Page 6 - 《广西植物》2023年第5期
P. 6
7 8 6 广 西 植 物 43 卷
Abstract: There are a lot of endemic and narrowly distributed species in Gesneriaceae in China’s higher plantsꎬ 805
known species (including infraspeciesꎬ the same below)ꎬ belong to 45 generaꎬ before December 31 ꎬ 2021ꎬ and mainly
found from Southwest toward South China. Apart from a few speciesꎬ most species in China are specifically turned the
certain micro ̄habitats so that they are easily influenced becoming endangered status by the own and external factors. For
better understanding the endangered risks of known species of Gesneriaceae in Chinaꎬ we re ̄assessed the IUCN red list
categories of China’s Gesneriaceae taxaꎬ then calculated and analyzed the data based on consulting relevant literatureꎬ
collecting the endangered data of new reported taxa in recent yearsꎬ and coupling with detailed field investigations for
Gesneriaceae in China. At the same timeꎬ relied on Gesneriad Committee of China Wild Plant Conservation Associationꎬ
National Gesneriaceae Germplasm Resources Bank of GXIB and Gesneriad Conservation Center of Chinaꎬ we first
created and formulated a new mode for the conservation of China’s Gesneriaceae plantsꎬ which executed simultaneously
new taxa discoveries and formal publicationsꎬ assessments of the taxon’ s endangered statusꎬ immediately launching
conservation programs and new horticultural variety cultivations. Analysis results demonstrate that it is necessary to
enhance the attention degree of protection of Gesneriaceae biodiversity by relevant government departments. Thusꎬ we
suggest: (1) To further strengthen the understanding for the urgency of protection of Chinas Gesneriaceae germplasm
resourceꎻ (2) To conduct series of researches about rescuing conservationꎬ ex & in ̄situ conservationꎬ re ̄introduction in
similar habitats and development for those groups in CR & EN categoriesꎻ (3) To promote the development of breeding
of new horticultural varieties of Gesneriaceae. All are the important base and essential precondition of Gesneriaceae
biodiversity conservation.
Key words: IUCNꎬ Gesneriaceaeꎬ species biodiversityꎬ assessment of endangered statusꎬ new taxon
苦苣苔科( Gesneriaceae) 植物约有 150 属、超 2019)ꎮ 此外ꎬ每年新增的大量新分类群中还有相
3 500种(Weber et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎬ广泛分布于亚洲的 当部分的种类未被进行 IUCN 濒危等级评价(杜诚
东部和南部、非洲、欧洲南部、大洋洲、南美洲至墨 等ꎬ2021ꎻ万霞和张丽兵ꎬ2021)ꎮ 苦苣苔科植物与
西哥等热带、亚热带甚至温带地区ꎮ 在« 中国植物 兰科植物一样ꎬ也是评价当地生态环境优劣的重要
志»(王文采等ꎬ1990)、Flora of China(Wang et al.ꎬ 植物类群之一ꎬ同样具有重要的保护意义(辛子兵
1998)、«中国苦苣苔科植物» ( 李振宇和王印政ꎬ 等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 如前所述ꎬ中国已知有 45 属、805 种ꎬ其
2005)和«华南苦苣苔科植物» ( 韦毅刚等ꎬ2010) 中特有种达 629 种ꎮ 该科植物是极具中国特色的
出版之后ꎬ中国仍有大量该科植物的新分类群被 “明星”类群ꎬ它们虽然具有重要的科研价值和经济
发表ꎮ 截至 2021 年 12 月 31 日ꎬ中国苦苣苔科植 价值ꎬ但濒危程度高ꎬ并且植物多样性现状不明ꎮ
物种类已有 805 种( http: / /ꎮ 根据国 因此ꎬ本研究及时地对多年前已经发表的“老种”和
际自然保护联盟( IUCN) 红色名录标准和评估方 近年发表的“新种”的濒危现状进行精准再评估ꎬ以
法ꎬ在不同时期多版本出版的中国高等植物受威 期为中国苦苣苔科植物保护提供科学依据ꎮ
呈急剧增加的趋势( 汪松和解焱ꎬ2004ꎻ环境保护 1 研究方法
2020)ꎮ 然而ꎬ从全国首个区域性苦苣苔科植物濒 1.1 文献来源
危等级评估角度来看ꎬ仅广西 1 个省级行政区域ꎬ 以«中国植物志»(第 69 卷)(王文采等ꎬ1990)、
该科中受到威胁的种类就达到 231 种( 韦毅刚ꎬ Flora of China(Vol.18)(Wang et al.ꎬ 1998)、«中国
2018ꎻ葛玉珍等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 苦苣苔科植物»(李振宇和王印政ꎬ2005)作为参评
苦苣苔科的物种濒危状况评估大多依据文献 物种的本底基础资料ꎬ以«中国物种红色名录» ( 第
记载、标本记录或专家意见ꎮ 但是ꎬ由于很多类群 一卷:红色名录) ( 汪松和解焱ꎬ2004)、« 华南苦苣
难以准确鉴定且近年来其属级分类地位变动频繁ꎬ 苔科植物» ( 韦毅刚等ꎬ2010)、« 中国生物多样性
而相关标本的遗漏、信息不详和鉴定错误等因素直 红色名录:高等植物卷» ( 环境保护部和中国科学
接影响到评估结果的准确性(Nic Lughadha et al.ꎬ 院ꎬ2013)、中国高等植物受威胁物种名录( 覃海宁