Page 6 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 6
2 广 西 植 物 43 卷
parts of A. esculenta to extract flour and make it into food. In order to study and record the traditional knowledge of
Angiopteris esculentaꎬ ethnobotanical methods were employed to investigate and document the traditional knowledge about
A. esculentaꎬ and approaches of food science were used to reveal the basic componentsꎬ morphologyꎬ physicochemical
propertiesꎬ and gelatinization characteristics of A. esculenta flour in the present paper. The results were as follows: (1)
A. esculenta was a multipurpose plant in the traditional livelihood of Dulong people. Local people employed this plant for
edibleꎬ medicinalꎬ ornamental purpose and woody purposes. Quantitative analysis showed that the relative frequency of
citation (RFC) of the edibleness was much higher than that of other usesꎬ indicating that it was mainly used as staple
food. (2) The traditional uses of fern flour extracted from the underground part of A. esculenta imply rationality. There
was high starch content in the flourꎬ and the total starch content was 86.2%ꎬ and A. esculenta flour contained various
mineral elements necessary for human body. (3) The flour had good physicochemical propertiesꎬ among which the
retrogradation and freeze ̄thaw stability were strongꎬ which could be used in the production and process of frozen food and
starch products. The regeneration value and attenuation value of starch were much lower than that of common starchꎬ
which indicated that it had good stability of hot paste and cold pasteꎬ and not easy to regenerateꎬ thus imply the good
processability in food industry. In conclusionꎬ A. esculenta flour has a good potential for utilization and further
development. It is expected to play a positive role for increasing local residents’ income and for rural revitalization in
remote areasꎬ through the approaches of artificial cultivation. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the
subsequent processing and utilization of A. esculenta.
Key words: Angiopteris esculentaꎬ ethnobotanyꎬ Dulong peopleꎬ substitute plant of staple foodꎬ traditional knowledgeꎬ
physicochemical properties
蕨类植物具有重要的民间食用价值和悠久的 蹄、根状茎中提取的蕨粉对于维持独龙族在粮食匮
利用历史(乔星和杨颖ꎬ2013)ꎮ 我国食用蕨类植物 乏时期的粮食需求和保障区域粮食安全具有重要
种类繁多ꎬ不仅可作营养美味的蔬菜ꎬ其加工后的 意义(龙春林等ꎬ1999)ꎮ
淀粉也被用于制作羹汤、粉条或酿酒 ( Liu et al.ꎬ 目前ꎬ野生食用植物资源的研究已经成为民族
2012)ꎬ如黄瓜香(荚果蕨ꎬMatteuccia struthiopteris)、 植物学领域的重要内容ꎬ引起了许多民族植物学家
蕨菜(Pteridium aquilinum) 等ꎮ 地下根状茎和马蹄 的关注ꎬ对保护当地野生食用植物相关的传统知识
中淀 粉 含 量 较 高 的 蕨 类 植 物 有 食 用 观 音 座 莲 以及促进野生食用植物资源的可持续利用具有重
(Angiopteris esculenta)、福建观音座莲(A. fokiensis)、 要意义(耿彦飞等ꎬ2015)ꎮ 近年来国内开展了许多
紫萁(Osmunda japonica) 等ꎮ 食用观音座莲是合囊 野生食用植物的民族植物学调查ꎬ主要集中在云
蕨科观音座莲属植物ꎬ其植株高达 2.5 mꎬ根状茎肥 南、内蒙古等省区(Wujisguleng & Khasbagenꎬ 2010ꎻ
大ꎬ叶柄基部具托叶状附属物ꎬ并以关节和根状茎 Luo et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 随着食品科学技术的发展以及
相连ꎬ硕大肉质的叶柄基部、根状茎经加工后可食 人们对膳食平衡的关注增加ꎬ野生食用植物的营养
用或提取淀粉ꎮ 食用观音座莲主要分布在云南省 价值和化学成分分析逐渐成为新的研究方向ꎮ 该
西北部的怒江上游河谷与独龙江河谷两岸的密林 类研究的营养价值分析为寻找与开发优良种质资
之中ꎬ是当地少数民族独龙族长期利用的野生食用 源提供线索ꎬ有助于满足人们对饮食多样性和膳食
植物之一ꎮ 独龙族是云南省人口最少的民族ꎬ主要 营养的需求(刘宇婧等ꎬ 2016ꎻ Xu et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ 从
聚居在云南省怒江傈僳族自治州贡山独龙族怒族 野生食用植物中获取的淀粉是重要能源物质ꎬ不仅
自治县独龙江乡ꎮ 独龙江地区属典型的高山峡谷 为人体提供营养ꎬ还作为增稠剂、调和剂在食品或
地貌ꎬ山高谷深ꎬ沟壑纵横ꎬ地理环境极其封闭ꎬ粮 非食品工业中广泛应用(Zhou et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 淀粉
食产量低ꎬ仅仅依靠作物种植不能满足当地人的生 研究一般从基本成分、形态特征、溶解度、膨胀度、
活需求ꎬ因此采集野生食用植物是当地独龙族人最 稳定性以及糊化特性等方面进行营养成分、理化性
重要的传统生计方式之一ꎮ 食用观音座莲是独龙 质及功能特性的多方面评价ꎬ以此作为加工利用的
族旧时的重要代粮植物和主要食物来源ꎬ从其马 理论依据(Yang et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ