摘要: |
该文描述了江西东北部菊科兔儿风属一新种——婺源兔儿风(Ainsliaea wuyuanensis Z. H. Chen, Y. L. Xu et X. F. Jin),并附有线描图和彩色照片。婺源兔儿风是密聚组(Sect. Aggregatae Beauv.)一个非常特殊的种,与本组的其他种类区别很大。从叶脉类型来看与粗齿兔儿风(A. grossedentata Franch.)比较接近,区别在于其叶片较大,菱形或菱状卵形,长11~17 cm,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,叶缘中上部具1~2对裂片状粗大锯齿,两面无毛; 叶柄长2~14 cm; 总苞片顶端锐尖; 瘦果较长,密被污黄色糙毛。 |
关键词: 新种, 兔儿风属, 菊科, 江西 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201907064 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2020)01-0095-04 |
Fund project:浙江省野生植物资源调查、建档、编纂及《浙江植物志》(第二版)编著专项项目(335010-2015-0005)[Supported by Zhejiang Provincial Program of Survey, File and Codification of Wild Plants and the Second Edition of Flora of Zhejiang(335010-2015-0005)]。 |
A new species of Ainsliaea DC.(Asteraceae)from Northeast Jiangxi |
XU Yueliang1, CHEN Feng2, HONG Yuanhua3, CHEN Zhenghai2*, JIN Xiaofeng4
1. Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, Hangzhou 310014, China;2. Monitoring Centre for Forest Resources in Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310020,
China;3. Management Station of Wildlife Conservation in Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province, Wuyuan 333200, Jiangxi, China;4. College of Life &5.Environmental Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China
Abstract: |
Ainsliaea wuyuanensis Z. H. Chen, Y. L. Xu et X. F. Jin, a new species from Northeast Jiangxi, is described with illustrations and color photos. This new species is very special in the Sect. Aggregatae Beauv. It is very different from other species of this sect. The species is similar to A. grossedentata Franch. from the vein type, differing from the latter in its larger leaf blades, rhombus or rhombus ovate, 11-17 cm long, apex acuminate, base cuneate, middle upper part of leaf margin with one or two pairs of lobed large serrated teeth, both surface glabrous; petiole 2-14 cm long; phyllaries apex acute; longer achenes with densely brown pilose. |
Key words: new species, Ainsliaea DC., Asteraceae, Jiangxi |