Page 101 - 《广西植物》2020年第9期
P. 101

1 3 1 6                               广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       lar radiation. The within ̄flower air temperature showed significantly lower difference between day and night than the am ̄
       bient temperatureꎬ so M. integrifolia has a kind of floral temperature regulation function. (2) When the ambient temper ̄
       ature was high during the daytimeꎬ the solar radiation significantly increased the within ̄flower air temperature of M. inte ̄
       grifoliaꎬ and the petals reduced the within ̄flower air temperatureꎻ When the nighttime ambient temperature was lowꎬ the
       petals closure increased the within ̄flower air temperatureꎬ and the closed motion of the petals effectively reduce the with ̄
       in ̄flower air temperature difference between the day and night and produced a certain thermal insulation effect. (3) In
       the sunꎬ the temperature difference of the floral organs was significantꎬ the pistil and stamen temperatures were signifi ̄
       cantly higher than the petal temperatureꎬ and the temperature of the floral organs decreased from the center point of the
       pistil stigma to the outside. M. integrifolia could effectively regulate the temperature of various floral organs. M. integrifo ̄
       lia has a thermal regulation functionꎬ mainly through the petal closure to reduce the within ̄flower air temperature differ ̄
       ence between the day and night and regulating temperatures of various floral organs in the sun. Howeverꎬ the temperature
       regulation mechanism is still unclearꎬ and the adaptative significance needs further study.
       Key words: Meconopsis integrifoliaꎬ heat sourceꎬ thermal regulation functionꎬ within ̄flower air temperatureꎬ floral or ̄
       gans temperature

       产热植物可以调节花器官的温度ꎬ即使环境                           明ꎬ花的大小和形状与其温度积累显著相关ꎬ花越

   温度变化ꎬ花器官仍保持相对恒定的温度( Grant et                      大温度积累越高ꎬ辐射对称的花的温度积累速度
   al.ꎬ 2010 )ꎮ 喜林芋( arums Philodendron bipinnat ̄    慢于两侧对称的花ꎮ
   ifidum )ꎬ 莲 花 ( Nelumbo nucifera ) 和 臭 菘              吴云等(2015) 的研究发现ꎬ高山植物全缘叶
   (Symplocarpus foetidus) 中的这种温度调节功能最               绿绒蒿存在花瓣闭合运动现象ꎬ每日 7:00—9:00

   先被报道(Nagy et al.ꎬ 1972ꎻ Knutsonꎬ 1974ꎻ Sey ̄       全缘叶绿绒蒿花内温度显著高于环境温度ꎻ17:00
   mour & Schultze ̄Motelꎬ 1996)ꎮ 当气温在 4 ~ 39 ℃
   时ꎬ喜林芋能够通过调节代谢速率ꎬ暂时使花序温                            18:00 环境温度略低于花内微环境温度ꎬ 至 19:00
   度维持在 38 ~ 46 ℃ ( Nagy et al.ꎬ 1972)ꎮ 臭菘的
                                                     度ꎮ 这表明ꎬ全缘叶绿绒蒿的花具有温度调节功
   花序可以保持其内部温度高于空气温度 15 ~ 35 ℃
                                                     能ꎬ并具有产热植物的特征ꎮ 但其热量来源和温
   至少 14 d( Knutsonꎬ 1974)ꎮ 在开花期间ꎬ当环境
                                                     度调节功能的实现方式并不明确ꎮ 为此ꎬ本研究
   温度在 10 ~ 45 ℃ 之间波动时ꎬ莲花能够通过一个
   花的温 度ꎬ 使 得 花 内 温 度 能 相 对 适 宜 地 维 持 在
   30 ~ 36 ℃ (Seymour & Schultze ̄Motelꎬ 1996ꎬ 1998ꎻ
   Seymour et al.ꎬ 1998)ꎮ
                                                     的产热植物或其热量主要来源于太阳辐射? (2)
   热来获取能量( Seymour & Schultze ̄Motelꎬ 1997)ꎮ
                                                     能? 其温 度 调 节 功 能 是 否 与 其 花 瓣 闭 合 运 动
   上ꎬ二者的花瓣有聚光效果ꎮ 而且它们的生长繁                            1  材料与方法
   化ꎬ它们的茎也会相应地转动ꎬ这样能使其繁殖器                            1.1 材料和研究区概况
   官吸收最大的热量ꎮ 张国鹏等(2017) 的研究表                             全缘叶绿绒蒿( Meconopsis integrifolia )属罂粟
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