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两种入侵能力不同的莲子草光合系统稳定性的比较研究 |
张 强1, 陈雄伟2, 陈军文3, 张兴旺1, 邵 玲2*
1. 淮北师范大学 生命科学学院 资源植物生物学安徽省重点实验室, 安徽 淮北 235000;2. 肇庆学院
生命科学学院, 广东 肇庆, 526061;3. 云南农业大学 农学与生物技术学院, 昆明 650201
摘要: |
为揭示恶性杂草空心莲子草入侵的部分机制,并为采取防控措施降低其危害提供理论依据,比较了空心莲子草与其同属的入侵能力相对较弱的刺花莲子草对光氧化胁迫(由10 μmol·L-1甲基紫精在光强100 μmol·m-2·s-1条件下诱导产生)的生理响应。结果表明:在光氧化胁迫下,空心莲子草和刺花莲子草两者的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、总酚和类黄酮含量均显著下降,叶片细胞死亡率相应升高,但空心莲子草对光氧化胁迫具有较高的忍耐性,这可能与其总酚和类黄酮含量以及DPPH·(1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼)自由基清除能力有关。这种特性可能是空心莲子草光合系统稳定性更高、入侵能力更强和危害性更大的重要因素之一。 |
关键词: 光氧化胁迫 甲基紫精 莲子草 细胞死亡率 叶绿素荧光 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2014.03.013 |
分类号:Q945.79 |
Fund project: |
Comparison of stability of photosystem II between two Alternanthera invasive species with different invasion ability |
ZHANG Qiang1, CHEN Xiong-Wei2, CHEN Jun-Wen3,
ZHANG Xing-Wang1, SHAO Ling2*
1. School of Life Sciences, Anhui Key Laboratory of Plant Resources and Biology, Huaibei Normal University,
Huaibei 235000, China;2. College of Life Sciences, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061, China;3. College
of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
Abstract: |
To reveal the invasion mechanism of an alien noxious weed-Alternanthera philoxeroides and reduce or ultimately eliminate its damage,physiological responses of A. philoxeroides and A. pungens with a relatively weak invasion capacity to photooxidative stress(induced by 10 μmol·L-1 methyl viologen at light intensity of 100 μmol·m-2·s-1)were investigated and compared in the present study. Under photooxidative stress,the contents of chlorophyll,carotenoids,total phenolics and flavonoids in A. philoxeroides and A. pungens significantly decreased and leaf cell death rate correspondingly increased,but the former showed a higher tolerance to photooxidative stress,which might be related to total phenolic,flavonoid and DPPH· scavenging capacity in A. philoxeroides. This could be used to explain why A. philoxeroides had more stable photosystem,greater invasion capacity and higher damage. |
Key words: photooxidative stress methyl viologen Alternanthera plant cell death rate chlorophyll fluorescence |