Page 56 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 56

10 期                   陆昭岑等: 微花蛛毛苣苔在中国云南的发现及其补充描述                                         1 4 3 9


       陆昭岑 ꎬ 刘恩德 ꎬ 韩孟奇 ꎬ 朱鑫鑫 ꎬ NGUYEN Khang Sinh ꎬ 许为斌                                       1∗
                                                  广 西 壮 族 自 治 区
         ( 1. 广西喀斯特植物保育和恢复生态学重点实验室ꎬ                          广西植物研究所ꎬ 中国 广西 桂林 541006ꎻ
                                                  中 国 科 学 院
                2. 东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室ꎬ 中国科学院昆明植物研究所ꎬ 中国 昆明 650201ꎻ
          3. 系统与进化国家重点实验室ꎬ 中国科学院植物研究所ꎬ 中国 北京 100093ꎻ 4. 信阳师范学院ꎬ 生命科学学院ꎬ
                 中国 河南 信阳 464000ꎻ 5. 越南科学技术研究院 生态与生物资源研究所ꎬ 越南 河内 10072 )
       摘  要: 中越边境喀斯特地区是全球生物多样性热点地区ꎬ也是生物多样性保护的关键区域ꎬ近年来在该
       地区发现了多个蛛毛苣苔属植物的新种ꎮ 微花蛛毛苣苔于 2001 年在越南北部喀斯特地区首次采集到标
       本ꎬ直到 2018 年才被发表出来ꎬ由于发表时仅基于一号花发育未成熟的标本ꎬ所以该物种的诸多形态特征
       仍不清楚ꎮ 作者开展中越边境喀斯特地区植物多样性调查时ꎬ在我国云南东南部发现了微花蛛毛苣苔ꎬ并
       态照片以资辨认ꎮ 微花蛛毛苣苔与腺花蛛毛苣苔在光滑无毛而反折的花萼以及被腺毛的花冠等形态上最

       相似ꎬ但不同之处在于微花蛛毛苣苔的叶上面幼时被褐色蛛丝状绵毛ꎬ后变近无毛ꎬ花序顶生ꎬ花冠长 9 ~ 12
       mmꎬ蒴果直ꎬ不旋扭ꎬ长 1.2~ 2.8 cmꎮ 微花蛛毛苣苔在滇东南的发现ꎬ说明中国南部喀斯特地区和越南北部

       关键词: 生物多样性热点ꎬ 石灰岩植物区系ꎬ 中越边境喀斯特地貌

       Sino ̄Vietnamese limestone karsts are biodiversity  14-40 cm longꎬ 5-12 mm in diameter. Leaves 6-8ꎬ
   hotspots in the world (Myers et al.ꎬ 2000ꎻ Clements et  congested at the apex of rhizomeꎬ long petiolateꎬ petiole
   al.ꎬ 2006 )ꎬ and many new species in the genus    5.5-20 cm longꎬ 1.5-4 mm in diameterꎬ covered with

   Paraboea (C.B. Clarke) Ridl. have been found there  grayish to brownish matted indumentumꎬ leaf blade 9.4-
   (Chen et al.ꎬ 2008ꎬ 2012ꎻ Xu et al.ꎬ 2012ꎬ 2017ꎻ Wen  19.4 × 5. 7 - 19. 2 cmꎬ broadly lanceolateꎬ ovate to
   et al.ꎬ 2013ꎬ 2016ꎻ He et al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ Middletonꎬ   broadly ovateꎬ paperyꎬ base truncate to cordateꎬ
   2018). Paraboea minutiflora was reported from Ha  sometimes inequilateralꎬ apex apiculateꎬ cuspitate to
   Giangꎬ northern Vietnam in 2018. But Paraboea     almost roundedꎬ margin entire to minutely crenulateꎬ
   minutiflora just only has slightly immature corollas on  upper leaf  surfaces covered  with  brown  matted
   the specimens available for study when published  indumentum when youngꎬ but glabrescent at maturityꎬ
   (Middletonꎬ 2018)ꎬ so it is very important to give  lower leaf surfaces with brown matted indumentumꎬ

   supplementary  description  for  this  insufficiently  lateral veins 7-9 on each side of midribꎬ flat adaxially
   understood species. According to the original literature  and prominent abaxiallyꎬ tertiary venation conspicuously
   and specimens from southeastern Yunnanꎬ Chinaꎬ the  reticulate on the lower leaf surface. Inflorescences
   characteristics of Paraboea minutiflora are describedꎬ  cymoseꎬ terminal ( rare subterminal)ꎬ with distantly
   and line drawing and photos are also provided.    spaced branchesꎬ 26. 1 - 36 cm longꎬ 3 - 4 ̄branchedꎬ
       Paraboea minutiflora D. J. Middleton in Edinb.  ca. 30-100 flowersꎻ peduncle 9.5-19 cm longꎬ 5-10
   J. Bot.ꎬ 75: 423. 2018.                           mm in diameterꎬ with a dense matted indumentum in
       微花蛛毛苣苔 (新拟) (Fig. 1ꎬ Fig. 2ꎬ Fig. 3)          lower partsꎬ glabrescent distallyꎬ and then red ̄purple
       Perennial erect herb with obviously ( sometimes  shinyꎻ bracts 2ꎬ oppositeꎬ greenꎬ lower pair 11-41 ×
   unconspicuous) woody rootstock. Rhizomes subtereteꎬ  5-29 mmꎬ upper pairs progressively smallerꎻ pedicels
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