Page 12 - 《广西植物》2022年第10期
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1 6 3 0 广 西 植 物 42 卷
A-D. Isoëtes xiangfei (Fern08928. A. Proximal view of megasporeꎻ B. Distal view of megasporeꎻ C. Proximal view of microsporeꎻ D. Distal
view of microspore). E-H. I. yunguiensis (YYH15163. E. Proximal view of megasporeꎻ F. Distal view of megasporeꎻ G. Proximal view of
microsporeꎻ H. Distal view of microspore). I -L. I. orientalis (Fern08748. I. Proximal view of megasporeꎻ J. Distal view of megasporeꎻ
K. Proximal view of microsporeꎻ L. Distal view of microspore).
Fig. 4 Palynological comparison between Isoëtes xiangfeiꎬ I. yunguiensis and I. orientalis
(7) Megaspore without reticulate ornamentationꎬ chromosome numbers 44. (8)
(8) Rhizome 2 ̄lobedꎬ megaspore 310-410 μm (mean = 350 μm). I. longpingii
(8) Rhizome 3 ̄lobedꎬ megaspore 340-450 μm (mean = 409 μm). I. sinensis
Acknowledgments The authors thank Prof. YU implications for biogeography and conservation [ J]. Fern
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References: adaptation of the polyploids: a case study of the Chinese
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taxonomic research into Isoetes ( Isoetaceae )ꎬ with DAI XKꎬ YANG YJꎬ LIU Xꎬ 2021. Transplanting experiment