Page 32 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 32

10 期         TRAN Thi Phuong Anh 等: 越南苦苣苔科石蝴蝶属植物随记暨国家级分布新记录                               1 4 1 5

   Prov.ꎬ Sa Pa Distr.ꎬ Sa Pa Townꎬ 1 km to the E of  population ( origin of C. W. Wang 86160 )ꎬ it was
   Sa Pa Townꎬ behind Ham Rong Resort areaꎬ tops of  common in Malipo population according to the label of
   limestone eroded outcropsꎬ around point 22° 19′ 58″  K. M. Feng 13554 paratype. In Vietnamꎬ around 100
   Nꎬ 103° 51′08″ Eꎬ at elevation of 1 600 - 1 700 m  individuals of a single population of P. sericea in Sa Pa
   a. s. l.ꎬ remnants of primary cloud evergreen broad ̄  town were recorded. This population is protected in good
   leaved forest. Lithophytic herb on shady limestone  condition but usually is disturbed by tourist activities
   cliffꎬ flowers blueꎬ occasionalꎬ 6 October 2016ꎬ  and possibly is harmful by introduction of cultivated
   Averyanov L.ꎬ Nguyen H. T.ꎬ Nguyen K. S.ꎬ Chuong  plants in Hàm Rõng flower garden. Applying the
   Q. N.ꎬ Maisak T. V.ꎬ CPC 8251 (HN).               Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool ( http:/ /
       China. Yunnan Prov.ꎬ Malipo Countyꎬ Tung Tingꎬ editor)ꎬ the EOO and AOO of P. sericea
   limestone hillꎬ in mixed forests on rock moutainꎬ at                                        2
                                                     in both China and Vietnam are less than 5 000 km and
   elevation about 1 500 m a. s. l. Herb on nearly vertical  2
                                                     20 km respectively. Following the Guidelines for using
   mossy shady cliffꎬ 22 November 1947ꎬ K. M. Feng 13554
                                                     the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria version 4.0
   (PE)ꎻ Yunnan Prov.ꎬ Malipo Countyꎬ at elevation about
                                                     and 13 (IUCNꎬ 2010ꎬ 2017)ꎬ the global conservation
   1 000 m a. s. l.ꎬ C. W. Wang 86160 (PE)ꎻ Yunnan
                                                     status of P. sericea is considered as data deficient
   Prov.ꎬ Pingbian Countyꎬ Ji Mi Tiꎬ at elevation about
                                                     ( DD ). Because populations of China are poorly
   1 700 m a. s. l.ꎬ 15 October 1939ꎬ C. W. Wang & Y.Liu
                                                     understood and we believe that some more populations
   82482 (PE)ꎻ Yunnan Prov.ꎬ Ma Ga Qiꎬ at elevation
                                                     in Hoang Lien range (Lai Châu and Lào Cai provinces)
   about 1 600 m a. s. l.ꎬ on rock surfaceꎬ 11 December
                                                     and Hà Giang Province are soon found in the futureꎬ
   1939ꎬ C. W. Wang 83024 (KUN)ꎻ Yunnan Prov.ꎬ No
                                                     especially the high mountains of Sín Mãnꎬ Hoàng Su
   detailed location informationꎬ at elevation about 1 000 m
                                                     Phìꎬ V i Xuyên and Qu a n Ba districts with similar
   a. s. l.ꎬ rock hill on rock creviceꎬ 3 January 1940ꎬ                       
                                                     habitat of Sa Pa Town are geographically closed to
   C. W. Wang 86160 (KUN).
                                                     Malipo population of Yunnanꎬ China.
       Ecology: Petrocosmea sericea grows at wet humus ̄
                                                     2.2 Notes on taxonomy and the key of Petrocosmea
   soil or crevices of shady limestone cliffsꎬ under thickets
                                                     in Vietnam
   and subtropical cloudy evergreen broad ̄leaved forestꎬ at
                                                         Petrocosmea martinii is similar to P. iodioides
   elevation of 1 600-1 700 m a.s.l.
                                                     Hemsl. (1899aꎬ pl. 2599) but differs from the latter by
       Phenology: Flowering in October.
                                                     its 1(or 2) ̄flowered ̄cymes [( vs. (1) 2 - 4 ̄flowered ̄
       Distribution: CHINAꎬ SE Yunnanꎬ Malipo Countyꎬ
                                                     cymes]ꎬ bracts 1 - 2 mm long ( vs. 2 - 4 mm long)ꎬ
   Pingbian Countyꎬ Maguan Countyꎻ VIETNAMꎬ Lào Cai
                                                     calyx segements 2.5-3.8 × 0.8-1.5 mm (vs. 5-7 × 1-
   Provinceꎬ Sa Pa Districtꎬ Sa Pa Town.
                                                     1.2 mm)ꎬ adaxial lip revolute ( vs. flat)ꎬ filaments
       Conservation: As yetꎬ only   four  herbarium
                                                     puberulent (vs. glandular ̄puberulent).
   collections of this species were recorded from China. The
                                                         Petrocosmea sericea is morphologically close to
   holotypeꎬ C. W. Wang 82482 ( PE00030842!)ꎬ from
   Yunnan Provinceꎬ Pingbian Countyꎬ Ji Mi Tiꎬ two   P. minor Hemsl. (1899bꎬ pl. 2600) by leaf shapeꎬ
   paratypes (C. W. Wang 83024 and K. M. Feng 13554  number of flower of a cymes however the former can be
   collected from Magaqiꎬ China and Tung Tingꎬ Malipo  easily distinguished from the later by its leafꎬ petiolesꎬ
   Countyꎬ China respectively)ꎬ and one old collection  pedunclesꎬ pedicelsꎬ outer calyx surface densely short
   C. W. Wang 86160 ( KUN75797!ꎬ PE00155454!) was    appressed puberulent ( vs. shaggy long pubescent )ꎬ
   collected on 1 March 1940 from Malipo Countyꎬ Yunnan  anthers 1 - 1. 5 mm long ( vs. ca. 3 mm long) and
   Prov.ꎬ China. Conservation status of these populations is  pedicels 8-12 mm long (vs. 14-25 mm long).
   poorly understood except the general information of   Here we present the further promoted identification
   frequency occurrenceꎻ while it was rare in Pingbian  key to all known species of Petrocosmea occurring in
   population where holotype was collected and Malipo  Vietnam.
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