Page 15 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 15

增刊                               王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二)                                          1 1

       27. Bracteoles flatꎬ not navicular.

         29. Pedicels glabrous.
           30. Stems glabrousꎻ leaf blades abaxially densely puberulousꎻ sepals outside puberulousꎻ ovaries
                densely yellowish ̄puberulous    82. D. mollifolium

           30. Stems hairyꎻ leaf blades abaxially sparsely puberulousꎻ sepals outside glabrous.
              31. Stems below sparsely puberulousꎻ bracteoles linear ̄filirormꎻ sepal spur 18 mm longꎬ sepals
                  12-14 mm long       90. D. sinoelatum

              31. Stems below hirsuteꎻ bracteoles narrow ̄lanceolate or narrow ̄linear.
                32. Racems 5-12 ̄floweredꎻ sepal spur as long as or shorter than sepalsꎻ seeds along longitu ̄
                    dinal edges narrow ̄winged                                          77. D. iliense

                32. Racems (12-)18-25 ̄floweredꎻ sepal spur longer than sepalsꎻ seeds densely squamulose
                           96. D. korshinskyanum

         29. Pedicels hairy.
           33. Pedicels with yellow glandular hairs or yellow glandular dots.
             34. Pedicels yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous.

               35. Bracteoles situated near base of pedicelꎬ obovateꎻ sepals outside glabrousꎻ carpels gla ̄
                    brousꎻ seeds densely squamulose   95. D. maackianum

               35. Bracteoles situated on the middle or upper part of pedicelꎬ lanceolateꎬ linear or subulateꎻ
                    sepals outside hairy.

                 36. Carpels glabrous.
                   37. Raceme rachis puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepal spur as long as
                         sepals      81. D. elatum var. sericeum
                   37. Raceme rashis glabrous or ongly yellow ̄glanduloar ̄puberulousꎻ sepal spur longer
                         than sepals      89. D. shawurense
                     38. Raceme rachis glabrousꎻ sepals blue    89a. var. shawurense

                     38. Raceme rachis only yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepals white 
                                  89b. var. albiflorum

                 36. Ovaries densely puberulous.

                   39. Herbs 30-40 cm tallꎻ bracteoles linearꎻ staminode limbs white ̄barbate 
                               91. D. kunlunshanicum

                   39. Herbs 150 cm tallꎻ bracteoles linear ̄subulateꎻ staminode limbs yellow ̄barbate
                              89c. D. shawurense var. pseudoaemulans
             34. Pedicels and sepals outside yellow ̄glandular ̄punctate.

               40. Herbs 15 cm tallꎻ stems sparsely hispidꎻ sepals slightly shorter than spur 
                           92. D. kaschgaricum

               40. Herbs 60 cm tallꎻ stems tomentose and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepals as long as
                     spur      85. D. tarbagataicum

           33. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs or yellow glandular dots.
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