Page 7 - 《广西植物》2020年第9期
P. 7
1 2 2 2 广 西 植 物 40 卷
order to investigate the transaction status of Yao herbal medicine market and harvest the traditional Yao medicinal
knowledgeꎬ we investigated the herbal medicinal market during the Dragon Boat Festival in Lanshan County of Hunan
Province by using ethnobotany method. An inventory of medicinal plants sold in the medicinal market during the Dragon
Boat Festival in Lanshan County was documented in the present paperꎬ including scientific nameꎬ local nameꎬ medicinal
partꎬ usesꎬ prepared methods and occurrence frequency. The results were as follows: The species of medicinal plants in
the medicinal market during the Dragon Boat Festival in Lanshan County were rich. More than 262 species of medicinal
plant were investigated and recordedꎬ which belonged to 103 families and 222 genera. These medicinal plants belong to
various families and generaꎬ and the number of families contained more than seven species including Araliaceae (11 spe ̄
cies)ꎬ Rubiaceae (11 species)ꎬ Asteraceae (11 species)ꎬ Liliaceae (10 species)ꎬ Lamiaceae (9 species)ꎬ Papilion ̄
aceae (8 species)ꎬ Rutaceae (7 species). Medicinal bath plants were popular and diverse in the traditional medicinal
marketꎬ accounting for 94 speciesꎬ up to 35.9% of the totalꎬ and this reflects the Yao people’s concept of prevention
and health care in the treatment of diseases. According to statisticsꎬ 131 species of medicinal plants have not been
included in the national pharmacopoeia and local standardsꎬ accounting for 50.2% of the totalꎬ which will become
potential resources for exploring new drugs and new uses. The investigation result of the age of medicine sellers showed
that the age of sellers was mainly between 50 and 59 years oldꎬ accounting for 67% of the totalꎬ while those under 40
years old only accounted for 3% of the total. This phenomenon indicated that the aging of inheritors and sharp decrease in
the number of potential inheritors exist in the inheritance of traditional ethnic medicine knowledge. We also analyzed
species diversity of medicinal plants and ethnic features of medicinal market and discussed the influence of the medical
market on the protection and inheritance of traditional medical knowledgeꎬ and proposed some suggestions for sustainable
development of the traditional medicinal market in Lanshan County.
Key words: medicinal market during Dragon Boat Festivalꎬ Yao traditional medicineꎬ traditional knowledgeꎬ
Lanshan County
民族医药是我国传统中医药的重要组成部 大ꎬ瑶族民间流传的“ 风药” “ 打药” 在这里汇集交
分ꎬ是中华传统文化的宝贵遗产ꎮ 我国南方一些 易ꎬ人们选购草药洗药浴、煮凉茶、浸药酒、炖药
少数民族地区自发形成的传统医药习俗“ 端午药 食ꎬ成为当地民众利用瑶药的缩影ꎮ
市”ꎬ在当今现代医药科技高度发展尚能流传至 湖南蓝山端午药市的调查于 1996 年和 2002
今ꎬ经久不衰ꎬ体现了民族医药的独具特色及其深 年曾有初步报道(朱如彩等ꎬ1996ꎻ刘育衡ꎬ2002)ꎬ
远影响(杨春燕等ꎬ2009ꎻ林春蕊等ꎬ2016ꎻ林婵春 记录交易药材不足百种ꎬ但随着当今全球生态环
等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 湖南省蓝山县位于湘南边陲ꎬ地处我 境变化ꎬ以及人们健康需求不断改变而使药市交
国瑶族主要聚居地南岭山脉ꎬ民间至今仍保存有 易现状也随之变化ꎮ 本文通过 2017 年—2019 年
传统的端午药市习俗ꎮ 五月初五端午处于春夏之 来对蓝山县端午药市的调查ꎬ整理了 262 种药市
交ꎬ雨量充沛ꎬ气温适宜ꎬ植物长势正盛ꎬ在蓝山当 常见药用植物ꎬ并分析药用民族特色ꎬ为蓝山端午
地就有“五月端午百草都是药” 之说ꎬ认为这时节 药市的传承和可持续发展提供依据ꎮ
的草药药力大、疗效好ꎮ 而端午天气暑热、毒瘴滋
生ꎬ人最易生病ꎬ故当天人们喜好上山采集各种草 1 调查区域
历来称端午节为采药节( 蓝山县志编纂委员会ꎬ 湖南省蓝山县位于湘南边陲ꎬ南与广东省连
1995)ꎬ县内其它地区尤其瑶族地区亦有上山采药 州市接壤( 图 1)ꎮ 蓝山历史悠久ꎬ县志记载当地
习惯ꎬ但一般多是在端午节前后上市选购草药ꎬ用 春秋战国时属楚ꎬ汉高祖五年( 公元前 202 年) 建
以防病健身ꎮ 发展至今ꎬ蓝山县端午药市不断壮 南平县于此ꎬ唐玄宗天宝元年( 公元 742 年) 以境