Page 49 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 49

1 4 3 2                                广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
                                                     markingꎬ outside sparsely puberulentꎬ inside glabrousꎻ
   3  Taxonomic Treatment                            corolla tube tubular to infundibuliformꎬ 2. 4 - 3. 1 cm
                                                     longꎬ 7-10 mm in diameter at the mouthꎬ 3-4 mm in
       Primulina huangjiniana W. B. Liaoꎬ Q. Fan &   diameter at the baseꎻ limb distinctly 2 ̄lippedꎬ adaxial

   C. Y. Huangꎬ sp. nov. Fig. 1ꎬ 2                   lip 2 ̄lobedꎬ lobes ovateꎬ 8-10 × 5-7 mmꎬ abaxial lip
       Similar to Primulina depressaꎬ but differs from it  deeply 3 ̄lobedꎬ lobes oval to oblongꎬ 10 - 12 × 5 - 7
   by its shorter bracts 2.5- 6 mm long (vs. 15 - 30 mm  mm. Stamens 2ꎬ adnate to 1.5-2 cm above the corolla
   long)ꎬ calyx lobes subequal (vs. unequal)ꎬ filaments  tube baseꎻ filaments linearꎬ 8-13 mm longꎬ geniculate
   glandular ̄puberulent above the midpoint and geniculate  near the baseꎬ with glandular trichomes above the
   near the base ( vs. glabrous and geniculate near the  midpointꎻ anthers fused by the entire adaxial surfacesꎬ
   middle)ꎬ deeply 2 ̄lobed obdeltoid stigma with two  1.5-3.5 mm longꎬ glabrous. Staminodes 3ꎬ the lateral
   linear lobes (vs. slightly 2 ̄lobed lamelliform stigma with  ones 2-5.5 mm longꎬ apex capitateꎬ adnate to 1.3-2 cm

   two acute ̄triangular lobes )ꎬ and parietal placenta  above the corolla tube baseꎬ the middle one 0.5-1 mm
   (vs. axile placenta).                             longꎬ sometimes absentꎬ adnate to 1-1.2 cm above the
       Type. CHINA. Guangdong Provinceꎬ Renhua       corolla tube baseꎬ glabrousꎻ Disc annularꎬ ca. 1 mm in
   Countyꎬ Mount Danxiaꎬ on the moist rocks in forest  height. Pistil 2.6-3.2 cm longꎬ ovary conicalꎬ 3-4.5
   edgeꎬ30 m a. s. l.ꎬ 20 April 2018ꎬ Q. Fan and Y.  mm longꎬ 1 - 2 mm in diameterꎬ densely pubescentꎻ
   S. Huang 16997 ( holotype: SYS!ꎻ isotypes: IBK!ꎬ  style 2. 6 - 3. 2 cm longꎬ ca. 0. 8 mm in diameterꎬ
   IBSC!ꎬ SYS!).                                     pubescentꎻ stigma obdeltoidꎬ deeply 2 ̄lobedꎬ 4-8 mm
       Description. Perennial herbs. Rhizome subtereteꎬ  longꎬ lobes linear. Capsule ovoid to cylindricalꎬ 4 - 9
   0.5 - 2 cm longꎬ 2 - 5 mm in diameterꎬ internodes  mm longꎬ 2-3 mm in diameterꎬ densely pubescent.
   inconspicuous. Leaves 4 - 10ꎬ crowded at the apex of  Distribution and habitat. Primulina huangjiniana

   rhizomeꎻ petiole flattenedꎬ (0.5-) 1-4 (-7) cm longꎬ  is currently known only from two localities on Mount
   2-5 mm wideꎬ pubescentꎻ leaf blade fleshy when freshꎬ  Danxiaꎬ Renhua Countyꎬ North Guangdongꎬ China. The
   thin chartaceous when driedꎬ ovate to oblong-ellipticꎬ  species grows on moist rocks in forest edge or on sunny
   (2-) 3-7.5 (-10) × (1-) 1.5-4 ( -5.5) cmꎬ both    rocks of the cliff. The associated herb species mainly
   surfaces densely pubescentꎬ apex acute to obtuseꎬ base  include Microsorum fortunei (T. Moore) Chingꎬ Onychium
   cuneateꎬ margin repand or inconspicuously serrateꎻ  japonicum (Thunb.) Kze.ꎬ Selaginella davidii Franch.ꎬ
   lateral veins 3-4 on each sideꎬ inconspicuous. Cymes  S. delicatula (Desv.) Alston and Youngia heterophylla
   2- 7 or moreꎬ 1 ̄2 ̄branchedꎬ 1 ̄5 ̄floweredꎻ peduncle  (Hemsl.) Babcock & Stebbins.

   0.5- 1. 5 cm longꎬ ca. 1 mm in diameterꎬ densely      Preliminary  conservation  status.  Only  two
   pubescentꎻ bracts 2ꎬ oppositeꎬ greenꎬ linear -    populations were found with no more than 200 mature
   lanceolateꎬ 2. 5 - 6 × ca. 1 mmꎬ margin entireꎬ apex  individuals in a total area of about 0.5 km . The localities
   acuteꎬ densely pubescent on both surfacesꎻ pedicel 2-5  of two populations are over 10 km apart. Thusꎬ the
   mm   longꎬ  ca.  1  mm    in  diameterꎬ  densely  species could be considered as Critically Endangered
   pubescent. Calyx 5 ̄parted to baseꎻ lobes lanceolateꎬ 6-  (CRꎬ B2a) according to IUCN Red List Criteria (IUCNꎬ
   12 × 1-1.5 mmꎬ margin entireꎬ both surfaces densely  2017).
   pubescent. Corolla 3.5-4.0 cm longꎬ pale blue ̄purple or  Phenology. Flowers from March to May and fruits
   whiteꎬ with bluish purple stripes insideꎬ upper part of  from April to June (observation by QF and JQG in the
   the interior of the corolla with a yellowish brown  field from March 2017 to November 2018).
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