Page 109 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 109

增刊                               王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二)                                         1 0 5

                 15. Herbs up to 20-30 cm tallꎻ sepals 15-20 mm long.

                   17. Leaf primary lateral lobes 2 ̄cleftꎻ sepals 15-20 mm longꎬ spur 18-24 mm longꎻ
                         staminode limbs suborbicularꎬ 2 ̄lobed   104. D. latilimbum

                   17. Leaf primary lateral lobes 2 ̄parted exceeding the middle of lobeꎻ sepals 15-18 mm
                         longꎬ spur 20 mm longꎻ staminode limbs broad ̄ellipticꎬ at apex emarginate 
                                107. D. yuchuanii

               14. Stems and pedicels hairyꎬ rarely stems subglabrous (D. hsinganense).
                 18. Sepals on both surfaces hairyꎬ nearly as long as spur or slightly longer than it 
                              101. D. pachycentrum
                   19. Sepals oblong      101a. var. pachycentrum
                   19. Sepals lanceolate     101b. var. lancisepalum

                 18. Sepals inside glabrous.

                   20. Compound racemesꎻ bracteoles appressed on flowerꎬ narrow ̄lanceolateꎬ 6-11 mm
                         longꎻ sepals 13 mm longꎻ staminode limbs obovate ̄oblongꎬ white ̄barbate 
                                102. D. pachycentroides

                   20. Simple racemesꎻ bracteoles remote from flowerꎬ subulateꎬ 3 - 5 mm longꎻ sepals
                         14-17 mm longꎻ staminode limbs orbicular ̄ovateꎬ yellow ̄barbate 
                                105. D. hsinganense

       6. Seeds densely transversely squamulose or striate.
         21. Leaf blades broad ̄cordateꎬ undivided or inconspicuously 3 ̄lobulate   158. D. calthifolium

         21. Leaf blades pentagonal or reniformꎬ 3 ̄lobedꎬ 3 ̄parted or 3 ̄sect.
           22. Leaf blades 3 ̄lobed or 3 ̄parted.

             23. Leaf blades 3 ̄lobed not exceeding the middle of blade.
               24. Leaf blades 3 ̄lobed not to the middle of bladeꎬ lobes not imbricate among themselvesꎻ in ̄
                    florescences racemoseꎬ 10 cm longꎻ pedicels white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄pu ̄
                    berulous       135. D. sinovitifolium

               24. Leaf blades 3 ̄cleft to the middle of bladeꎬ with lobes imbricate among themselvesꎻ inflo ̄
                    rescences corymboseꎬ 6 cm longꎻ pedicels glabrous   134. D. maoxianense

             23. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted exceeding the middle of blades.

               25. Inflorescences corymbose.
                 26. Stems glabrous.
                   27. Sepals abaxially below apex corniculate   133. D. furcatocornutum

                   27. Sepals not corniculate.

                     28. Sepal spur spirally curved     137. D. bonvalotii
                     28. Sepal spur slightly recurved    130. D. eriostylum
                 26. Stems hairy.
                   29. Stems puberulousꎻ leaf blades up to 6 cm broad   131. D. pingwuense
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