Page 28 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 28

10 期         TRAN Thi Phuong Anh 等: 越南苦苣苔科石蝴蝶属植物随记暨国家级分布新记录                               1 4 1 1

   (1911ꎬ p. 329)ꎬ which have not been reported for flora  glabrousꎻ tube 3 - 5 mm longꎻ adaxial lip ca. 3 mm
   of Vietnam. According to Wang (1985)ꎬ five species of  longꎬ indistinctly 2 ̄lobedꎬ two lobes are fused nearly
   Petrocosmea in Vietnam should be divided in two   their 2/ 3 length and each lobe is folded and rolled
   sectionsꎻ sect. Petrocosmea has single speciesꎬ P.  laterally to form a carinateplicate shape of the adaxial
   condorensisꎬ and sect. Anisochilus consists of four  lip that encloses the styleꎻ abaxial lip (8)9-11(12) ×
   speciesꎻ P. duclouxiiꎬ P. minorꎬ P. martinii and P.  (10)11-14(15) mmꎬ 3 ̄lobed to nearly middleꎻ lobe
   sericea.                                          broadly ovate to nearly orbicularꎬ 5.5-6.5 × 7.5-9.5
                                                     mmꎬ apex obtuse to nearly rounded. Stamens 2ꎬ adnate
   2  Results and Analysis                           to the corolla tube at the baseꎻ filaments 2-3 mm longꎬ
                                                     geniculate near the topꎬ glabrousꎻ anthers coherentꎬ
   2.1. Description and information of two new records  adnate face to faceꎬ oblongꎬ poricidal in apexꎬ ca. 2
   of Petrocosmea in Vietnam                         mm longꎻ staminodes 2ꎬ adnate to the corolla tube at
       Petrocosmea martinii (H. Léveillé) H. Léveillé  the baseꎬ glabrous. Pistil (6)7-9(10) mm longꎻ ovary
   in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 329. 1911ꎻ Craib  1.5 - 2 mm longꎬ puberulentꎻ style 6 - 8 mm longꎬ
   in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 11: 275. 1919ꎻ    glabrous. Capsule grey brownꎬ 3.5-5(-7) mm long.
   Lauener & Burtt in l. c. 38(3): 427. 1980: H. W. Li in  Examined specimens: VIETNAMꎬ Hà Giang
   Bull. Bot. Res. 3(2): 20. 1981ꎻ W. T. Wang in Acta  Prov.ꎬ Qu an B a distr.ꎬ BátDai Son N. R.ꎬ Thanh Vân
   Bot. Yunnan. 7(1): 61. 1985 & Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 69:  Comm.ꎬ Tãn vill.ꎬ Thông (Conifer) Mountainꎬ karsticꎬ
   318. 1990ꎻ W. T. Wang et al. in Z. Y. Wu & Ravenꎬ  highly eroded mountains composed of solid marble ̄like
   Fl. China 18: 307. 1998 — Vaniotia martinii H.    limestoneꎬ  primary  evergreen  broad ̄leaved  and
   Léveillé in Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 12(161-162):  coniferous [Pseudotsuga sinensis Dodeꎬ Taxus chinenis
   166. 1903. — P. cavaleriei Léveillé in Repert.    Rehderꎬ Amentotaxus argotaenia ( Hance ) Pilger ]
   Spec. Nov. 9: 329. 1911ꎬ p. p. quoad Cavalerie 837.  humid forest on steep rocky slopes near mountain topsꎬ
                                            Fig. 1   around point 23°07′40″ Nꎬ 104°57′11″ Eꎬ at elevation
       Lithophytic rhizomatous perennial herbsꎻ rhizome  1 000- 1 195 m a. s. l. Lithophytic herb on vertical
   shortꎬ 3 - 5 mm longꎬ densely covered by long brown  mossy shady cliffꎬ flowers bluish purpleꎬ not commonꎬ
   hairs. Leaves all basalꎬ petiolateꎻ petiole (1. 5) 2 - 3  19 April 2018ꎬ L. Averyanovꎬ Nguyen S. K.ꎬ Chuong
   (4.5) cm longꎬ piloseꎻ leaf blade ovate to orbicular ̄  Q. N.ꎬ T. Maisakꎬ VR 494 (LEꎬ HN])ꎻ Quan B a
   ovateꎬ 0.6-2(2.6) × 0.5-1.9(2) cmꎬ adaxially pale  distr.ꎬ Tùng Vài comm.ꎬ Thng vill.ꎬ Limestone primary
   greenꎬ abaxially greenish purple to purple and dark  broad ̄leaved evergreen closed forestꎬ around point
   purple along veinsꎬ both surface densely piloseꎬ base  23°03′47″ Nꎬ 104°50′35″ Eꎬ at elevation 1 300-1 500
   usually cordateꎬ rarely roundedꎬ margin crenulate to  m a.s.l. Herb on vertical mossy shady cliffꎬ flowers bluis
   nearly crenateꎬ denticulate to nearly entireꎬ apex  purpleꎬ rareꎬ 12 April 2014ꎬ Nguyen Q. H.ꎬ Nguyen
   rounded to obtuseꎻ lateral veins 3 - 4 each sideꎬ  S. K.ꎬ Nguyen T. V.ꎬ Tu B. N.ꎬ Nong V. T.ꎬ Chuong
   adaxially slightly flatꎬ inconspicuousꎬ abaxially raisedꎬ  Q. N.ꎬ CPC 4993 [ Center for Plant Conservation
   conspicuous. Cymes 1(or 2) ̄floweredꎻ peduncle (1.5)  (CPC) hebariumꎬ Hanoi]ꎻ Tùng Vài comm.ꎬ Thng
   3-4(5) cm longꎬ piloseꎻ bracts 2ꎬ linearꎬ 1 - 2 mm  Vill.ꎬ primary evergreen broad ̄leaved very humid
   longꎬ sometime absentꎻ pedicel (5)7-15(19) mm long  forestꎬ steep slopes of stream valley composed with
   when two ̄flowered. Calyx actinomorphicꎬ 5 ̄sect from  eroded stratified highly eroded limestoneꎬ around point
   baseꎻ segments equalꎬ narrowly lanceolateꎬ 2.5-3.8 ×  23°03′13″ Nꎬ 104°51′48″ Eꎬ at elevation 1 050-1 150
   0. 8 - 1. 5 mmꎬ outside puberulent to piloseꎬ inside  m a. s. l. Rosulate herb on vertical shady mossy cliffꎬ
   glabrous. Corolla bluish purple to reddish purpleꎬ inside  flowers blueꎬ rareꎬ 21 April 2018ꎬ L. Averyanovꎬ Nguyen
   with two white patches at base of adaxial lip and dark  S. K.ꎬ Nguyen T. H.ꎬ Nguyen Q. H.ꎬ Chuong Q. N.ꎬ
   purple patch at tube baseꎻ outside puberulentꎬ inside  T. Maisak & Le N. D.ꎬ VR 561 (LEꎬ HN)ꎻ around point
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