Page 27 - 《广西植物》2023年第11期
P. 27

11 期          陈弘毅等: 滇西北纳帕海湖滨带优势植物茭草茎解剖结构对模拟增温的响应                                          1 9 8 7

            ( 1. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Plateau Wetland Conservationꎬ Restoration and Ecological Servicesꎬ Southwest Forestry Universityꎬ Kunming 650224ꎬ
                    Chinaꎻ 2. National Plateau Wetlands Research Centerꎬ Southwest Forestry Universityꎬ Kunming 650224ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Forestry
                                Service of Wangmo County in Guizhou Provinceꎬ Qianxinan 552300ꎬ Guizhouꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Lakeside plants of plateau wetland show strong functional responses to climate warmingꎬ one of the main
                 phenomena of global change. Anatomical traits are closely related to the ecological function in plants. In order to explore
                 the influences of climate warming on stem anatomical structures of wetland plantsꎬ the effects of simulated temperature
                 increase on the stem anatomical structure of Zizania latifoliaꎬ an emergent plant in the lakeside zone of the Napahai
                 wetland in the northwest of Yunnan Provinceꎬ were studied by using an open ̄top chamber. The results were as follows:
                 (1) In the temperature ̄increasing range of 4 ℃ꎬ the aboveground stem of Z. latifolia responded to warming mainly by
                 increasing the thickness of the epidermal structure to increase the epidermal water loss. The response strategy of the
                 underground stem was the same as that of the aboveground stem when the temperature was increased by 2 ℃ꎬ while the
                 response to the temperature increase was mainly through reducing the sizes of the vascular structure to reduce the risk of
                 cavitation when the temperature were increased by 4 ℃. (2) Annual maximum temperature(MAX) and nighttime
                 accumulated temperature(NAT) were the key factors affecting the stem anatomical structure of Z. latifoliaꎬ but both of
                 which only have significant effects on the sieve tube size of the underground stem (R = 0.838ꎬ P<0.01). (3) The
                 thickness of inner epidermal cells was the main traits of the aboveground stem in response to the warmingꎬ and was
                 significantly and positively correlated with temperature factors. The sizes of the vessel and sieve tube were the main traits
                 of the underground stem response to the warmingꎬ and they were negatively correlated with temperature factors. The
                 results indicate that there are differences in response strategies of the aboveground stem and underground stem of
                 Z. latifolia to the temperature increaseꎬ which provides a scientific basis for revealing the response laws of plateau
                 wetland plants to climate warming and ecological adaptation strategies. Based on the current climate warming contextꎬ we
                 need to further investigate and supplement the ecological response processes and laws of more plateau wetland plants with
                 more scientific experimental methods in the future.
                 Key words: climate warmingꎬ plateau wetlandꎬ plant functional traitsꎬ emerging plantꎬ incremental temperature

                气候变暖是全球气候变化的主要体现( IPCCꎬ                        构、叶肉结构等( 孙梅等ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 植物解剖结构
            2013ꎻ Hodson et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ Kennedy et al.ꎬ 2022)ꎮ  的性状表现直接关系着植物的生理功能ꎮ 表皮是
            已有研究表明ꎬ气候变暖是导致湿地面积减少及                              植物体内与外界环境的天然保护屏障( Han et al.ꎬ
            其生 态 系 统 功 能 退 化 的 主 要 影 响 因 子 ( 董 瑜ꎬ              2021)ꎬ较厚的表皮细胞具有更强的保水性和机械
            2013ꎻ 孟 焕 等ꎬ 2016ꎻ Mirosław ̄Swiᶏtek et al.ꎬ        支撑能力( Ristic & Jenksꎬ 2002)ꎮ 角质层厚度则
            2020)ꎮ 高海拔地区是气候变暖影响最大的区域                           是评价植物抗逆性的主要依据( 方敏彦等ꎬ 2017ꎻ
            之一ꎬ加强对高海拔地区湿地响应气候变暖策略                              Heredia ̄Guerrero et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 维管束结构是植
            的研究ꎬ是有效应对气候变化的关键(Diffenbaugh &                     物最重要的输导系统ꎬ承载着植物体中水分及营
            Giorgiꎬ 2012)ꎮ 滇西北地区是我国“ 川滇生态屏                     养物质的长途运输任务ꎬ其中导管和筛管大小及
            障”的重要组成部分ꎬ其高原面上发育了丰富的湿                             数量 更 是 关 系 到 水 和 物 质 运 输 的 阻 力 与 效 率

            地ꎮ 由于这些湿地具有独特的生态过程及特征ꎬ                             ( Tyree & Zimmermannꎬ 2002ꎻ 王太霞等ꎬ 2003ꎻ 尹
            并且对气候变暖极其敏感ꎬ因此成为国内外关注                              秋龙ꎬ 2015)ꎮ 鉴于植物解剖结构在维持植物生
            的热点(Erwinꎬ 2009ꎻ Tian et al.ꎬ 2015)ꎮ 湖滨带           态功能上的重要作用ꎬBaker 等(2017) 研究指出ꎬ
            植物是滇西北高原湿地生态系统的功能载体ꎬ在                              植物解剖结构、生理生态功能和有机体形态之间
            气候变暖条件下ꎬ其功能性状表现出强烈适应性                              关系的遗传结构ꎬ将是揭示植物育种和模拟自然

            (Zhao & Liuꎬ 2009ꎻ Dang et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ             系统中复杂生态与进化动力学的新途径ꎮ 因此ꎬ
                 植物解剖结构是指通过切片等方式获得的植                           基于解剖结构性状的生态适应性研究是探讨植物
            物内部组织结构ꎬ主要包括表皮结构、维管束结                              应对环境变化的重要方面ꎮ
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