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蝴蝶兰新型杂交品种挥发性成分分析 |
童 妍1, 张燕萍1, 胡美娟1, 曹映辉1, 章杨婷1, 仝恩慧1,
王文君1, 赵 凯2, 彭东辉1, 周育真1*
1. 福建农林大学 园林学院, 兰科植物保护与利用国家林业和草原局重点实验室,
福州 350002;2. 福建师范大学 生命科学学院, 福州 350117
摘要: |
为研究不同蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis)品种的关键致香成分,该研究采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)与气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)的芳香植物香气收集分析方法,结合对8个香花蝴蝶兰新型杂交品种盛花期花朵进行花香成分检测,并以此为基础进行主成分、聚类及香气品质分析。结果表明:(1)从8个蝴蝶兰新型杂交品种中共鉴定出96种物质,分为萜烯类、醛类、酯类、醇类、酮类、醚类、酚类和芳香族化合物,其中萜烯类物质为主要挥发性物质。(2)主成分分析显示,各新型杂交品种被划分在3个象限中,F2中挥发性成分种类和数量均最多,萜烯类物质主要是桉叶油醇、α-香柑油烯; F1、F4、F5与F8为一组,挥发性成分种类最少,萜烯类物质主要是芳樟醇; F3、F6与F7为一组,挥发性成分种类较多,萜烯类物质主要是α-香柑油烯。(3)聚类分析结果与主成分分析一致,8个蝴蝶兰新型杂交品种聚为3类,F1、F4、F5与F8关系较近,为花香气味类型; F3、F6与F7的关系更近,为木质型花香品质; 而F2与其他7个新型杂交品种却显示有较远的遗传距离,挥发性物质贡献率相对平均,花香成分复杂,兼具木香型、薄荷香型和果香型等。综上表明,花香物质可以作为潜在特征标记物来区分香味特征各异的品种群体。该研究结果为蝴蝶兰种质资源梳理、特定芳香品种选育及产品加工生产等进一步开发利用研究提供了理论依据。 |
关键词: 蝴蝶兰, 挥发性成分, GC-MS, 聚类分析, 遗传距离 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202204020 |
分类号:Q946 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)06-1016-11 |
Fund project:国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD1001000302)。 |
Volatile component analysis of new hybrid varieties of Phalaenopsis |
TONG Yan1, ZHANG Yanping1, HU Meijuan1, CAO Yinghui1, ZHANG Yangting1,
TONG Enhui1, WANG Wenjun1, ZHAO Kai2, PENG Donghui1, ZHOU Yuzhen1*
1. College of Landscape Architecture, Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, Key Laboratory of National Forestry and
Grassland Administration for Orchid Protection and Utilization, Fuzhou 350002, China;2. College of
Life Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China
Abstract: |
Phalaenopsis was the genus with the highest ornamental and commercial values among orchids. Phalaenopsis with fragrance were rarely distributed in the market due to selection constraints, such as affinity, ploidy and breeding age. Therefore, research on transferring aroma traits into commercial Phalaenopsis are of great significance to the breeding of Phalaenopsis. In order to investigate the key aroma-causing components among different varieties of Phalaenopsis, the floral fragrance components of the eight new hybrid varieties in full blooming period were examined by headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The principal components, clustering and aroma quality analysis were performed based on the identification of floral substance components. The results were as follows:(1)96 substances were detected in eight varieties of Phalaenopsis, mainly divided into eight categories of terpenes, aldehydes, esters, alcohols, ketones, ethers, phenols and aromatic compounds, among which terpenes were dominant in quantity and content and were the main volatile substances of Phalaenopsis.(2)Principal component analysis showed that eight varieties were divided into three quadrants, F2 had the most volatile components and the most quantity, terpenes were mainly 1,8-cineole, α-bergamotene, linalool and(+)-calarene; F1, F4, F5 and F8 were divided into a group without ketones, ethers or phenols, and they had the least volatile components and terpenes were mainly linalool; F3, F6 and F7 were divided into a group with more volatile components and the terpenes were mainly α-bergamotene.(3)The results of cluster analysis were consistent with the principal component analysis, and the eight varieties were clustered into three categories, F1, F4, F5 and F8 were more closely related to each other as floral odor types; F3, F6 and F7 were more closely related to each other as woody floral quality; F2 showed a long genetic distance from the other seven varieties, with complex floral components and relatively average contribution of volatile substances, and both woody, minty and fruity types. This study shows that floral fragrance substances can be used as potential trait markers to distinguish between groups of varieties with different fragrance characteristics and provide a theoretical basis for further development and utilization research through cross selection to achieve specific floral fragrance Phalaenopsis selection and product processing and production. |
Key words: Phalaenopsis, volatile component, GC-MS, cluster analysis, genetic distance |