Page 56 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 56

5 2                                   广  西  植  物                                         40 卷

   Pl. Hengduan Mount. 1: 481. 1993ꎻ L. H. Zhou in   lousꎬ inside glabrousꎬ upper sepal ovateꎬ 13-17 ×

   Fl. Qinghai. 1: 311. 1997ꎻ Z. Wang & W. T.        8-12 mmꎬ spur sublateꎬ 16-20 mm longꎬ at base
   Wang in High. Pl. China 3: 434ꎬ fig. 685. 2000ꎻ   2- 3 mm acrossꎬ other sepals narrow ̄ovbovate or

   W. T. Wang & M. J. Warnock in Fl. China 6:        oblongꎬ 17-20 mm long. Petals at apex emarginateꎬ
   239. 2001ꎻ L. Xie in Medic. Fl. China 3: 177ꎬ     with sparse hairs. Staminodes blackꎻ limbs 8 mm
   with photo. 2016. Holotype  甘肃: 夏河ꎬKotsuikꎬ       longꎬ 2 ̄lobedꎬ adaxially above base yellowish ̄

   alt. 4 500 mꎬ草 坡ꎬ1937 - 06 - 19ꎬ傅 坤 俊 1487        barbateꎻ claws 8 mm long. Stamens 5-7 mm longꎬ
   (PE)ꎮ                                             glabrous.  Capels  3ꎬ    with  ovaries  densely

       D. labrungense Ulbr. ex Rehd. & Kobuski in    pubescent. Follicles oblongꎬ 1 - 2 cm long. Seeds
   J. Arn. Arb. 14: 11. 1933ꎬ nom. nud.              dark ̄brownꎬ tetrahedralꎬ 1.5-2 mm longꎬ wingless.

       D. albocoeruleum auct. non Maxim. : Rehd. &        分布于四川西北部、西藏东南部、青海的南
   Kobuski in I. c.ꎬ p. p. quoad Rock 13194 et 14501.  部和东南部、甘肃西南部ꎮ 生于草甸或多石砾
       D. henryi auct. non Franch. : Rehd. & Kobuski  山坡ꎬ海拔 3 500~ 4 800 mꎮ

   in I. c.ꎬ p. p. quoad Rock 13154 et 14547.             全草用于散寒止痛、泄泻等症 (« 中国药用
       Species nova haec est affinis D. pylzowii     植物志»ꎬ 2016)ꎮ

   Maxim.ꎬ a quo caulibus saepe ramulosisꎬ corymbis       标本登录  四川: 甘孜ꎬ姜恕 2411ꎬ孟千万
   terminalibus  et  lateralibus  saepe  corymbum    s. n.ꎬ D. E. Bouffordꎬ B. Bartholomew 等 41079ꎻ
   compositum majorem formantibusꎬ sepalis calcari bre ̄  色达ꎬ 李 秋 痕 6723ꎬ D. E. Boufford 等 33580ꎬ

   vioribusꎬ gynoecii carpellis tribus praeclare differt.  33694ꎬ33737ꎻ德 格ꎬ杨 亲 二ꎬ袁 琼 444ꎬ448ꎻ石
       Permnnial herbs 10 - 60 cm tall. Stems near   渠ꎬ刘照光 7573ꎬ王清泉 7628ꎮ 西藏:江达ꎬ崔友

   base 2 - 6 mm acrossꎬ puberulousꎬ usually with    文 5313ꎬD. E. Boufford 等 31411ꎬ杨亲二和袁琼
   more branches. Basal leaves and lower cauline     474ꎻ昌 都ꎬ 钟 补 求 5039ꎬ 青 藏 队 12618ꎬ D. E.
   leaves long petiolateꎻ blades orbicular ̄ovate in out ̄  Boufford 等 31805ꎻ夏古拉山ꎬ钟补求 5401ꎻ惹垭

   lineꎬ 1. 5 - 3. 5 × 3. 5 - 5 cmꎬ 3 ̄sectꎬ central  至汤布ꎬ崔友文 5531ꎻ类乌齐ꎬD. E. Boufford 等
   segment rhombicꎬ twice or thrice dissectedꎬ lateral  31836ꎬ 31901ꎬ 32107ꎬ 杨 亲 二 和 袁 琼 482ꎬ D.

   segments obliquely flabellateꎬ unequally 2 ̄partedꎬ  E. Bouffordꎬ B. Bartholomew 等 41024ꎻ丁 青ꎬ杨
   secondary lobes also twice or thrice dissectedꎬ with  竞生 91-685ꎻ巴青ꎬD. E. Boufford 等 29990ꎮ 青

   ultimate lobes narrow ̄triangularꎬ narrow ̄ovate or  海:囊谦ꎬ杨永昌 1998ꎻ玉树ꎬ何廷农ꎬB. Barthol ̄
   linearꎻ surfaces adaxially and abaxially sparsely pu ̄  omew 等 1841ꎻ杂多ꎬ刘尚武 323ꎻ曲麻莱ꎬ黄荣福

   berulousꎻ petioles 4 - 10 cm long. Corymbs 2 - 6 ̄  90ꎻ玛多ꎬ杨亲二和袁琼 399ꎬ 405ꎻ达日ꎬ何廷
   floweredꎬ terminal and leteral often forming larger  农ꎬB. Bartholomew 等 1272ꎻ 玛 沁ꎬ 何 廷 农ꎬ B.
   compound corymbꎻ bracts foliaceousꎻ pedicels 2.5-  Bartholomew 等 581ꎻ泽库ꎬ杨亲二 95- 22ꎻ兴海ꎬ

   7 cm longꎬ densely puberulous and glandular ̄pube ̄  何廷 农 337ꎻ 贵 德ꎬ 何 廷 农ꎬ B. Bartholomew 等
   rulousꎬ near apex 2 ̄bracteolateꎻ bracteoles linearꎬ  959ꎮ 甘肃: 岷 山ꎬ 王 作 宾 7531ꎻ 卓 尼ꎬ 王 作 宾

   3-8 mm long. Sepals blue ̄purpleꎬ outside puberu ̄  5477ꎻ洮 河ꎬ J. F. Rock 13154ꎬ 13194ꎬ 王 作 宾
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