Page 4 - 《广西植物》2020年第6期
P. 4

GUIHAIA                      Jun. 2020                                   Vol 40 No 6


   Special Column: Karst and Karst Tiankeng Plant Research

   Research on flora of seed plants in Dashiwei Karst Tiankeng Group of Leyeꎬ Guangxi    SHEN Linaꎬ
    HOU Manfuꎬ XU Weibinꎬ HUANG Yunfengꎬ LIANG Shichuꎬ ZHANG Yuanhaiꎬ JIANG Zhongchengꎬ CHEN Weihai (751)
   Effects of vegetation restoration on soil aggregate associated organic carbon and carbon pool management index in karst
     trough valley region   LAN Jiachengꎬ SHEN Yan (765)
   Growth and nodule biomass characteristics of Alnus formosana in karst mountains 
        HOU Yuanruiꎬ HUANG Xiaorongꎬ OU Zhiyangꎬ PANG Shilongꎬ SHEN Wenhui (776)
   Leaf functional traits of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. dintanensis at different altitudes in dry ̄hot valley rocky deserti ̄
     fication region   LI Hongꎬ YU Yanghua (782)
   Differences of plant diversity and soil physicochemical properties in Maolan karst forest under different topographic
     conditions    ZHENG Luanꎬ LONG Cuiling (792)
   Biomass allocation and allometric analysis of Vetiveria zizanioides in different planting years on coal spoil ̄heaps 
        MAO Yuanyuanꎬ HAO Junꎬ LONG Shuiyiꎬ XU Zhongdanꎬ SHENG Meiqunꎬ Cheng Wei (802)
   Physiology and Molecular Biology

   Effects of sowing seasons and planting methods on main agronomic traits of perennial tartary buckwheat  
        YANG Lijuanꎬ SHI Taoxiong ꎬ DENG Jiaoꎬ WANG Yanꎬ CUI Yasongꎬ RAN Panꎬ CHEN Qingfu (812)
   Effects of different nitrogen levels on growthꎬ dry matter transport and yield of different Tartary buckwheats 
        XIA Meijuanꎬ BAI Wenmingꎬ HUANG Qipengꎬ ZHANG Weiliꎬ GAO Lichengꎬ REN Huiliꎬ GAO Jinfeng (823)
   Effect of water fertilizer coupling on the growth of Pinus tabulaeformis ecological forest 
        ZHANG Tingyuꎬ PENG Zuodengꎬ JIA Supingꎬ JIA Jianxueꎬ YU Lingxiao (836)
   Sequence analysis of PhNAC1 gene from Phalaenopsis and its response to cold stress 
        LIANG Fangꎬ ZHANG Yanꎬ NIU Suyanꎬ YUAN Xiuyunꎬ CUI Bo (845)
   Identification and bioinformatic analysis of Expansin gene family in Physcomitrella patens 
        LAN Yuchunꎬ HUANG Binꎬ WEI Jiaoꎬ JIANG Shan (854)
   Cloning and expression analysis of cytokinin hybroxylase gene PmCYP735A in Pinus massoniana 
         XU Mengxuanꎬ WU Lingꎬ LEI Yandongꎬ XU Lianꎬ XU Meng (864)
   Identification and expression analysis of CsPLK gene in tea plant 
        CHEN Xingxingꎬ XIA Yingꎬ HUANG Longquanꎬ ZHANG Jianyun (873)
   Cloning and induced expression analysis of PvGGPPS gene in Prunella vulgaris 
        ZHANG Mengjiaꎬ DONG Chengmingꎬ ZHU Yunhao (882)
   Bioinformatics analysis of tobacco TIR ̄NBS gene family  
         DONG Yapingꎬ YANG Shimeiꎬ ZHAO Degangꎬ SONG Li (891)

     Cover images: Typical species and Tiankeng in Dashiwei Karst Tiankeng Group of Leyeꎬ Guangxi  1. Dashiwei  1
     Tiankengꎻ 2. Panisea micranthumꎻ 3. Bulbophyllum tianguiiꎻ 4. Cypripedium henryi. Cover image 1 is provided by
     SHEN Linaꎬ cover images 2 and 4 are provided by HUANG Yunfengꎬ cover image 3 is provided by HOU Manfu.  2  3
     (For detailꎬ please see the text by SHEN Lina et al. on page 751-764)
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