退ꎬ发芽率和发芽势降低ꎬ秧苗素质差ꎬ
   翠香等ꎬ2014)ꎮ 果(种) 皮所引起的休眠现象在国                       并严重影响自然混合种子群体的发芽及幼苗生长

   内外皆有报道(Hopper et al.ꎬ1985ꎻ刘艳等ꎬ2012)ꎬ              (刘洪伟等ꎬ2009)ꎮ 甜荞籽粒贮存过程中部分种子
   例如ꎬ去除种皮可促进乌桕树种子早期发芽( Shah                         的果皮自然开裂ꎬ破损的果皮可能对种子水分维
   et al.ꎬ2018)ꎻ去除果皮可以使水青冈种子发芽率增                     持、病原菌隔离、虫害鸟害的预防、种子内含物的束
   大ꎬ并提早萌发(方小平和刘映良ꎬ2009)ꎮ 果(种)                       缚能力等方面带来一定程度的改变ꎬ进而影响到种
   皮的机械阻碍、不透水性和不透气性是阻碍种子萌                            子的萌发与贮藏品质等系列性状ꎮ 萌发是一种重
   发的重要原因(Hilhorstꎬ1995)ꎬ研究发现青钱柳果                    要的行为ꎬ决定着种群的繁衍及作物的产量(Weit ̄
   皮和种皮存在一定的机械束缚和透水、透气性障碍                            brecht et al.ꎬ 2011ꎻ Rajjou et al.ꎬ2012ꎻ徐恒恒等ꎬ
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