Page 4 - 《广西植物》2023年第5期
P. 4

GUIHAIA                      May 2023                                     Vol 43 No 5


            Special Column: Gesneriaceae Plant Research
            Endangered status and biodiversity conservation of China’s Gesneriaceae  
                 WEN Fangꎬ FU Longfeiꎬ XIN Zibingꎬ XIONG Chiꎬ WEI Yigang(785)
            Characteristics of potential suitable areas of Petrocodon Hance and its environmental driving variables 
                 HUANG Hongꎬ WEN Fangꎬ LI Meijunꎬ ZHANG Jinquanꎬ ZHOU Yuluꎬ LI Quanyuanꎬ BAI Xinxiang(799)
            Style lateral bending and its pollination adaptation in Gyrocheilos (Gesneriaceae) 
               SUN Haoranꎬ LING Shaojunꎬ REN Mingxun(817)
            A new synonym of Lysionotus D. Don (Gesneriaceae)   LU Zhaocenꎬ HAN Mengqiꎬ XU Weibin(827)
            Optimization of chromosome preparation and chromosome number and ploidy in Hemiboea 
                 GAO Danꎬ XIANG Xiaoguoꎬ ZHANG Qiangꎬ ZHANG Yanjieꎬ JIN Weitao(833)
            Ecology and Biogeography
            Prediction of potential suitable area of Phoebe zhennan in Guizhou Province based on MaxEnt model  
                 YANG Shanyunꎬ AN Mingtaiꎬ LIU Fengꎬ ZHANG Yangꎬ TIAN Liꎬ CHEN Cuiyu(846)
            Adaptive strategies for culm form and aboveground biomass allocation of clonal ramets in interface area of mixed forest
              with Pleioblastus amarus ̄Cunninghamia lanceolata    LAN Chunbaoꎬ XU Senꎬ
                  CHENG Jianxinꎬ CHEN Shuanglinꎬ YING Yishanꎬ GUO Ziwuꎬ WANG Zhonghuaꎬ YANG Litingꎬ HU Ruicai(858)
            Community structure and ecological function analysis of endophytic fungi and rhizosphere soil fungi in Kadsura coccinea 
                LIU Taoꎬ MA Nanꎬ JIN Jifenꎬ PENG Zhijunꎬ LI Xingzhongꎬ WANG Dekai(869)
            Effects of biochar application on soil enzyme activities in Eucalyptus plantations in North Guangxi  
                MOU Zhiyiꎬ DUAN Chunyanꎬ
              LI Yanyuꎬ ZHANG Denanꎬ SUN Yingjieꎬ TENG Qiumeiꎬ CHEN Yunshuangꎬ CAO Yangꎬ WANG Zihuiꎬ XU Guangping(880)
            Differences in traits and ecological behaviors between plants of different distribution patterns in eight subtropical broad ̄
              leaved forests   JIANG Yaꎬ MAO Yanjiaoꎬ ZHENG Jieꎬ CHE Jianꎬ ZHANG Chaoꎬ JIN Yi(890)
            Characteristics and influencing factors of water and heat fluxes over an vineyard in arid desert oasis region in the Northwest
              China    ZHU Yongtaiꎬ CHEN Huilingꎬ XU Congꎬ QIN Wenhuaꎬ ZHANG Yangꎬ HE Liyangꎬ ZHU Gaofeng(900)
            Altitude distribution pattern of species diversity in tropical natural forest in Diaoluo Mountain  
                 LI Chendiꎬ LIANG Yiwenꎬ YANG Xiaoboꎬ LI Donghai(912)
            Vertical variation characteristics of soil ecological stoichiometry of different plant communities in small watershed on the
              Loess Plateau    WU Danꎬ WEN Chenꎬ WEI Weiꎬ ZHANG Qindi(923)
            Physiology and Development

            Coupling effects of water and nitrogen fertilization on root morphological characteristics of Moringa oleifera seedlings 
                HE Zhihangꎬ LIU Liꎬ PENG Zhongtongꎬ CHEN Yiqunꎬ WANG Yiyingꎬ LIU Yueꎬ ZENG Shucaiꎬ MO Qifeng(936)
            Toxic effects and signal regulation of Eucalyptus robusta volatiles on Vicia faba cells 
                REN Yuminꎬ MENG Qiaoqiaoꎬ WANG Yuꎬ MA Danwei(947)
            Changes of nutrient content during the development of avocado (Persea americana) fruit 
                 TANG Niꎬ ZHU Hongtaoꎬ LI Yazhiꎬ XIANG Hanzhangꎬ LI Naꎬ WANG Dongꎬ ZHANG Yingjun(960)
            Phylogenetic analysis of Yunnan flowering cheery cultivar Cerasus ‘Hongxia’ based on chloroplast genome 
                YAN Chengminꎬ ZHENG Weiꎬ XU Xiaodan(972)
            Mechanisms and ecological consequences of the over ̄increase of lianas in forests   SONG Shulingꎬ
                 YI Lingliꎬ ZHANG Lilongꎬ CHEN Linꎬ YU Zepingꎬ SONG Qingniꎬ LUAN Fenggangꎬ FANG Xiongꎬ LIU Jun(980)

              Cover images: Some species of Gesneriaceae. 1. Oreocharis pinnatilobata (K. Y. Pan) Mich. Möller & A. Weberꎻ
                                                                                                    1      2
              2. Beccarinda tonkinensis (Pellegr.) Burttꎻ 3. Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis F. Wenꎬ Z. B. Xin & T. V. Do. Cover
              images are provided by WEN Fang. For detailꎬplease see the text by WEN Fang et al. on page 785-798.  3
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