Page 109 - 《广西植物》2020年第9期
P. 109

1 3 2 4                               广  西  植  物                                         40 卷

                                    1∗                1         1                 1
                  DENG Zhenshan ꎬ CHEN Kaikai ꎬ LI Jing ꎬ LIU Xianchun ꎬ
                                                1                     2
                               ZHANG Baobao ꎬ ZHANG Baocheng
              ( 1. College of Life Sciencesꎬ Yan’an Universityꎬ Yan’an 716000ꎬ Shaanxiꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. School of Biological and
                    Agricultural Science and Technologyꎬ Zunyi Normal Collegeꎬ Zunyi 563000ꎬ Guizhouꎬ China )

       Abstract: In this studyꎬ the root of the Pennisetum sinese was used as the main research materialꎬ screening of growth ̄
       promoting strains from P. sineseꎬ and explore the growth ̄promoting effects of growth ̄promoting strains. We used the
       following screening criteria for the determination of multiple growth ̄promoting capacities of primary strains: the ability to
       solubilize phosphorusꎬ the ability to fix nitrogenꎬ the ability to produce IAA. The strain YB ̄07 with the best growth ̄pro ̄
       moting effect was classified and identified through physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence
       homology analysis. Eleven strains with better overall performance were screened out and used for a pot experiment with a
       single inoculation and multi ̄microbe mixed inoculation to determine its growth ̄promoting effect. A total of 101 strains
       were isolated from the roots of the P. sineseꎬ and the growth ̄promoting ability was measured. Among themꎬ the strain
       with excellent overall performance was YB ̄07ꎬ which had a phosphorus content of 20.1 mgL ꎬ an IAA yield of 23.7
       mgL ꎬ and an ability to produce ammonia at the same time. The results of pot experiment showed that the effect of
       multi ̄microbe mixed inoculation on wheat growth increased by 24.49%ꎬ 31.84%ꎬ 28.06% and 34.14% in the heightꎬ dry
       weightꎬ fresh weight and chlorophyll contentꎬ respectively. Single bacterium inoculation increased the plant heightꎬ dry
       weightꎬ fresh weightꎬ and chlorophyll content by 13.54%ꎬ 20.45%ꎬ16.84% and 35.19%ꎬ respectivelyꎬ compared with
       the control group. The selected strain has good growth ̄promoting effectꎬ can provide a good seed resources for the further
       construction of the P. sinese flora promoting bacteria.
       Key words: Pennisetum sineseꎬ promoting bacteriaꎬ screeningꎬ growth ̄promoting effectꎬ pot experiment

       巨菌草(Pennisetum sinese) 隶属于禾本科狼尾               2013ꎻ王丽萍等ꎬ2015)ꎮ
   草属ꎬ多年生ꎬ适宜在热带、亚热带、温带生长和人                               自在延安地区实施“ 退耕还林还草工程” 以
   工栽培ꎮ 巨菌草是 2005 年—2007 年间由福建农林                     来ꎬ采取封山育林措施ꎬ将畜牧业养殖模式由传
   大学菌草研究所在南非引进的品种ꎬ因其在当地生                            统的“ 散养型” 改为“ 圈养型” ꎬ从而导致饲草短

   长时植株特别高大ꎬ所以将其暂命名为巨菌草ꎬ后                            缺成为了制约延安地区畜牧业发展的瓶颈ꎮ 为
   经鉴定其与国内其他狼尾草略有差别ꎬ现正在申报                            解决饲草短缺、成本高以及“ 治沟造地工程” 土壤
   新品种认定ꎮ 巨菌草属于典型的 C 植物ꎬ其植株高                         改良的问题ꎬ2012 年延安大学科研人员从国家菌
   大ꎬ株高一般为 3~5 mꎬ抗逆性强ꎬ产量高ꎬ粗蛋白和                       草工程研究中心成功引种巨菌草到延安市ꎬ经过
   糖分含量高(林兴生等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 植物内生菌在现今                        多年的试验和示范ꎬ已成功推广了2 000 hm ꎬ促
   植物微生物学、微生物学应用研究领域中已占据越                            进了当地畜牧业的发展ꎮ 然而ꎬ关于巨菌草内生
   来越重要的位置ꎬ主要归功于其具有很多有益的生                            菌的相关研究目前很少见有报道ꎮ 本研究以巨
   物学特性ꎬ如内生细菌具有增加宿主溶磷(王丽萍                            菌草为材料ꎬ从中筛选出具有促生效应的内生细
   等ꎬ2015)、分泌吲哚乙酸(IAA) (罗菲等ꎬ2011)、固                  菌菌株ꎬ 并 采 用 单 菌 接 种 和 多 菌 混 合 接 种 的 方

   氮(Webster et al.ꎬ 1997) 等促进植物生长的作用ꎮ               法ꎬ根据盆栽试验结果ꎬ测定所筛选菌株的促生
   目前ꎬ巨菌草已用于香茹、黑木耳等多种食用药用                            效应ꎬ以期为进一步开发植物促生菌提供种质资
   菌的栽培(王丽萍等ꎬ2015)ꎬ但对巨菌草的研究大                         源以及延安地区巨菌草高效规范化管理与示范
   多集中在抗寒、抗碱、抗盐、抗旱等方面(林兴生等ꎬ                          推广提供参考ꎮ
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