Page 105 - 《广西植物》2023年第3期
P. 105

3 期                安小菲等: 广西天坑森林物种多样性与土壤酶活性和养分的关系                                            5 0 5

                 Abstract: In order to studyꎬ the distribution characteristics and internal links of soil enzyme activitiesꎬ nutrient content
                 and woody plant diversity in negative topographic habitats of tiankengꎬ the tiankeng forests of the Dashiwei tiankeng
                 group in Guangxi were selected as the objectꎬ and the relationship between species diversity and soil factors of woody
                 plants was explored by correlation analysis and redundancy analysis methodsꎬ based on the community diversity survey
                 and soil habitat survey along the inner area ̄top area ̄outer area of tiankeng. The results were as follows: (1) There were
                 21 speciesꎬ 31 genera and 20 families of woody plants in the inside area of tiankengꎬ 91 speciesꎬ 58 genera and 58
                 families of woody plants in the top area of tiankengꎬ and 47 speciesꎬ 30 genera and 30 families of woody plants in the
                 outside area of tiankeng. The Margalef index and Patrick index in the inside areas of tiankeng were significantly lower
                 than those in the top and outside areas of tiankengꎬ indicating that the individuals of species increasedꎬ but the species
                 distribution was steady. (2) The total soil nitrogen content in the outside areas of tiankeng was significantly higher than
                 those in the top and outside areas of tiankeng. The soil total magnesium contentꎬ soil phosphorus content and soil
                 available phosphorus content in the inside area of tiankeng were significantly higher than those in the top and outside area
                 of tiankeng. The soil alkaline phosphatase content and soil urease activities in the outside area of tiankeng were
                 significantly higher than those in the top and inside area of tiankeng. The soil phosphorus content in the tiankeng was
                 higherꎬ but the soil enzyme activities were lower. (3) The species diversity was strongly correlated with soil nutrients
                 and soil enzyme activities. In conclusionꎬ it can be seen that the habitats of the tiankeng have a great influence on the
                 species diversityꎬ soil enzyme activity and soil nutrient content distribution characteristicsꎬ and the soil available
                 phosphorus contentꎬ soil alkaline phosphatase activityꎬ soil moisture contentꎬ soil urease activityꎬ soil total magnesium
                 content and soil total phosphorus content are the key factors affecting the species diversity of woody plants in the tiankeng
                 forest. The results provide a theoretical basis for the protection and reconstruction of plant resources in karst areas.
                 Key words: plant diversityꎬ soil nutrientsꎬ soil enzyme activitiesꎬ Tiankeng forestꎬ soil phosphorus content

                植物与土壤是生态系统的重要组成部分( 郭                           特殊负地形生境中的群落研究较少ꎮ 因此ꎬ探讨
            曼等ꎬ2010)ꎬ两者之间相互作用、相互影响ꎬ共同                          天坑生境下植物群落与土壤养分、酶活性的关系

            维持生态系统稳定( Zhang et al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ廖全兰ꎬ                  对特殊生境森林生态系统的保护具有重要作用ꎮ
            2021)ꎮ 土壤为植被的生长、发育、繁殖过程中提                              大石围天坑群天坑森林为天坑特殊负地形生
            供大量的营养物质和水分ꎬ而植被生长反过来又                              境下所形成的森林ꎬ主要分布在我国西南地区ꎬ为

            影响土壤的结构和理化性质( 关松荫ꎬ1986ꎻ由政ꎬ                         亚热带森林中植被保存较为原始而完整的森林生
            2016)ꎮ 酶是森林土壤中一切生化代谢过程的主                           态系统( 林宇ꎬ2005ꎻ黄林娟等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 天坑负地
            要催化剂ꎬ参与土壤物质氧化循环与生物转化的                              形生境地势陡峭、地形复杂ꎬ造就了天坑独特的地
            整个过程(陈光升等ꎬ2002)ꎬ在一定程度上表征养                          理环境和气候条件ꎬ使天坑物种经过长期的适应
            分供应能力和植物对营养物质的吸收效果ꎮ 如碱                             与进化ꎬ形成了独特的植物群落结构( Su et al.ꎬ
            性磷酸酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶和过氧化氢酶与森林生态                             2017ꎻ黄林娟等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 虽然已有学者对喀斯特
            系统中土壤元素 C、N、P 的循环紧密相关( 郑鸾和                         天坑的形态( 朱学稳ꎬ2018)、形成与演化机制( 朱
            龙翠玲ꎬ2020)ꎮ 受地形地貌、树种、温湿度、土壤                         学稳和陈伟海ꎬ2006ꎻ冯慧哲ꎬ2015)、动植物资源
            等综合因素影响ꎬ土壤酶活性在不同的生境中的                              (曾小飚和苏仕林ꎬ2013ꎻHuang et al.ꎬ 2022) 和微
            响应不同(张彧娜ꎬ2021)ꎮ 目前ꎬ国内外已有对植                         生物资源(Pu et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ江聪等ꎬ2019)、物种种
            物多样性与土壤酶活性和养分之间关系的研究ꎬ                              间联结 性 ( 简 小 枚 等ꎬ 2018a、 2018bꎻ 黄 林 娟 等ꎬ
            包括 苔 原 ( Iturrate ̄Garcia et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻ 张 相 昱ꎬ      2021)、叶功能性状( 冯洁等ꎬ2021) 等方面做了大
            2021)、草地(Ljubicic et al.ꎬ 2014)、高原森林( 杨            量的研究工作ꎬ但是缺乏对天坑不同生境植被—
            媛媛等ꎬ2017)、湿地( 肖德荣等ꎬ2008)、丘陵( 郭                     土壤系统的综合研究ꎮ 基于此ꎬ本文选取大石围
            曼等ꎬ2010)、喀斯特石漠化区( 刘子玥等ꎬ2021)、                      天坑群天坑森林为研究对象ꎬ沿天坑坑内( 天坑森
            热带山地( De Carvalho et al.ꎬ 2014) 等ꎬ但对一些             林内部)—坑口(天坑森林边缘)—坑外(天坑周边
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