Page 43 - 《广西植物》2022年第10期
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Guihaia Oct. 2022ꎬ 42(10): 1661-1674
DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw202111044
田琴ꎬ 段涵宁ꎬ 王云强ꎬ 等. 中国五种仙茅科植物叶形态及其分类学意义 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 2022ꎬ 42(10): 1661-1674.
TIAN Qꎬ DUAN HNꎬ WANG YQꎬ et al. Leaf morphology and taxonomic significance of five species in Hypoxidaceae from China
[J]. Guihaiaꎬ 2022ꎬ 42(10): 1661-1674.
田 琴 ꎬ 段涵宁 ꎬ 王云强 ꎬ 李海涛 ꎬ 李 璐 1∗
( 1. 西南林业大学 生物多样性保护学院ꎬ 昆明 650224ꎻ 2. 西南林业大学 林学院ꎬ 昆明 650224ꎻ 3. 中国医学科学院
药用植物研究所云南分所云南省南药可持续利用重点实验室ꎬ 云南 景洪 666100 )
摘 要: 为澄清仙茅科属间界限不清的分类学问题ꎬ该文以中国仙茅科 3 属 5 种植物为研究对象ꎬ利用显微
镜、扫描电镜和石蜡切片技术ꎬ观察了其叶形态、叶表皮显微特征和叶解剖特征ꎮ 结果表明:(1)叶形态有小
型平整叶、中型波状叶、大型折扇状叶三种ꎮ (2)叶表皮毛状体结构为单细胞单列ꎬ可分为长柔毛、糙伏毛和
星状柔毛三类ꎮ (3)叶表皮细胞有六边形和五边形ꎬ气孔为平列型和椭圆形ꎬ气孔大小和气扎密度呈反比ꎮ
(4)叶表皮蜡质纹饰有光滑、颗粒、屑状和壳状四类ꎮ (5) 叶中脉横切面分为平整型和龙骨型ꎬ维管束有圆
形和椭圆形ꎬ叶表皮厚度与表皮细胞具有正相关性ꎮ 对 5 种植物的叶形态和叶解剖特征比较分析认为ꎬ一
关键词: 仙茅科ꎬ 仙茅属ꎬ 小金梅草属ꎬ 大叶仙茅属ꎬ 叶形态ꎬ 叶解剖
中图分类号: Q944 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2022)10 ̄1661 ̄14
Leaf morphology and taxonomic significance of
five species in Hypoxidaceae from China
1ꎬ2 1 3 3 1∗
TIAN Qin ꎬ DUAN Hanning ꎬ WANG Yunqiang ꎬ LI Haitao ꎬ LI Lu
( 1. Department of Biodiversity Conservationꎬ Southwest Forestry Universityꎬ Kunming 650224ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. College of Forestryꎬ Southwest
Forestry Universityꎬ Kunming 650224ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Key Laboratory of Southern Medicinal Resources of Yunnanꎬ Yunnan Branch
Institute of Medicinal Plantsꎬ Chinese Academy of Medical Sciencesꎬ Jinghong 666100ꎬ Yunnanꎬ China )
Abstract: In order to provide new data for clarification of the generic relationship in Hypoxidacaeꎬ morphologyꎬ
ultrastructureꎬ and anatomy of leaf from five species in this family were investigated using microscopeꎬ scanning
electronic microscope (SEM)ꎬ and paraffin section. It turned out that there were five points of views as below:(1) Three
types of leaf shapes were characterizedꎬ including small ̄evenꎬ middle ̄waveꎬ and large ̄plicate. (2) Trichomes were
single ̄celled and uniseriateꎬ and grouped into piloseꎬ strigose and stellate types. (3) Shapes of leaf epidermal cells were
收稿日期: 2022-03-03
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(32060049)ꎻ全国第四次中药资源普查项目( GZY ̄KJS ̄2018 ̄004) [ Supported by National Nature
Science Foundation of China (32060049)ꎻthe Fourth National Survey on Chinese Material Medical Resources (GZY ̄KJS ̄2018 ̄004) ]ꎮ
第一作者: 田琴(1994-)ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ研究方向为植物分类学ꎬ(E ̄mail)3488582237@qq.comꎮ
通信作者: 李璐ꎬ博士ꎬ副研究员ꎬ硕士研究生导师ꎬ研究方向为植物系统与进化、植物形态解剖学ꎬ( E ̄mail) lilusaraca@ foxmail.