Page 61 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 61

增刊                               王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二)                                          5 7

                                                          65. 雪宝顶翠雀花  图版 32

                                                          Delphinium xuebaodingense W. T. Wangꎬ
                                                     sp. nov. Holotype  四川( Sichuan): 松潘县ꎬ雪

                                                     宝顶 ( Songpan Countyꎬ Xuebaoding)ꎬ alt. 4 000
                                                     mꎬ screeꎬ 2004- 09- 16ꎬ Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan
                                                     312 (PE)ꎮ

                                                          Species nova haec est affinis D. yangii W. T.
                                                     Wangꎬ a quo bracteolis indivisis elliptico ̄ovatis vel

                                                     3 ̄lobatisꎬ calcari sepalino majore 25 mm longoꎬ
                                                     petalis apice 2 ̄lobulatisꎬ staminodiorum limbis

                                                     apice brunneolis alibi nigris apice 2 ̄lobulatis distin ̄
                                                          Perennial herbs 4.5- 14 cm tall. Stems 3- 11

                                                     cm longꎬ densely retrorsely appressed ̄puberulousꎬ
                                                     branched or simpleꎬ 2 ̄ or more ̄leaved. Basal leaves

                                                     1 - 2ꎬ with lower cauline leaves long petiolateꎻ
                                                     blades paperyꎬ pentagonalꎬ 1.8-2.6 × 2.2-5 cmꎬ
                                                     at base cordate or subtruncateꎬ 3 ̄parted to near

                                                     baseꎬ central primary lobe broad ̄rhombicꎬ 3 ̄parted
                                                     or 3 ̄lobedꎬ secondary lobes with 1 - 2 lobules or

      图版 31  1-3. 竞生翠雀花  1. 花序ꎻ 2. 叶ꎻ                teethꎬ lateral primary lobes largerꎬ obliquely flabel ̄
      3. 退化雄蕊ꎮ 4-5. 雅江翠雀花  4. 开花植株                   lateꎬ unequally 2 ̄partedꎬ upper secondary lobes

       上部ꎻ 5. 退化雄蕊ꎮ (引自王文采ꎬ 1986)
                                                     similar to central primary lobeꎻ surfaces adaxially
   Plate 31  1-3. Delphinium yangii  1. Inflorescenceꎻ
                                                     and abaxially with dense short hairs 0.1 mm longꎻ
       2. Leafꎻ 3. Staminode.  4-5. D. yajiangense
                                                     petioles 3-9 cm long. Corymbs terminalꎬ 1-2 ̄flow ̄
       4. Upper part of flowering plantꎻ 5. Staminode.
                                                     eredꎻ bracts foliaceousꎻ pedicels 2.5 - 5 cm longꎬ
              (After W. T. Wangꎬ 1986)
                                                     puberulousꎬ   below   to  above   2 ̄bracteolateꎻ
   形ꎬ长 17~ 19 mmꎬ距细筒形ꎬ长 19~ 21 mmꎬ基部                 bracteoles 6 - 10 mm longꎬ elliptic ̄ovate or 3 ̄

   粗 3~ 4.5 mmꎬ其他萼片长 21 ~ 26 mmꎮ 花瓣无                 lobed. Sepals blueꎬ outside with sparse hairsꎬ inside
   毛ꎬ顶端全缘ꎮ 退化雄蕊黑色ꎻ瓣片长 9 mmꎬ顶                         glabrousꎬ upper sepal ellipticꎬ18 × 10 mmꎬ spur

   端微凹ꎬ腹面基部之上被白色髯毛ꎻ爪长 7 mmꎮ                          subulateꎬ 25 mm longꎬ at base 4 mm acrossꎬ lateral
   雄蕊无 毛ꎮ 心 皮 3ꎬ子 房 密 被 短 柔 毛ꎮ 8 月—                  sepals narrow ̄ellipticꎬ 22 × 12 mmꎬ lower sepals

   9 月开花ꎮ                                            obovate ̄oblongꎬ 26 × 11 mm. Petals glabrousꎬ apex
       特产于云南中甸县ꎮ 生于高山草地ꎬ海拔                           emarginate. Staminodes mostly blackꎬ on apex brow ̄

   4 200~ 4 500 mꎮ                                   nishꎻ limbs 9 × 6 mmꎬ at apex 2 ̄lobulateꎬ adaxially
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