Page 25 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 25
增刊 王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二) 2 1
no. 2)ꎬ alt. 4 600 mꎬ多砾石山坡ꎬ花蓝色 (on screeꎬ
fls. blue)ꎬ1987 - 09 - 10ꎬ李渤生ꎬ杜泽全ꎬ张百平
(B. S. Liꎬ Z. Q. Du & B. P. Zhang ) 1149 (PE)ꎮ
Species nova haec est affinis D. tetragyno
W. T. Wang et D. taxkorganensi W. T. Wangꎬ ab
illo foliis glabrisꎬ pedicellis longioribusꎬ calcari
sepalino longioreꎬ gynoecii capellis quatuor vel
quinque differtꎬ et a hoc foliis glabrisꎬ bracteis
superis indivisisꎬ rhachidibus et pedicellis pilis
glandulosis carentibusꎬ sepalis cum calcari longiori ̄
busꎬ ovariis apice pubescentibus recedit.
Perennial herbs 10 - 32 cm tall. Stems near
base 1.5-3 mm acrossꎬ with sparse hairs 0.4-0.8
mm longꎬ simple or below branchedꎬ 1-2 ̄leaved or
leafless. Basal leaves ca. 2ꎬ with cauline leaves
glabrous and long petiolateꎻ blades paperyꎬ reini ̄
formꎬ 1.5 - 3 × 3 - 5. 2 cmꎬ at base cordateꎬ 3 ̄
partedꎬ central primary lobe broad ̄rhombicꎬ 1.2-2
cm broadꎬ at apex subroundedꎬ 3 ̄lobulateꎬ with
lobules 1 - 3 ̄denticulateꎬ lateral primary lobes fla ̄
bellate or obliquely broad ̄obovateꎬ 1. 6 - 3 cm
broadꎬ unequally 2-3 ̄lobedꎬ secondary lobes with
1-3 broad ̄ovate teethꎻ petioles 2-8.5 cm longꎬ at
base narrowly vaginate. Racemes terminalꎬ 7 - 20
cm longꎬ 2-5 ̄floweredꎻ basal bract foliaceousꎬ up ̄
图 4 塔什库尔干翠雀花 1. 开花植株ꎻ
per bracts undividedꎬ linearꎻ rachis and pedicels
2. 退化雄蕊ꎮ (引自王文采ꎬ 1993)
Fig. 4 Delphinium taxkorganense 1. Flowering plantꎻ wih sparse hairs 0.3-0.6 mm longꎻ pedicels 2.8-
2. Staminode. (After W. T. Wangꎬ 1993)
7.5 cm longꎬ on or above the middle 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ
bracteoles lanceolate ̄linearꎬ 7 - 10 × 1 - 1.1 mmꎬ
特产于新疆塔什库尔干县ꎮ 生于近冰川石 near base with short hairs. Sepals blueꎬ on both sur ̄
上ꎬ海拔 4 700 mꎮ faces sparsely puberulousꎬ upper sepal broadly
25. 乔戈里峰翠雀花 图版 15: 1-7 cymbiform ̄ovateꎬ 24 × 16 mmꎬ spur thin ̄conicꎬ
Delphinium qiaogeliense W. T. Wangꎬ sp. 14-15 mm long. at base 4 - 6 mm acrossꎬ lateral
nov. Holotype 新疆(Xinjiang): 叶城县ꎬ乔戈里 sepals ellipticꎬ 20 × 10 mmꎬ lower sepals cymbi ̄
峰ꎬ二号营地 (Yecheng Countyꎬ Qiaogelifengꎬ Camp form ̄ellipticꎬ 22 × 10 mm. Petals blackꎬ at apex