Page 43 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 43

1 4 2 6                                广  西  植  物                                         40 卷

    A. Plants with flowersꎻ Bꎬ Cꎬ F. Top view of inflorescencesꎻ Dꎬ Gꎬ H. Front view of inflorescenceꎻ E. Opened corolla showing stamens and
    staminodeꎬ and pistil with calyx. (F: Provided by Dr. Fang Wen)

           Fig. 2  Paraboea nutans (A-E)ꎬ P. trisepala (F)ꎬ P. hekouensis (G) and P. manhaoensis (H)

   limb slightly 2 ̄lippedꎻ adaxial lip 2 ̄lobedꎬ lobes  staminodes 3ꎬ ca. 0.4 mm longꎬ adnate to ca. 1 mm
   semicircular to broadly ovateꎬ 5 - 7 × 6 - 9 mmꎬ  above corolla tube base. Disc inconspicuous. Pistil
   abaxial lip 3 ̄lobedꎬ lobes semicircular to broadly  glabrousꎻ ovary conicalꎬ 3-6 mm longꎬ ca. 1 mm in
   ovateꎬ 6 - 8 × 7 - 10 mm. Stamens 2ꎬ includedꎻ    diameterꎻ style linear 5 - 8 mm longꎬ ca. 0.5 mm in
   filaments yellowish whiteꎬ ca. 2 mm longꎬ glabrousꎬ  diameterꎻ stigma 1ꎬ capitate. Capsule linearꎬ slight
   curved in the middleꎬ adnate to 3 - 4 mm above    twistedꎬ 1.2-1.8 cm longꎬ ca. 1.5 mm in diameterꎬ
   corolla tube baseꎻ anther 2ꎬ confluent at apexꎻ   with persistent style.
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