Page 6 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 6
2 广 西 植 物 40 卷
tions on ovaryꎬ fruit and seed suggested that Trapaceae var. aspinfa Z. T. Xiongꎬ T. pseudoincisa var. complana
was merged in Lythraceae with Punicaceae and Sonnerati ̄ Z. T. Xiong were described as new varieties. Guan &
aceae (APG IIIꎬ 2009ꎻ Graham & Grahamꎬ 2014ꎻ APG Lang (1987) described a new varietyꎬ Trapa litwinowii
IVꎬ 2016). Trapaꎬ containing more than 150 scientific var. chihuensis S. F. Guan & Q. Lang. In FRPSꎬ Wan
names belonging to approximately 30 speciesꎬ is (2000) recognized fifteen species and eleven varieties
distributed in temperate to subtropical regions of Europeꎬ of Trapaꎬ while another treatment contained only two
Asia and Africa (Chen et al.ꎬ 2007). East Asia is the di ̄ species in Flora of China (Chen et al.ꎬ 2007).
versity hotspot of Trapaꎬ and 15 species and several in ̄ Species delimitation of Trapa is debated till
traspecific taxa were reported in Chinaꎬ especially in now. In Flora of Europeꎬ Tutin & Heywood (1968) only
middle and lower catchment of Yangtzi River ( Wanꎬ considered one polymorphic speciesꎬ Trapa natansꎬ and
2000). Many taxa of Trapa are widly cultivated for their merged thirteen species in it. Vassiljev ( 1949 )
fruitsꎬ which contain abundant starchꎬ and this genus is recognized ca. 70 species worldwideꎬ while ca. 30
one of the importantꎬ aquatic and economic plants. species were recognized by some taxonomists ( Li &
Trapa was established in species Platarumꎬ with Changꎬ 1977ꎻ Yanꎬ 1983ꎻ Kak & Duraniꎬ 1988ꎻ Wuꎬ
only one speciesꎬ Trapa natans L. ( Linnaeusꎬ 1991). Cook (1990) gave an uncertain viewpoint: the
1753). Laterꎬ some new species or varieties were de ̄ genus Trapa containing one single polymorphic species
scribed by Carl Linnaeus (1782)ꎬ Loureiro (1790)ꎬ or ca. 20 species.
Flerov (1925)ꎬ Nakai (1942)ꎬ Vassiljev (1947) and How many species are there in the genus Trapa?
Nakano (1964)ꎬ and some of these new species or vari ̄ One or more? One of the authors (Ding) joined to edit
eties were also distributed in China. the Trapaceae of Flora of China and accepted only two
In Chinaꎬ Forbes & Hemsley (1903) recognized species: Trapa incisa Siebold & Zucc. and T. natansꎬ in
only one speciesꎬ Trapa natansꎬ in the enumeration of Chinaꎬ but six varieties of T. natans were herein recog ̄
the plants in China. In Symbolae Sinicaeꎬ Trapa maxi ̄ nized for reflection of the species differentiation as well
mowiczii Korsh. with two varieties were recorded as daily application for agricultural cultivation and
(Handel ̄Mazzettiꎬ 1933). In Lineamenta Florae Man ̄ usageꎬ species protectionꎬ etc.
shuricaeꎬ three species of Trapaꎬ T. bispinosa Roxb.ꎬ The current revision is based on our previous stu ̄
T. maximowiczii Korsh. and T. natansꎬ were dies: (1) The observation of the pollen micromorphology
recorded. Li & Chang (1977) recognized seven species of nine Trapa speciesꎬ with a preliminary study on the
and a form in North ̄east Chinaꎬ including a new species pollination biology (Ding et al.ꎬ 1991ꎬ 1996)ꎻ (2) Tax ̄
Trapa arcuata S. H. Li & Y. L. Chang. Yan (1983) onomy of Trapa in Flora of Zhejiang (Fang & Dingꎬ
recognized eleven speices in Chinaꎬ while Diao 1993)ꎻ (3) Variation pattern of the Trapa fruits in Tang ̄
(1990a) recognized thirteen speciesꎬ three varieties and sun Lake (Jin & Dingꎬ 1995)ꎻ (4) Chromosome numbers
one formꎬ including one new species. Diao (1990b) de ̄ of 23 population belonging nine species (Huang et al.ꎬ
scribed another new species Trapa dimorphocarpa. Wan 1996)ꎻ (5) Seedling morpholohy of ten Trapa species
(1984 ) proposed a taxonomic revision on Chinese (Ding et al.ꎬ 1999)ꎻ (6) Morphological variation and taxo ̄
Trapaꎬ and thirteen speciesꎬ four varieties and one form nomic significance (Hu et al.ꎬ 2001ꎻWang et al.ꎬ 2006)ꎻ
were recognized. Laterꎬ Wan (1991ꎬ 2000) described (7) Relationship among Trapa species detected by RAPD
two new varieties and a combination: Trapa markers (Jiang & Dingꎬ 2004). The aims of this present
quadrispinosa Roxb. var. yongxiuensis W. H. Wanꎬ taxonomic revision were to: ( 1) Answer the above ̄
T. pseudoincisa var. nanchangensis W. H. Wan and mentioned question “How many species of Trapa in Chi ̄
T. macropoda var. bispinosa (Roxb.) W.H. Wan. Xiong na?”ꎬ based on a comprehensive result with all evidences
(1985 ) treated Trapa quadrispinosaꎬ T. bispinosaꎬ of morphologyꎬ palynologyꎬ chromosome numbers and DNA
T. taiwanensis and T. acornis as the varieties of T. bicor ̄ markersꎻ (2) Clarify the infra ̄specific taxa of T. natans
nisꎬ and T. japonica var. magnicorona Z. T. Xiongꎬ and their identifying charactersꎬ and supply the differentia ̄
T. japonica var. longicollum Z. T. XiongꎬT. pseudoincisa tion pattern of morphological characters for further usage.