Page 93 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 93

1 期               苏秀丽等: 黄花倒水莲内生真菌生物活性评价及 HNLF ̄44 菌株鉴定                                        8 9

                 Abstract: The medicinal plant Polygala fallax has a variety of biological activities. In order to fully develop the endophytic
                 fungi resources of the wild P. fallax and to obtain the culture ̄endophytic fungi strains with an anti ̄phytopathogenic fungi
                 and antioxidant activitiesꎬ the endophytic fungi of P. fallax were taken as the research objectꎬ the antifungal activity of the
                 endophytic fungi against six kinds of phytopathogenic fungi was detected by the plate confrontation methodꎻ and the
                 antioxidant activity of endophytic fungi was evaluated by measuring the DPPH free radical scavenging ability and total
                 reducing ability of endophytic fungi fermentation broth. Finallyꎬ the endophytic fungi strains with strong antifungal and
                 antioxidant activities were then analyzed by the morphological traits and the flanking ITS sequencing. The results were as
                 follows: (1) In the antifungal experimentꎬ there were two endophytic fungi of P. fallax had obvious antifungal activities on
                 six kinds phytopathogenic fungi of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubenseꎬ Phyllosticta zingiberiꎬ Diaporthe citriꎬ Mycosphaerella

                 fijiensisꎬ Fusarium solaniꎬ F. oxysporumꎬ and the inhibition rates ranged from 50.3% to 91.4%. Among themꎬ HNLF ̄5 strain
                 had a good effect antifungal activity against Diaporthe citriꎬ with a inhibition rate of 73.2%ꎬ and HNLF ̄44 strain had a good
                 effect antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubenseꎬ with a inhibition rate of 91.4%. (2) In the experiment
                 of antioxidant activityꎬ the endophytic fungal fermentation broth had good antioxidant activityꎬ the DPPH clearance rate was
                 above 80%ꎬ and the total reducing ability absorbance value ranged from 0.279 2 to 0.748 8. (3) It could be seen from the
                 strain identification results that the HNLF ̄44 strain with antifungal activity was Alternaria sp. fungus. This study indicates
                 that the endophytic fungi of Polygala fallax have a good ability of inhibiting plant phytopathogenic fungi and antioxidant
                 activityꎬ which lays the foundation for the subsequent exploration of potential new antifungal and antioxidant substances from
                 P. fallax endophytic fungi.
                 Key words: Polygala fallaxꎬ endophytic fungiꎬ antioxidantꎬ antifungiꎬ identification

                植物内生真菌是指长期生活在健康植物体内ꎬ                           病ꎬ 烟 曲 霉 ( Aspergillus fumigatus) 和 黑 曲 霉 ( A.
            但在体内生活的这段时间不会引起宿主产生病害                              niger) 具 有 良 好 的 防 治 作 用 ( 郭 东 升 等ꎬ 2020ꎻ
            的一类真菌(隋丽等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 药用植物内生真菌具                         Erfandoust et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 因此ꎬ从药用植物内生真
            有良好的抗氧化活性、抑菌活性等ꎬ在农医药行业                             菌中获得具有生物活性的次级代谢产物是可行的ꎬ
            的活性产物开发中发挥重要作用ꎮ 研究表明ꎬ链格                            药用植物内生真菌次级代谢产物为天然产物的开
            孢属、间座壳属等内生真菌具有良好的抗氧化活                              发提供了强大动力ꎮ
            性ꎬ殷娜等(2022)从药用植物马利筋中发现具有抗                              黄花倒水莲(Polygala fallax)ꎬ别称黄花远志ꎬ
            氧化活性的链格孢属和间座壳属内生真菌ꎻ程庭峰                             远志科( Polygalaceae) 远志属( Polygala) 植物ꎬ是
            等(2021)从野生麻花艽的一株 Cadophora sp.内生                   一种深受少数民族喜爱的药用植物( 翁颖妮等ꎬ

            真菌 Gs ̄6 发 酵 液 中 发 现 槲 皮 素 等 黄 酮 类 物 质ꎬ             2020)ꎮ 其根部富含皂苷、黄酮、多糖类等物质ꎬ具
            DPPH 清除自由基的 IC 为 0.039 9 mg ×mL ꎬ具有                有抗衰老、 降 血 糖 等 多 种 生 物 活 性 ( 姚 志 仁 等ꎬ
            较强的清除活性ꎻ寇晓琳等(2020)从青钱柳中发现                          2020ꎻ李根等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 目前ꎬ虽然国内外已有许多
            3 株能产生黄酮的链格孢属真菌ꎮ 此外ꎬ镰刀菌属、                          有关黄花倒水莲化学成分和药理活性的研究ꎬ但
            木霉属等对病原菌具有良好的抑制作用ꎬZhao 等                           未曾见到有关黄花倒水莲内生真菌及其次级代谢
            (2020 ) 研 究 发 现 1 株 内 生 真 菌 Seimatosporium         产物生物活性的研究ꎮ 有研究表明ꎬ从药用植物
            sp. M7SB 41 能够增强宿主植物抵抗蔷薇白粉病的                       远志中分离得到的链格孢属内生真菌不仅具有抑
            能力ꎬ 降 低 感 染 蔷 薇 白 粉 病 的 风 险ꎮ Bucarei 等             菌活性ꎬ而且能够产生皂苷类物质、香豆素等抗氧
            (2019)将一种白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)定殖在西               化物质ꎬ具有重要的研究价值( 王玉君等ꎬ2009ꎻ付
            红柿和辣椒植株根部一段时间后发现ꎬ其能够减轻                             建红和熊东兰ꎬ2013)ꎮ 据此ꎬ我们提出黄花倒水
            由灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea) 引起的灰霉病病害发                  莲内生真菌也具有抗氧化活性、抑菌活性的推测ꎮ
            生程 度ꎮ 此 外ꎬ 内 生 真 菌 燕 麦 镰 刀 菌 ( Fusarium            在内生真菌与宿主有着相似活性的基础上ꎬ以黄
            avenaceum) 和 木 霉 属 ( Trichoderma) 的 康 宁 木 霉        花倒水莲内生真菌为研究对象ꎬ以香蕉专化尖孢
            (T. koningii)和深绿木霉(T. atroviride) 对柑橘青霉            镰刀菌(Fusariun oxysporun f. sp. cubense)、香蕉具
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