Page 4 - 《广西植物》2023年第6期
P. 4

GUIHAIA                      Jun. 2023                                    Vol 43 No 6



            Special Subject: Orchidaceae Plant Research
            Diversity study of endophytic communities in fresh and silica gel ̄dried root samples of Holcoglossum kimballianum
              (Orchidaceae)   ZHANG Zhenliangꎬ WANG Meinaꎬ LI Jianꎬ LI Suzhenꎬ DUAN Xiaojuanꎬ QIAO Qi(991)
            Supplement to Guangxi Plant List VI: four new record genera and thirteen new record species of Orchidaceae 
                 HUANG Xuekuiꎬ QIN Yingꎬ XIE Gaoꎬ LIU Yan(1006)
            Volatile component analysis of new hybrid varieties of Phalaenopsis    TONG Yanꎬ ZHANG Yanpingꎬ HU Meijuanꎬ
               CAO Yinghuiꎬ ZHANG Yangtingꎬ TONG Enhuiꎬ WANG Wenjunꎬ ZHAO Kaiꎬ PENG Donghuiꎬ ZHOU Yuzhen(1016)
            Prediction of distribution patterns and dominant climatic factors of Cymbidium in China using MaxEnt model 
                 ZHENG Fangꎬ HUANG Zhicongꎬ CHEN Lijunꎬ WANG Mengꎬ YAN Yuehongꎬ CHEN Jianbing(1027)
            Genome ̄wide identification and expression analysis of SPL with transmembrane motif (STM) transcription factor in
              Dendrobium officinale 
                YANG Leꎬ NIE Congꎬ LONG Xiaoqinꎬ HE Jizeꎬ YAN Chaoyueꎬ ZHU Qiankunꎬ WANG Wanjun(1041)
            Physiology and Development
            Cloning and expression analysis of ABP gene related to spur development in Impatiens uliginosa  
            WEI Chunmeiꎬ MENG Danchenꎬ LI Fanꎬ XIANG Nanxingꎬ YANG Jianyuanꎬ HUANG Meijuanꎬ HUANG Haiquan(1051)
            Effects of slow ̄release fertilizer on growthꎬ photosynthetic physiology and nutrient accumulation of container seedlings of
              Cunninghamia lanceolata  
                 LI Lingyanꎬ TANG Yinꎬ ZHONG Minghuiꎬ ZHENG Xueyanꎬ XU Shanshanꎬ CAO Guangqiuꎬ YE Yiquan(1059)
            Prokaryotic expression analysis of aluminum associated receptor ̄like protein kinase AhPRK4 in peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
                SU Guijunꎬ LI Xiaꎬ CHEN Yuxiꎬ ZHAN Jieꎬ WANG Aiqinꎬ HE Longfeiꎬ XIAO Dong(1070)
            Correlation analysis between soil factors with biomass and medicinal components of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis 
               XIA Keꎬ ZHAO Zhiguoꎬ WU Qiaofenꎬ LI Xiujuanꎬ ZHENG Wenjunꎬ QIU Shuo(1080)
            Effects of cinnamaldehyde on growth characteristics of tomato seedlings under NaCl stress 
                 WANG Yuxiaoꎬ LIU Mingqingꎬ LI Yanꎬ HUANG Sijieꎬ YANG Lifei(1088)
            OsIMA1 enhances tolerance to cadmium stress in rice   PENG Fengꎬ LU Chengkaiꎬ LIANG Gang(1097)
            Physiological response characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides seedlings under interaction of Mn stress and sexual competition
               FANG Lingꎬ LIN Yuhuꎬ HE Yunxiaoꎬ CHEN Haoꎬ XU Yuanhongꎬ SUN Xudongꎬ CHEN Juan(1105)
            Resources and Phytochemistry
            Chemical constituents of Pimpinella candolleana and their anti ̄inflammatory activities  
                LI Liꎬ LEI Yanꎬ WANG Yangꎬ MA Xueꎬ LU Yuanꎬ LIU Chunhuaꎬ WANG Yonglin(1114)
            Spectrum ̄effect relationship of antioxidant activity in Vitex negundo var. cannabifolia leaves based on HPLC ̄ECD 
                WU Qimeiꎬ LI Yingꎬ LI Zhirongꎬ LIU Mingrongꎬ MA Jiminꎬ YU Niannianꎬ CHEN Rongxiangꎬ ZHOU Yaping(1124)
            Chemical constituents of Callicarpa integerrima   MA Wenjieꎬ SU Zhiweiꎬ MA Zhonghui(1135)
            Componentsꎬ antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities of water extracts from different varieties of raw tea 
                 HUO Huazhenꎬ CAI Aihuaꎬ GUO Chunyuꎬ XIE Yunchangꎬ LI Dianpeng(1145)
            Chemical constituents from the rhizome of Menispermum dauricum and their anti ̄inflammatory activities  
                REN Wenjingꎬ MA Yanꎬ CAI Meichaoꎬ WANG Fengshanꎬ LI Liꎬ LIU Yuhong(1155)
            Essential oil components and their antioxidant and antibacterial activities in different parts of Citrus aurantium var. amara
                LIU Yananꎬ WEN Yaliꎬ CHEN Xiaweiꎬ LIN Jiaxunꎬ XU Yourui(1163)

              Cover images: Some species of Orchiddaceae. 1. Stigmatodactylus sikokianusꎻ 2. Bulbophyllum nipondhiiꎻ
              3. Apostasia shenzhenica. Cover images are provided by QIN Ying. For detailsꎬ please see the text by HUANG  2
              Xuekui et al. on pages 1006-1015.                                                      3
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