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喀斯特季节性雨林蚬木种群的增长模型 |
向悟生1,2, 农重刚3, 王 斌1,2, 刘晟源3, 丁 涛1,2,
何兰军1,2, 李先琨1,2*, 黄甫昭1,2
1. 广西壮族自治区
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西 桂林 541006;2. 广西友谊关森林生态系统定位观测研究站,
广西 凭祥 532600;3. 广西弄岗国家级自然保护区管理局, 广西 崇左 532400
摘要: |
蚬木是喀斯特季节性雨林的优势种和特征种,研究蚬木种群的增长过程将为深入理解喀斯特季节性雨林动态提供基础。根据一个15 hm2固定样地的调查数据,采用logistic模型及其4种改进模型对蚬木种群的增长过程进行了拟合,用残差平方和、决定系数和AIC准则对拟合的模型进行评价。结果表明:李新运模型和刘金福模型的拟合效果较好,但综合考虑模型的拟合效果和模型的简洁性,logistic模型和S形增长过程模型为较优模型。用logistic模型对蚬木种群的增长过程进行深入分析发现,种群增长最快的时期为50 a左右,而在150 a后,种群逐渐进入增长饱和期。种群目前接近增长饱和期,所以应加强保护,以维持蚬木群落的稳定发展。 |
关键词: 蚬木 种群增长 模型 喀斯特季节性雨林 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2013.03.001 |
分类号:Q948 |
Fund project: |
Growth models of Excentrodendron hsienmu population in a karst seasonal rain forest |
XIANG Wu-Sheng1,2, NONG Chong-Gang3, WANG Bin1,2, LIU Sheng-Yuan3,
DING Tao1,2, HE Lan-Jun, LI Xian-Kun1,2*, HUANG Fu-Zhao1,2
1. Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006,
China;2. Guangxi Youyiguan Forest Ecosystem Research Station, Pingxiang 532600, China;3. Longgang
National Natural Reserve Administration of Guangxi, Chongzuo 532400, China
Abstract: |
Excentrodendron hsienmu is a dominant as well as a character species of karst seasonal rain forest. Studying on growth process of E. hsienmu population may provide key insights for successional dynamics and status of the karst seasonal rain forest. Population growth dynamics of E. hsienmu was simulated by using the logistic model and 4 modified models according to the data from a 15 hm2 plot of the karst seasonal rain forest at Nonggang,south China. To determine fitting goodness of the models,residual sum of squares,correlative coefficient and Akaike Information Criterion were compared. The results showed that the fitting goodness of Li Xin-Yun model and Liu Jin-Fu modified model were the relatively better among the five models. However,the logistic model and the S-shaped growth process model were the optimal models as comparing the AIC value. Applying the logistic model,we were able to evaluate the population expansion process of E. hsienmu. The increasing rate of E. hsienmu population reached the highest peak at about 50 a,while it levelled off after 150 a. Growth of E. hsienmu population was currently close to saturation period,and enhanced protection actions were consequently needed to maintain steady development of its community. |
Key words: Excentrodendron hsienmu population growth model karst seasonal rain forest |